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Josef Reichelt's Vector Logos

Marshal Koshevoy

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Long-time lurker, first-time poster.

Several years ago, one Josef Reichelt made vector logos of all the C&C factions, including Red Alert and base-game Generals. Tragically, outside of a citation by No Strings Prd to the now-defunct ArtStation page and one upload to the C&C Wikia, the only surviving references are jpegged previews in two Reddit posts, the original Google Drive repository having since been deleted.

I'm reaching out to anyone who has copies of the files, in the hope of reconstructing the archive. SVG logos are a rare blessing, and I'd hate to learn such quality renders could be permanently lost.


UPDATE 1-3-23: Source files found and attached in Post 8.

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Hmm. I don't have those. Maybe Stefan knows more, or still has them... you could ask him on Discord. He has his own server, and a link to that is available on his youtube channel:


As a side note, I did notice that the tiny logo in the corner of the C&C Remastered website is an svg...


And you can literally just right click and save that :)

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  On 8/5/2022 at 11:06 AM, Nyerguds said:

Maybe Stefan knows more, or still has them... you could ask him on Discord.


Unfortunately I no longer use Discord; I don't own a mobile phone and piggybacked off a friend when they started forcing 2FA, then last January they tightened the noose to one account per number and I've been soft-locked out ever since.

If someone who does can inquire on my behalf, I'd be eternally indebted. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more leads. ?

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  • 7 months later...
  On 8/5/2022 at 11:06 AM, Nyerguds said:

Maybe Stefan knows more, or still has them... you could ask him on Discord


Marshal & I know each other over in the CivFanatics Civilization 2 community where I moderate so he just asked me over there about this thread. I've got no idea about this topic but maybe I can still help by relaying a message if someone can point me in the right direction. Is that the CnCNet Discord you mean Nyerguds? If so I'm on there and can ask on his behalf however I don't see a Stefan in the member list. Is that the same Stefan who's big in the Dune community due to his Dune 2 the Maker project? If so I follow him on Twitter but I don't normally see him posting about C&C stuff so maybe I won't pester him until I know for sure if its the same guy lol.

Edited by Blake00
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  On 3/31/2023 at 5:24 AM, Blake00 said:

Is that the CnCNet Discord you mean Nyerguds?


Um. I literally said "He has his own server, and a link to that is available on his youtube channel:" Just click the youtube link, scroll down, click the Discord link.

That's not Stefan Hendriks, no. Hendriks is Dutch; No Strings is British.

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