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Good & Bad Glitches?


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What are some of the good and bad glitches in the Command & Conquer series that you know of and how did you exploit them?


I know of a few...


- Tiberian Dawn had what you would call the "Sandbag Trick" where sandbags were considered structures, but also neutral where enemy AI won't touch it. Structures could only be built next to each other. With sandbags, you can build sandbag walls around your base. If the wall is far enough out, enemy AI won't bother coming in unless there's an opening somewhere. You could use this to allow yourself time to expand your base and funds. You could also use this to build a wall all the way to the enemy base and wall them in to where they cannot expand any further.


- Red Alert had a glitch where you could have grenades tossed across the entire map. All you had to do was have grenade soldiers force fire on something. Then while watching their pull-pin-swing-arm-throw animation, select the actual target as soon as the animation is in the swing-arm part.


- Tiberian Sun had the same grenade glitch, but with grenade disc throwers.


- Tiberian Sun had a glitch where the Banshees could fire across the map as well. They fire something like 4 or 5 shots. If you have them force fire something, wait until the first shot comes out then select the actual target. The remaining shots will go across the map.


Any others that you know of?

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I'd say the sandbags and other walls are best for selling stuff when you really need the cash to build that new ref or harv. There's also the stealth tank AGT block (not sure if it works on obelisks), but that is only useful on very rare occasions. And, of course, the good old South advantage that's built-in in TD and RA, every good players tries to either get it or deny it to his opponent.

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  On 1/16/2015 at 3:29 PM, Jacko said:

The formation speed glitch people use in RA, to make units like mcvs move crazy fast

How did that one work?


I'm guessing you assign a MCV and a unit that's the fastest in the game to a team (CTRL+1, etc). Then you press F to establish formation. Then you order that team to a different location. Therefore, the MCV moves as fast as that fastest unit.


Am I correct?

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  On 1/16/2015 at 4:07 PM, cn2mc said:

I'd say the sandbags and other walls are best for selling stuff when you really need the cash to build that new ref or harv. There's also the stealth tank AGT block (not sure if it works on obelisks), but that is only useful on very rare occasions. And, of course, the good old South advantage that's built-in in TD and RA, every good players tries to either get it or deny it to his opponent.

Speaking of selling stuff, there was another glitch... selling units in Tiberian Dawn. All you had to do was have a unit stand (or park) next to a wall. Select the SELL icon then gently move the SELL cursor over the wall towards the unit. If done right, you can sell the unit instead of the wall.


Anyways, the stealth tank AGT block? Obelisks? What's that?


What's the "south advantage"?

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  On 1/16/2015 at 7:26 PM, Hecthor Doomhammer said:

Red Alert 2 had the self spy glitch, where in you damage your own Lab, Barracks and WF a bit, then through Waypoints, you enter with both an Engineer and a Spy at the same time, to give you Stolen Tech and veteran tanks and infantry without risking your own stuff at the enemy


oh yeah I forgot about that one.

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  On 1/16/2015 at 7:26 PM, Hecthor Doomhammer said:

Red Alert 2 had the self spy glitch, where in you damage your own Lab, Barracks and WF a bit, then through Waypoints, you enter with both an Engineer and a Spy at the same time, to give you Stolen Tech and veteran tanks and infantry without risking your own stuff at the enemy

What do you mean by "stolen tech" and "veteran tanks/infantry"?


I'm guessing you mean that all non-veteran units on the map are automatically promoted to veteran status?


As for stolen tech, you now have capability of creating new units that are "stolen tech category"?

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  On 1/16/2015 at 5:06 PM, VamPyroX said:

Speaking of selling stuff, there was another glitch... selling units in Tiberian Dawn. All you had to do was have a unit stand (or park) next to a wall. Select the SELL icon then gently move the SELL cursor over the wall towards the unit. If done right, you can sell the unit instead of the wall.


That's what I meant by walls being useful for selling stuff.



Anyways, the stealth tank AGT block? Obelisks? What's that?


What's the "south advantage"?


South advantage (or North disadvantage) is the range advantage all units and towers get when they fire at something above (North of) them. It happens because of the way the game draws the graphics in perspectve and the result is that in certain situations you can have two identical units facing each other, but only one of them (the one on the South) will be able to fire at the other. South advantage is most prominent with towers such as the AGT and obelisk, because they are two cells tall, but it is present in all units. You've certainly noticed that a group of five minigunners can stand one cell away from a building and fire, if they're South of it or to the side, but if they're North, only the bottom two minigunners in the cell can fire, and the others will have to move to the cell next to the building.


