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More Red Alert Trigger troubles...


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this time I am trying to make it so that if you fail to do blah blah blah in a certain time, there is a massive nuclear explosion and then everything on the map dies.

I can get the boom but no deaths to everything  :S

anyone got any ideas/help?

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There is no realy way to do a mass kill in RA1. You can attach kill triggers to all of the buildings and units but any building or units you build won't have a kill trigger.


The best idea I have it to set the nuke timer like you have than say the nuke trigger is set at 250 set the new tigger (los2) at 253 and once the 253 has past the player loses the game. Hopefully in game it looks like the nuke has gone off right before the player gets Mission Failed.

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I tried setting a 'destroy attached building' trigger to every tile

but I don't think it fired...


A different idea would be to massively increase the nukes effective range?

then place a couple demotrucks or something?

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what if I had multiple destroy attached building triggers?


EDIT: I solved it. I attached 'destroy attached building' triggers to every unit and teamtype on the map. Luckily it was an interior mission so no new units are made anyway

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You want to increase the radius explosion? :O Arda can do that. Let me post it here


Rules Settings

[General]?NukeImpactSound= (sound ID)

The sound played when a nuclear warhead explodes. Defaults to KABOOM22.


[General]?NukeRangeSingle= (integer)

The range of nuclear warheads in single player missions in each direction of the impact site. The area of destruction is always a square. Defaults to 4.


[General]?NukeRangeMulti= (integer)

The range of nuclear warheads in multiplayer mathces in each direction of the impact site. The area of destruction is always a square. Defaults to 3.


[General]?NukeDamageMulti= (integer)

The damage delivered by a nuclear warheads in multiplayer matches. If this value is negative, a fifth of [General]?AtomDamage= is used. Defaults to -1.


[General]?NormalUnitBuild= (integer)

If the Slow Unit Build option is disabled, build time for units and vessels is multiplied by this value in percent. Do not append a percent sign. Defaults to 100 (100%).


[General]?SlowUnitBuild= (integer)

If the Slow Unit Build option is enabled, build time for units and vessels is multiplied by this value in percent. Do not append a percent sign. Defaults to 250 (250%).


[General]?SkirmishCTFEnabled= (boolean)

Defines whether the Capture The Flag option is available in skirmish mode. Defaults to yes.


[General]?SlowUnitBuildEnabled= (boolean)

Defines whether the Slow Unit Build option is available in skirmish and network modes. Defaults to yes.

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I also want to make it so I can post it here when I'm ready and that everyone can play it.

If I use ARDA then I might get like 4 people to play so best not.

still I found a solution so that's not really important anyway.

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