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Nuclear Kommando

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  1. Very solid full looking map, cant wait to try it out
  2. Epic map, played it once, cant wait to try out the new features and updates. Awesome work dude.
  3. I was on with @bbglas007 the other day and were looking to play some "McPwny: Einstien's Daydream" And what do you know, the map "uploads" / "Upload Complete Successfully" but on the receiving end it fails. So we started doing some testing: First we took turns hosting - Not the problem Then I started testing different variants with the map name, as I had a feeling that I might find something and what do you know. The problem was with the colon ( " : " ) in the name "McPwny: Einstien's Daydream" Removing that from inside the map under [Basic] Name= Fixed the problem, however this is still a problem for those who don't know about this fix, if they are trying to play any legendary old maps that happen to have the colon in the name. And yes we tested picking a random map and adding a colon and that replicated the issue mentioned above. Finally we played this map a year ago, and it was working fine since release up until at least a year ago when we tried to play it. Could be something to do with one of the database updates Since windows doesn't accept colons in file names, data base might be trying to pull the name into the file name and causing it to fail Perhaps it can be updated to generate the file names with the colons removed. @burg93@Devo1929@Grant @McPwny
  4. Hey man that's some pretty cool stuff, thanks for sharing, sad to see how dead this forum can be sometimes.
  5. The discord? No one has been banned or kicked yet, I double checked the logs it looks clear. Whats your discord ID? Also, something weird happened on this post, I didn't see neither of you or r2's post until now. O_O r2 op lol
  6. NFM is something I have been working on for the past 10 Months. It runs on Vanilla RA2/YR so anyone can play it. The goal is to add a new faction to the game without affecting existing factions and units. If you would like to play with your strengths as Allied, Soviet or Yuri, you can, like wise with a "New Faction" Either Way You Are Covered Cuba Here is the chosen "New Faction" reason is game engine limitations, and its one of the least used factions. Most of unit abilities have been design to be unique never seen before. Again do to engine limitations and to make it work with vanilla, sidebar purchase images have been recycled Discord Has FAQ, Unit Guide / Descriptions / Map Updates / Organized Games NFM 092 [4] Heck Freezes Over LE.map NFM 092 [6] Jungle Of Vietnam.map NFM 092 [8] Cliffside Slide.map NFM 092 [8] Heck Freezes Over Extended.map NFM 092 [8] Mayflower.map NFM 092 Floating Fortress (3.0) Alpha.map NFM 092 Offense Defense Alpha.map
  7. Poggers, nice work, I will have to dust off my DS and try this one out : )
  8. I think he means SFJ, a drop in map mod code that works with vanilla ra2. Having Ares run as default without new assets, is still beneficial as we can do more with what already exists, add new mechanics, new weapons, etc. It would be a whole new age of fun mod maps for CNCNet. Plus we can use it to fix existing vanilla bugs. Personally I have been working on a drop in map code of my own, that tries to make use of all the left over / unused assets in the game to create a fresh new faction, that looks different, and has new and unique looking weapons. Working on this mod had me working around a ton of game limitations, dont get me wrong its fun working within the limitations but it would have been really nice to have Ares code at my finger tips to make some of my unit ideas a reality. As for all the existing amazing Ares mods that had a ton of work put into them, its unfortuantly too much for unexperienced players to set those up to try them out.
  9. My idea was to either have Ares run as a base game or have monthly addon assets from CnCNet in the form of updates, just a couple of usable Cameos, Sounds, Art, Voxels (plus a usable tag in the map files that lets us use any cameo on any unit ID without cloning). And yes of course checked and free from copyright. Just to freshen up existing mod maps, and future pool of map creations. Or have both ares and monthly or quarterly assets pushed out in the form of clients updates. The idea of a separate mods tab to apply to existing maps can have the mod code + a section inside said mod code that has a list of approved maps that will auto filter accordingly. Another idea is have the CnCNet map DB accessable via ingame client to download maps with out having to download it from someone or manually installing and restarting. It would also have been nice if we can hide our work in progrsss code from being displayed in the DB before its ready. Just some dreams of mine : |
  10. Keep dreaming, its never going to happen lol
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