The stealth AGT block is as follows: you approach the AGT with a stealth tank from the North and stick it directly under (above it). The tower will briefly detect the tank as it enters the cell, perhaps it'll even fire off a salvo, but as the tank stops in its blindspot the tower will stop firing and the tank will stay cloaked. If there are no other units and towers nearby, you can attack the tower with the tank and it will not return fire. Also, sometimes the blocked tower will not fire at other, visible units you move near it after you've blocked it.

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Alright, here is a list of Glitches that I know:


Tiberian Dawn:

- Infantry sell glitch: as somebody already mentioned. Note that this glitch can be exploited to complete Nod Mission 8 wihout selling the Nod construction yard. (note that this was fixed in N64)

- Fast Harvesting glitch: Press X (or S, I don't remember) when the harvester is about to harvest tiberium.

- Infantry-through-wall Glitch: You can clip through a wall corner using infantry in a precise frame.

- Stealth Tank detection glitch: There is something with Helicopters and buildings

- South advantage glitch: as somebody already mentioned.

- Burned-Tree glitch: not sure if it is a glitch, but burning a tree will make it undestroyable.

- Fast artillery shoot glitch: Pressing X right after the artillery fires will make it shoot again :P

- No-limit Silos: Build something and cancel it after it is ready to be placed down. This will turn your tib. cash into normal cash.


Pre-1.22 DOS C&C Glitches:

- Build anywhere glitch: There was something with Radar that was fixed.

- Infinite minigunners: Pressing S to stop a sell would still leave the minigunners in map.


Nintendo 64 Glitches:

- Unlandable Helicopter glitch: there is a special frame that if you order the helicopter to land, it will keep floating in air. Infinitly.


That is what I remember by memory.

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Is everyone forgetting the AGT/Obelisk/Tesla extra-armour trick? Placing a wall under the structure's upper cell will make it take nearly no damage until that wall is destroyed :P


But yeah, I made a text file with these for C&C1 once. I think it's still somewhere on my website.


Notes on Pichorra's list:


- Fast Harvesting glitch: pressing "S" will instantly harvest any tiberium currently under the harvester. This seems useful, but in reality, especially in multiplayer, the constant management required to make this actually an advantage will inevitably make you neglect more important stuff. I don't really like advertizing cheats that work in MP, though, no matter how useless they seem :redalert:

-Stealth detection: stealth in C&C works by forcing the cursor to show a "move" cursor... but aircraft can't land on some types of (passable) terrain. So if, on that terrain, you get a "move" cursor with an air unit... it's the stealth system doing it ;)

- Infantry-through-wall Glitch:This is actually a result of them rounding corners. It's not even restricted to walls; 1-cell wide terrain barriers can be crossed this way too.

-Infinite minigunners only worked on defense structures, though, since other buildings don't accept user commands. It kinda still works on the Temple, if you start selling it and then immediately launch the missile (which, by giving the Temple a "launch" command, will cancel the sell command  :P)


  On 1/16/2015 at 8:28 PM, VamPyroX said:

What do you mean by "stolen tech" and "veteran tanks/infantry"?

Umm... you clearly never played RA2? Spies can indeed steal tech by infiltrating tech centers, giving you access to unique mixed-tech units. Infiltrating an enemy barracks/war factory will make any new infantry/vehicles (respectively) you produce from that point on have one veterancy rank, if I remember correctly.


If you're not playing Allies, though, some of these are really hard to ever get, since you'd need to capture an Allied barracks to make the spies in the first place  :laugh:

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Well, since we're talking about good AND bad glitches, the Red Alert 1 "infantry getting stuck on walls" glitch is worth mentioning too:


Due to a combination of Westwood's fix to prevent the aforementioned wall-corner-crossing, and the fact that the infantry from a sold tesla coil spawns on the free upper cell of the building, placing a wall on the open top cell of the Tesla Coil, and then selling the structure, will get 5 infantry stuck on that wall, whereas in C&C1 they'd just scatter and walk off. In a silly twist, the fact the infantry completely 'covers" the wall, and the fact the "selling units using walls" trick from C&C1 was fixed, will completely prevent you from selling the wall to free them. The only way to free them is shooting at the wall with a tank until the wall is destroyed :P

I'm not sure what happens if the stuff on that upper cell is impassable terrain instead, btw. It's possible they get stuck on that too.



