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Extreme Terrain Expansion, more factions & more


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Hi guys, so i want to get everyone's attention on what i've been collecting for a possible new update.

First of all, CnCnet's TS  has come to attention to the makers of TS Extreme Terrain eXpansion (XTX) , and would love to give all of the assets to cncnet.

https://ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=47457 (see link)


(click to enlarge)

I don't have this whole complete set,

But this is what i have right now:


All terrain and vehicles are part of XTX, all the trees and most civilian buildings are collections from ppmforums, free for the public.  

Some work still need to be done, before i wanna give this to xme or funky to upload it. So far all of this, compressed is 1.86 MB. 


Second, I'd love to upload some more shp's and voxels, already pretty well balanced out by mod makers, including the following factions:


SCRIN   (from the mod "True Power")


The Forgotten (from the mod TS Reform)506966658_reformforgotten.thumb.gif.f874856e067857cdd2a261962703b94a.gif


And I want to make a real good Cabal Faction, collecting the best stuff from the following 3 mods: 

(true power, tiberium future a dying world, and Crystallized doom):



Obviously keeping all the Blue cameo's, and only keeping the best ones.

Since these are gonna be a bit more in size, we'll have to really sort them out.

Don't worry if you don't like any of this, it is all gonna be optional and insertable in maps only!! 


Anyway thats it for it, just wanted to show you guys, and wanna hear your respond.

Edited by Holland
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's certainly a good idea. Only I'm not sure if all the graphics will fit in the game, like the ones from RA2 and Starcraft. Could you attach the version of XTX that you have? I can only find version 0.9b and it looks like you have a later version.

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  On 12/10/2019 at 8:32 PM, RaVaGe said:

You can't distribute copyrighted artwork that's property of Blizzard Entertainment.
Namely the Star Craft Zerg structures that you've displayed in the "True Power" mod screenshot.



Ah, i did some research after reading your message. Indeed, it does has some of its art, thanks for letting me know! I really thought it was just fan art, didnt second guess it at all. Ok so we can scratch that, too bad tho. I looked forward to it.

Hopefully we can still get the forgotten made by SuperJoe. We can already make a nice Cabal faction, if anyone is interested in helping me gather some nice units and/or make some cameo's for a nice faction. lemme know :D

Also i'm not sure if the imperfections in XTX are ever gonna be fixed. They have minor little weird errors as u can see in the pic, especially the big concrete cliffs, we might just put it out there whenever (or if, ever) its ready to upload.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Merry christmas yall! I gave the terrain expansion to the admin, all ready to upload! The pack turned out to be only 3mb! Hopefully they will upload it soon


So much more civilian  stuff! Look at all those city buildings, city vehicles, streetlights, houses, warehouses. And here a pic of all new civilians:


Some of the stuff ingame:mini_preview_new_update.thumb.gif.a98ef8ea28a2605bd26cd7149090e7db.gif

The shiny sparky tib tree is made by MerceaOfRivia, donated to us. He is very generous!

Humble had an idea for a tiberium spike as building to be a capturable TS's oil derricks, and Mercea just made this by coincidence, so we added it. It might be cool with an active Dollar sign on top


A lot of cool stuff can now be made, thanks everyone for your generosity, Aro,LKO,team black,Mercea, and all others !

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Cool. I was taking a look at expand12.mix and I have the following remarks:

  • Ecache20.mix and ecache22.mix are identical.
  • There are assets in your screenshots that are missing from the mix files. The windmills for instance. (nevermind, I didn't take a close enough look)
  • There are new snow theatre tilesets but there is no updated snow.ini.
  • 2prfixb29a.tem is erroneous and needs to be deleted.
  • Tiberian ground (tibgrnd*.tem) and Tiberian ground edge (tibedge*.tem) tilesets are defined but their files are missing.


Edited by Askeladd
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wow thats a lot overlooked thanks for listing that out! 

Ok so 1 of those ecaches can be deleted,

The assets just need the rules, place in tibsun folder to make final sun read it (but dont play with it)

rules.iniFetching info...

I have to find the snow.ini, i can't believe i didnt check the snow theatre lol.

ok wow thanks for checking, i'll delete those bad files

yeah i was hoping i could still find those but i guess i delete those too..


thanks mate


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Better yet, here i made a Standalone Final sun for Cncnet that includes all the mods,

version for now, for my fellow map makers :)




plz check if it works.  It needs some work still tho,

Edited by Holland
updated link, refer to the game.exe when opening final sun
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I found a few more issues with the tilesets:

  • Temperat.ini is missing marble madness entries for some tilesets.
  • Blue mold cliff tilesets don't have marble madness tiles at all.
  • All the files in ecache24.mix are marble madness tiles which are only used by FinalSun and thus are better off added to marble.mix instead.

The attached files solve the above issues. I added all MM tiles to marble.mix and created an MM set for the blue mold cliffs (mbclif*.tem files), and I added those sets to temperat.ini.

xtx.7zFetching info...

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Very nice, thanks askeladd, i really appreciate all the help! 

Just a reminder to myself: I wanna change back some civilian vehicles. accidently used the same code. found so far:  Car, TruckA & B, Trains

anyone else noticed something else?


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  • 2 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/27/2020 at 9:31 AM, Mikola said:

Could I transform XTX's stuff to YR Mod?


You can easily transform the buildings into YR objects, but the terrain templates in YR have a larger cell size, so it is impossilbe I think.

Is this stuff anywhere to download yet? I only have the ecache55.mix, which only contains .tem files, but lacks any .shps. Especially the train station roof is hard to find.

The link in the first post is dead.

Edited by Messiah
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  On 4/13/2020 at 10:46 AM, Messiah said:


Is this stuff anywhere to download yet? I only have the ecache55.mix, which only contains .tem files, but lacks any .shps. Especially the train station roof is hard to find.

The link in the first post is dead.


Get Standalone download 123MB

all files included

easy setup.

Edited by bk57
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