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Iron Prison [Final] Revival v9.3 [Minigame Map]


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Iron prison is back! and is even better!

I'm very excited to share this :D


Here is the original if you wanna try to beat it solo, here is a video of it. "remember when i said this map was worthless?.... yeah.... lol that was like years ago and no one liked it" but now it's different!

--------> Iron prison old version <--------


But aside all that! I've been fixing this map to make it more fun! and it turned out to be better than i expected.

I give you "Iron Prison [Final] Revival version!" And yes, from it's name you get REVIVED! Only problem is that the map requires all 8 slots to be full of players or AI, i prefer players because the map is hard to beat with only 4 or 5.

Just to be clear guys. I spent hours trying to figure out a way to make the map able to accept less than 8 players while having the revive system but i couldn't, there is probably a way but it just too way too long and i gave up. I'll try to fix it later.

Feel free to ignore all the stuff that is in the map if you are in the editor xP those were just attempts to make map accept less than 8 players.


What is different in this:

Same as the old version but harder and more challenging, also added a revival system where u get revived every 2 minutes when you die.

Iron curtain hp is doubled.


Destroy the iron prison. If all conscripts die you will lose the game! At least 1 conscript needs to be alive in the prison.


Forced settings are:

- Unit count is not allowed!

- Crates are disabled!


That's pretty much it!

I hope you enjoy this map! it could have some issues and imbalances, but i will fix those soon.

Any feedback would be nice ":D


High Preview for the map is included!










IronPrisonRevival.mapFetching info...

Edited by nonName
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Map edited again to v8.3


- Crazy Ivan HP decreased from 150 to 100.

- Iron Curtain HP increased from 10000 to 12000.

- Added player detection to prevent players from being on start 8 instead of the AI.

- Second sniper spawning outside the prison is fixed.

- Edited the briefing to explain the rules for the map.

- Players will not respawn if they in-game observe or leave the game.


I hope no issues comes in this version. If there is tell me.

Edited by nonName
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