Oh, on the subject of RA1, there's also the "Jesus trick": infantry can walk on water by making them enter a transport but moving the transport away just as the infantry starts walking into it. Repeating this trick can put them anywhere further on the water. Interestingly, when you try this with tanks, you just get a giant 'sploosh' and the unit is gone, so they clearly considered this problem... which makes it all the stranger that it does work for infantry.

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I think trapping infantry on non-passable tiles works in a similar way, but all other cells needed to be occupied by a similar non-passable entity (including trapped infantry)


I knew of the jesus trick but I could never time it correctly and the dude would just sit on the beach.

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  On 1/17/2015 at 3:05 PM, cn2mc said:
South advantage (or North disadvantage) is the range advantage all units and towers get when they fire at something above (North of) them. It happens because of the way the game draws the graphics in perspectve and the result is that in certain situations you can have two identical units facing each other, but only one of them (the one on the South) will be able to fire at the other. South advantage is most prominent with towers such as the AGT and obelisk, because they are two cells tall, but it is present in all units. You've certainly noticed that a group of five minigunners can stand one cell away from a building and fire, if they're South of it or to the side, but if they're North, only the bottom two minigunners in the cell can fire, and the others will have to move to the cell next to the building.


The stealth AGT block is as follows: you approach the AGT with a stealth tank from the North and stick it directly under (above it). The tower will briefly detect the tank as it enters the cell, perhaps it'll even fire off a salvo, but as the tank stops in its blindspot the tower will stop firing and the tank will stay cloaked. If there are no other units and towers nearby, you can attack the tower with the tank and it will not return fire. Also, sometimes the blocked tower will not fire at other, visible units you move near it after you've blocked it.

Wow... both are new to me.


I have noticed the south advantage glitch, but never took the time to think about why it was like that. That's something I'll have to look into next time I play the game.

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  On 1/17/2015 at 5:27 PM, pichorra said:
Alright, here is a list of Glitches that I know:


Tiberian Dawn:

- Infantry sell glitch: as somebody already mentioned. Note that this glitch can be exploited to complete Nod Mission 8 wihout selling the Nod construction yard. (note that this was fixed in N64)

- Fast Harvesting glitch: Press X (or S, I don't remember) when the harvester is about to harvest tiberium.

- Infantry-through-wall Glitch: You can clip through a wall corner using infantry in a precise frame.

- Stealth Tank detection glitch: There is something with Helicopters and buildings

- South advantage glitch: as somebody already mentioned.

- Burned-Tree glitch: not sure if it is a glitch, but burning a tree will make it undestroyable.

- Fast artillery shoot glitch: Pressing X right after the artillery fires will make it shoot again :P

- No-limit Silos: Build something and cancel it after it is ready to be placed down. This will turn your tib. cash into normal cash.


Pre-1.22 DOS C&C Glitches:

- Build anywhere glitch: There was something with Radar that was fixed.

- Infinite minigunners: Pressing S to stop a sell would still leave the minigunners in map.


Nintendo 64 Glitches:

- Unlandable Helicopter glitch: there is a special frame that if you order the helicopter to land, it will keep floating in air. Infinitly.


That is what I remember by memory.

I forgot about the cancel building trick to convert tiberium cash to normal cash. That was one of my favorite. The same for the build anywhere glitch.


I may have heard about those other glitches, but I'm not sure if they're something I could take advantage of during the game.

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  On 1/19/2015 at 11:03 AM, Nyerguds said:
Umm... you clearly never played RA2? Spies can indeed steal tech by infiltrating tech centers, giving you access to unique mixed-tech units. Infiltrating an enemy barracks/war factory will make any new infantry/vehicles (respectively) you produce from that point on have one veterancy rank, if I remember correctly.


If you're not playing Allies, though, some of these are really hard to ever get, since you'd need to capture an Allied barracks to make the spies in the first place  :laugh:

I've played Red Alert 2 a lot. I just never really took advantage of the spies feature. After reading more into it, I realized that I have done it once... after beating the game once and I was bored. I think I created Chrono Ivan and that was it.


After you mentioned the glitch, it does sound like something I should look into... especially for the veteran status.

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  On 1/20/2015 at 7:34 PM, VamPyroX said:

I forgot about the cancel building trick to convert tiberium cash to normal cash. That was one of my favorite. The same for the build anywhere glitch.

Heh. The "Build Anywhere" exploit only worked in early DOS C&C versions, though :P


After you mentioned the glitch, it does sound like something I should look into... especially for the veteran status.

It wasn't me mentioning that glitch... in fact I never even heard of it before, since I rarely play RA2.  O_o

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