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Red Alert complaint about The patch too red alert 1 that removed a lot
[Spro]Sin replied to [Spro]Sin's topic in CnCNet Discussion
Still upset over this problem People are so dead set on squeezing bugs that when cool things like alternative too the q or gq or sgq anything find is patched out of the game so it no longer works gq its self was not planed and only exist because of game bug if am not mistaken but people keep it So too draw the line after gq and sgq then say any new findings using either don't exist is a bug in the game too patch or they are just cheaters is wrong As i have said before if done with manual method q gq sgq even alt q & gq and possibility some other versions of tanking most likely did exist As too how powerful they are is unknown too me when using manual method is maybe alt q & gq was overpowered if so that's it's own debate without using cheats maybe it was weak idk But the point am making is using keybinding using the button editor was cheating but not everyone used keybinding and changed ever key in the key editor in ra1 in order too use nick named steroid tanking that is just some using the q gq & alt I wanted the game red alert 1 too have many style of tanking and button combos but as the game as gone the other way around i just can't enjoy the new versions of this game after the patch tanks are too limited in tanking styles for me and it makes tanks less versatile & fun why make the tanks so simple and boring Basically i don't like games getting updates that change or remove stuff for the worse updates are always bad i like too learn and master stuff and know it will be the same forever or at least in ra1 that's what i want -
Custom res very high or very low can be unstable or make crash as far as i know there is no know fix on a 4k monitor it might be possible too sit a custom res too make everything fit the right size with custom res Everything should be possible and should scale it just might take a few trys too find what is right for you
In the game red alert 1 there is 2 main skills you need too master skill 1 master tanking and scouting First one is tanking it takes a lot of practice and super fast reflexes but too get good at the game red alert 1 you need too learn this with soldiers you need too learn too scout the full map in as short of a time as possible and prevent any soldiers getting into your base use line wall of soldiers you need too learn how too use q and q move your tanks and tanks are for both attack and defense you need too learn how too defended with your tanks and q block and tank rush with tanks and attack base and use q and keep tanks moving fast and take out key targets kill all there power and ore ref or kill the mcv at the highest level of play players q move and tank fight using q and the player with the better q almost always wins watch the gold medal challenge too see what truly good tanking looks like skill 2 base building and Tesla walking base building often done later in game second half at some point you need too start making extra mcvs and then just build teslas and the building path gos into the ore refs of the other sides ore and v2 are used in order too defend your base from tesla and keep your own ore safe allies are better at tanking soviets are better at base building both soviets and allies can do both and you want too learn too do both roles as both allies and soviets
It is sad in a game where you can pick any user name you want at log in screen yet the community won't let other people choose the name they want to have People should have the freedom to have what ever name they want also be free play what maps they like etc Am sorry but no i will not be bossed about like this As a community we need to let people be free to have fun not force a label on people
all i ask is please respect i want people to call me sin from now on that is all
This post is made because people keep asking 24/7 and this answer the questions for everyone first of all no lee-13 name will never come back sorry i hate the name lee-13 & my wish is for people use my new name {Spro}sin I explain why first of all the name lee-13 is a mistake something that take years to undo its ok if people i used to be know as lee-13 am not trying hide who i am but am also not trying to be famous ether for new players who join the lobby they come to know me as sin why the name change why i hate lee-13 but like (Spro)Sin reason 1 there is a lot i dislike about the old name it also reminds me of my old self which i also dislike under the name lee-13 i said a lot stupid things and behaved kinda crazy had big ego or just trolled telling lies reason 2 the name lee-13 has a name meaning that i dislike and disagree with i don't like to be seen as a bruce lee type am not a fan of bruce lee also practice does not make perfect this point should really be a full blog of its own name lee gets mistake for being asian by race but am white & British and want people to know that number 13 gets mistake for age by new players and change the way they relate to me reason 3 i often mod my name to reflect changes in my gameplay each and ever name of mine had its meanings let me explain the name lee-13 is the most shallow of all my names was my fake persona name with fake personality under that name i was fake it till you make it i was a bit of a try hard player with big ego and i didn't show my true colors name leftie/lefty i do in fact still like this name i have some mixed feeling over the use of this name do i really need point out am the only pro left handed player ? i always been left handed person do everthing left handed but gaming when i get this name i started suiting out my main bottle neck i just can't play well right handed as a lefty so i changed to using my mouse in left hand keyboard in right hand at first i had to relearn everthing from the start on top of that the game had bugs unique disadvantage others didn't know of there a leftle bug with right handed mouse changed to left handed with windows settings in ra1 making it very hard to right click it added a extra step just to right click it was a struggle but i rebuilt all my skills up but had a new bottle neck that holds me back that extra step in order to right click that right handed players didn't have so i had to buy a real left handed mouse when i got left handed mouse left and right click are reversed no more windows ra1 bug problems but now i was the problem i learned a bad habit of tricking the mouse to right click with extra step with skillful timing i had to relearn to play again and break the bad habit the way the buttons