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Alpaca's Survival and VS Maps Collection


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Thanks for hundereds of DL's.
Im adding here only proper working versions. Forum doesnt allow big zip files so I moved maps to GoogleDrive. U can DL all in 1 click. 
Download link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Meah5O-zg_XUK_stsadepJgytCbW7HMv?usp=sharing  (last update:   07/2022  )

Please let me know if u get any errors during playing my maps. 

+You must unzip the maps and place it to your game's "custom maps" folder

+most of  VS maps has normal versions and infinite money versions on map pack. You must sell a building for infinite money in that versions.

Added "how to create survival map basic guide" on my second message of this topic below.



-VS- WW5 -Alpaca.edit.v8.6 -World War 5 

-VS- WW5 - Alpaca.edit.v8.6 - World War 5 --8 players.jpg

-VS- Venice -Alpaca- Roman Empire War - v1.4




-VS- Lake of Fire -by Alpaca v1.3



-vs- btf -alpaca edit v1.4 -bridges too far 2018

-VS- BTF -Alpaca edit v1.4 -Bridges Too Far 2018.jpg


-VS- Apocalypse Map_by Alpaca v1.5



-VS- -WWX- World War X -Alpaca- v4


-VS- World Domination editby.Alpaca v4 mapby.yosef anan-


-VS- All About World War 3 III - Alpaca - v4 Sell a building for infinite money-



-VS- Redzones Alpaca edit v3 mapby.yosef.anan -sell for money-



-VS- Redzones Naval Alpaca edit v3.1 mapby.yosef.anan -sell for money-



-VS- Battle of tanks & ships - Alpaca edit.v1.5 Mapby.yosef anan-




-VS- Naval Anger alpaca v2 sell a building for infinite money



-VS- Bridges Too Far 4 -BTF4- Alpaca.edit v6 normal version-



-VS- The World is Yours - sell a building for infinite money v2.1 - alpaca



-VS- DoomsDay -Alpaca- v6 normal version-



-Survival- Skynet Enhanced v3 Alpaca hard_4pl-  (7 players version also exist)










+My vs are up to 8 players, But It can be 1v1 , 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or 2v2v2v2  cuz it is symmetric^^

+Added 7 Player versions of my survival maps. Thats are kinda easy. Same waves but up to 7 players instead of 4 players.

"Skynet Survival" map contains humor that i was never saw it in any other map. I hope u will enjoy. 

Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU  




Edited by Alpaca
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I played it the other day with you. It's actually a very legit fun map.


It reminds me a lot of beach frontier on Ra2. Navy comes into play and is very important, but not so important that it completely decides the game. The unlimited moeny aspect of it turns out to be very fun.


Excellent map.

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----- Additional info for who wants to make survival maps----

----- Additional info for who wants to make survival maps----



open final alert 1.02


1- make your map geographically. [u can find youtube tutorials about this]

[u cant find more than 1 youtube tutorial after this part. well i couldnt find when i loooked] this one is useful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smzZ7_3y_FA ]


2- make waypoints on the left panel. waypoints use for: player locations , ai spawn points, attack target, nuke points, etc. [(player 1 is "0", player 8 is "7" )]


3- menu- edit. -taskforces -create new - give a name - select units and amount u wish to create for attack wave. u must create for each wave..


4- menu- edit -script -create new - give a name - then add action button -select attack or move destination (target) or whatever ur units to do. u must create few for only different kind attacks.


5- menu -edit -team -create new - give a name - then select script and -select taskforce. u must choose "house" (AIs position) also. for example, IF ai is placed in 8th player/waypoint7, then make <Player @ H> ... and. u must create for each wave..


6- menu- edit -trigger -create new - give a name - then click event seciton - create new - event type: elapsed time - select your parameter 10 for 10seconds after beginning for example -then click action section -create new - reinforcement by chrono (107) - select your team type - then select your waypoint where to spawn. u must create for each wave..



u can learn with examining survival maps. look at their scripts,triggers,teams sections.


its long work. have fun.


[anyone can say if i wrote any wrong thing. thx]

----- Additional info for who wants to make survival maps----

----- Additional info for who wants to make survival maps----




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I played it the other day with you. It's actually a very legit fun map.


It reminds me a lot of beach frontier on Ra2. Navy comes into play and is very important, but not so important that it completely decides the game. The unlimited moeny aspect of it turns out to be very fun.


Excellent map.


Thank you Prep, I glad u liked it. :)

I wanted to make a proper inf money map with balanced ground&naval. I think i did it.

You all may give ideas for updates. Ill do some visual updates.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi There. I made new VS map named "The Conquerors". You must conquer the main island's some part for success. Because your spawn island is small.

It is up to 8 players, But It can be 1v1 , 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or 2v2v2v2 cuz it is symmetric.^^


Map and preview is in first message on this topic


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Im gettin "your survival map is impossible to beat bug sh!t map" "error. " ^v^ 

No its not impossible. Just hard. Not even hardcore. Try hard. :)


Spoilers / Hints:


Announcement says: sell a building for infinite money. that is good advice.

Using Yuri units highly recommended. Idk if u can make it without yuris.

Make 30 desos at beginning. Then make 4536867 yuris & 345779 Anti air.

Thats it.


Oh. Are those 30 elite kirovs & prisms? Yes.

"Is that shiny thing your base? Good. Thats mine now."

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

+01/10/2016 update.

Added new vs and survival maps: the world is yours, naval anger and survival (simple beta) skynet 3 revelations.

+All VS maps has normal versions and infinite money versions on map pack. You must sell a building for infinite money in that versions.

Download attachment is at first message entry


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  • 1 month later...

that skynet survival map is hard but good as challenge cant find my pro freinds in survial to play it :D


Im glad u liked it. Thanks for feedback it keeps me making new maps.

Yes its hard :) Make sure u r playing latest version.

Current version is on attachment:  -survival- skynet enhanced v1.51 alpaca hard_4pl -devrimg production -cdgenc-.map

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  • 1 month later...

+31/12/2016 update: I edited brilliant Worldwar5 map. fixed spot 2 bridge, now up to 8 players, (2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 2v2v2v22^^) more ore for 8players.

and Doomsday map infinite money version added, 1.8 normal version added.

Happy new year ^^


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  • 2 weeks later...

+ World War X map added (v2.5, working proper version)

+ WW5 8player 1.2 (normal) added

+WW5 8 player v1.3 added (cannon&flak support for right island spot 2-3)
( ww5 isnt my (created) map, i just edited it)

Cnc servers/client went full retard and some of my new maps caused crash because of servers/client. now Im testing my maps. Im adding only tested working maps to googledrive. here is tested working maps:


Edited by Alpaca
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  • 5 months later...

Few  maps added:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
-vs- wwx- world war x -alpaca- v4.jpg

-vs- the world is yours - sell a building for infinite money v2- alpaca.jpg

-vs- all about world war 3 iii - alpaca v4 sell a building for infinite money.jpg

-vs- naval anger alpaca v2 sell a building for infinite money.jpg

-survival-skynet reloaded alpaca v2 easy_7pl-.jpg

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