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Request for help translating red alert 1 to Spanish


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The videos were translated by wolfstain, who posted it on the CNCNZ forums. The thread is here:



The thread in which Zenix' game translation was done is gone, though; it disappeared with the official EA C&C forums :(

The only remaining traces of that are these pages on archive.org:

C&C95 v1.06 patch developement thread, page 14

C&C95 v1.06 patch developement thread, page 15

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Translation from manual red alert 1 is half slack.


Some phrases like "Si administras tu dinero bien" would actually be "Si administras bien tu dinero" among many others.


In addition the units / buildings unconvincing


Power Plant = "Central de Energía" X

                      "Planta de Energía"  V


For Spanish speakers, "Planta de Energía" sounds better.


PD: who translated the manual?



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Red Alert Retaliation Allies Mission 3


Take a good long look major because you'll be attacking that Harbored Dom

the Soviets are baby steps away from developing sea to ground missiles.

Once those missile subs are underway we risk losing naval superiority.

I cant tell you how P O that'll make alot of people around here.


Your job major is to take out those soviet sub pins,research centers anything thatll keep those missiles from getting off the ground.

Baby steps major.

Think baby steps.

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Red Alert Retaliation Allies Mission 3 end


Commander I believe I've got something that belongs to you.

Your for the dramatic rescue of civilians and I capture research installation.

I'd read the inscription but ugh your head gets any bigger I'd have to buy you a new helmet.Hell you just won a Medal of Honor Son!

Let me buy you a Shirley Temple at the Officers Club.

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Red Alert Retaliation Allies Mission 4


Oh we got a hostage situation alright.

We've got a hostage situation that involves every major allied research scientist.

But suppose we free these hostages then its even worse

we've got hotspots everywhere colonel.

This is Poland I've got super tanks on my tail.Mad tanks

I've got nukes pointed London.

and the Middle of all this I've got a Soviet Research scientist that I've got to evact and then there's a little matter of runnin a Soviet army out of Poland.

I hope you take care of business before you got in your car colonel

Cause son your in one hell of a ride.

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Red Alert Retaliation Allies Mission 4 end


Commander I didn't expect you for a couple of days.

I'm just talking about you to the wigs upstairs

Ha I guess saving London from getting Nuke was kind of an attention grabber

The Prime Minister just sent over a big basket of ugh I don't know crumpets kind of a consolation prize

You know he ugh get Poland they get crumpets.


Well I know you have other missions that you gotta take care of don't let me slow you down

Keep up the good work son.

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Red Alert Retaliation Ants Mission


Ants is this some kind of a joke? You got ants in your pants call an exterminator I'm on vacation.

What! How Big? Casualties?

What do you mean the southern parameters been compromised.

Listen up soldiers If we lose England its not going to be to a bunch of pink ol ants I don't care how big.

But I don't care how you do it son.

Id piss on a spark plug if i thought it'll do any good.

You just tell your men to get out there and kick some mad ass.


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  On 5/29/2015 at 10:29 PM, Killa57 said:
Listen up soldiers If we lose England its not going to be to a bunch of pink ol ants I don't care how big.

-> "Listen up, soldier. If we lose England it's not going to be to a bunch of pinko ants, I don't care how big."

He's only talking to one soldier. And "pinko" is slang for communist ;)



You just tell your men to get out there and kick some mad ass.


-> "You just tell your men to get out there and kick some ant ass."  :cncsmirk:

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an' is a shortened contracted version of and --note the apostrophe (')

so "me an' them" is the same as "me and them"


an is the same as a it just depends on the 1st letter of the next word.  A for when the next word starts with a [glow=red,2,300]consonant[/glow] and an when the next word starts with a [glow=yellow,2,300]vowel[/glow].


An [glow=yellow,2,300]e[/glow]ngineer


A [glow=red,2,300]c[/glow]hinook


"Me an' my friend were playing c&c when a [glow=red,2,300]c[/glow]hinook landed in my base, an [glow=yellow,2,300]e[/glow]ngineer was unloaded an' butt raped my construction yard!"

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Red Alert Retaliation Soviet Mission 1


Come right in Sergent.

????? Topolov

General Topolov

Remember that comrade

Your mission in the Ukraine is simple.

Allied forces seem to challenge soviet air supremacy

Right in our faces they build Mig prototypes of there own.

They tests air fuel bomb.

They tested Chronosphere.

The govnaks go bold

There got to be a settling of this score

destroy the prototype but take the chronosphere.

purge the Ukraine of the ally presents and the bastard behind the threat.

Assassinate general Starvos the Greek commander

?????? ??? ?????

That is all.


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