work seen to be mostly normal but i learned new trick and mastered it i learned a manual way to be able to use both q & gq same time a secret unique advantage reason 4 i hated the name lee-13 wanted rid of it just needed a reason and a right time a new name change be best suited fix then it happened all the 13clan left me i had planed should the 13clan fall 13 be no more the game got a update patch that i hate near same time as this the update patch removed the way that used to work with tricking tanks into gq and q same time no longer works the very lee13 way of tanking gone forever and the lee13 clan gone too forever what made lee13 so powerful is gone so lee13 and the 13clan no longer exist too if i can't play like lee13 i can't be lee13 but i also don't want too anymore also my love for the game left and now i can see the game for all the flaws and problems clearly and am no longer blind to what is wrong with the game i feel like its more a job i hate to do but have too basically i hate air and learned why no matter how good you are air just such a pain in the back side and none fun part of the game also i don't like not being the best coming to terms with this is hard this way of seeing the game is a very unlike lee13 way of seeing things i learned i have limits that i can't hide and dislike of the game ra1 kinda off topic but i can only get so good no matter how hard i try also lefty struggles with gaming being born a lefty am ill suited for pro gaming lefty gamers have permanent disadvantage in gaming unfavorable condition being born a lefty into a right handed would are brains are not even wired the way they should be we use the wrong side of are brain reason 5 i had a smurf user name sin far less famous more normal and it not as new as a name people think i used this name under cover as me i wanted a fresh start with tanking focus to be a pro tanker with hotkeys and shift so i forced myself to use shift that is slower for me and makes my tanks even weaker and weakens my focus also i use more complex hotkeys many teams even if its at the cost of my gameplay skills this time i build from a good foundation with good principles play by the book learn the right way unlike lee-13 who was a base builder who only use basic hotkeys and radar and likes crazy game settings or his own lee-13 use crazy ideas and find ways out smart or out wet or out last others but the gameplay cut corners i grow a likely for the sin name but didn't want lee-13 gameplay to suffer from my practice reason 6 i just like the name (Spro)sin too much and its meaning is very much me super pro sin am the sin of envy no really i am i know this might be weird i say this but its my true colors and how i feel i envy others everone and deep down wish noone was able get good at anything because it means they can be better then me also i envy a lot when someone has something i don't have its a really strong feeling too sadly people are too good and it sucks am not at least 2x better then the best player rather unhappy about this and don't know any game where i am by far the best and others can't master or learn to play well
I think you will need to factory reset your computer and then download the game from the website clean download and install if you need any of your old maps make a new folder name it copy the old maps into the new folder then add it to your new install can always make usb stick back ups for old map saves
Yes true some maps are bad for this problem also happens with certain players who build air ever game and air attack regardless of the outcome Being a Unlimited ore maps specialist who mainly plays maps like open gold rush & p4 the air problem is even worse then normal It's really sad red alert 1 is so much of a broken game air really is bad and a huge problem being as over powered as it is red alert 1 is a really good game if it was not spoiled by the air problem but given the state the game is in now the game is so broken and unplayable
That's a very silly statement am one of the best players at anti air normally it's my ally's that resign Your missing the point of this post mad tank is also over powered yes you can just learn to fight off mad tank but that don't change how much it change the game for the worse The problem with air is its a stupid mechanic and it forces the gameplay to get stuck into a endless loop of air attack and anti air rebuilding base for hours What am saying is there is no place in red alert 1 for air to play a big role in battles The problem is one trick pony's without any real skill love op units that they can spam red alert 1 is rather broken game because this problem the game no fun if air exists and plays a role in the game
Ive been Wanting too know if a q fight happen on p4 and the players just build one type of tank what tank win ? light medium or heavy ?
Good question it takes a good of skill soviet Tesla walkers are hard too beat as allies however tesla are good for attack but tesla are weak and not good for defense and on top use a lot of power 2 tanks with q are as strong as 1 tesla Things you can do vs Soviet a base builder allies are better in tanking so u want too tank You need good scouting too a good infinity attack can be u can try use it in combo with tanks just about come after tank rush a base builder one quick knock out attack if attack with 5 light tanks one way another is make mid tanks send waves of attacks have too do more damage then they can repair using a apc might work one time or so keeping heavy pressure attacking with tanks is needed if this all falls then game lasts longer later in game its gets a lot harder u are too late unless the map has sea then just build ships level there base it be very hard too win now well lets not give up you can still try using tanks or artillery you need time your attacks right kill as many v2 as u can then rush in with turret and pillbox building you need too attack weak spots of base also use chrono too get behind there base then attack the longer the game gos on the harder it is too win
Am a all out max out all my war factorys build tanks q them specialist that plays classic and unlimited ore
Q is used for way point yes get tanks move from one point too another yes it has a combat use too holding down q and clicking on other players tank then the on ground holding q down keep tank moving makes your tanks take damage slower and fire when moving when using q u need it q pressed when using q i think u can just press q i dont think q needs be hold down and it should work too
Thanks ford great detail and helpful
What year is this from i think list is before i played red alert 1 online