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TD Song Covers


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Anybody who's ever held a guitar can easily play Frank Klepacki's riffs, they're quite simple really. Of course, the broblem remains that you'd still need the instruments (maybe sans drums, they're programmed anyway) and some recording equipment.

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  On 10/28/2014 at 2:03 PM, cn2mc said:

(maybe sans drums, they're programmed anyway)

Wouldn't be so sure about that. Frank Klepacki is a professional drummer, too. He probably did use electronic drums for some stuff, but I know he recorded a lot of them too.


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He might have very well played them for most songs, I meant particularly the Trouble track - those sound like either a looped drum sample or a completely synth drum track. It's a heck of a beat to keep up for a couple of minutes without missing so much as a millisecond.

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Well, the only real way to tell whether the drums are played from start to finish, as opposed to looped, is to load up the song in some sound editing software, isolate and magnify (slow down) the drum track and look at the precise intervals between the hi-hat hits. If the intervals are all completely equal, then the drums are looped or programmed. If there are slight deviations, even to the tune of a millisecond, then he played them for real. I'm not debating his drumming skills, Klepacki's obviously a great musician, but even the best drummers miss their beats, albeit by tiny, unnoticable to the naked ear amounts of time.

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  On 10/29/2014 at 7:48 AM, cn2mc said:

He might have very well played them for most songs, I meant particularly the Trouble track - those sound like either a looped drum sample or a completely synth drum track. It's a heck of a beat to keep up for a couple of minutes without missing so much as a millisecond.

Even the looped ones are probably samples he recorded himself, though. I've seen many Youtube musicians these days who just record the repeating theme once and then make that auto-repeat ;)

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