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red alert 2 windows 10 not installing


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Hi all. I have just bought red alert 2 and I can get to the installation part that says Allied disk detected I click install and nothing happens. I have tried this with both disks and tried installing from the soldout menu too where I click install and agree to terms and that's as far as it goes. Is there something I am missing? Thanks

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  On 1/7/2016 at 10:05 PM, Bigred said:

Hi all. I have just bought red alert 2 and I can get to the installation part that says Allied disk detected I click install and nothing happens. I have tried this with both disks and tried installing from the soldout menu too where I click install and agree to terms and that's as far as it goes. Is there something I am missing? Thanks

Hello - I believe Windows 10 disables Safedisk/or some sort of Copyright check that prevents you from installing from old disks like these.


The best advice I've found, is to redeem the game as a Digital download from Origin.




A recent Windows update has disabled service for the secdrv.sys driver (a third-party driver). This can cause a SafeDisc error and impact your ability to play some older EA games that were installed via disc.


Windows 7/Windows 8 players:


Microsoft has a workaround for this error on Windows 7 and Windows 8. You can re-enable service for the secdrv.sys driver by following the instructions under Known Issues on this Microsoft Security Bulletin.


Windows 10 players:


Microsoft currently does not have a workaround for this error on Windows 10. If this error is affecting your gameplay, we recommend downloading and installing the digital version of your game in Origin, though some older EA games may not have a digital version available.

If you need your game code, you can find it in the Origin client or contact us for help.


Please note, when contacting EA Help for your game code, we may require your proof of purchase.

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  On 1/7/2016 at 10:05 PM, Bigred said:

Hi all. I have just bought red alert 2 and I can get to the installation part that says Allied disk detected I click install and nothing happens. I have tried this with both disks and tried installing from the soldout menu too where I click install and agree to terms and that's as far as it goes. Is there something I am missing? Thanks

Go to the Downloads section of xwis.net (EA-sponsored server) and install the multiplayer-only version of RA2, then copy all the .mix files from both the Allied and Soviet CDs. Start the game with 'Red Alert 2.exe' in admin mode.


Until EA releases a patch for the original RA2 discs to work without SafeDisc (don't hold your breath), this is probably the best method. Alternatively, you can visit origin.com and purchase The Ultimate Collection. Also, since you're running this in Windows 10, I'm afraid you're more than likely going to run into more problems, usually graphics related. But fortunately there are fixes.



Someone posted a guide to installing safedisc on Win10 on the EA Answers board. The guide is for Generals, though, but maybe it helps?

I've just tried this on my Win 10 Pro x64 - no luck. Setup.exe still won't start. I've tried running in admin mode trying all the compatibility options.



The best advice I've found, is to redeem the game as a Digital download from Origin.



Didn't work. I entered a couple of my RA2 serial numbers (one from the original disc and the other from the bonus disc that came with RA3).
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  On 1/8/2016 at 3:38 PM, fir3w0rx said:


Hi all. I have just bought red alert 2 and I can get to the installation part that says Allied disk detected I click install and nothing happens. I have tried this with both disks and tried installing from the soldout menu too where I click install and agree to terms and that's as far as it goes. Is there something I am missing? Thanks

Go to the Downloads section of xwis.net (EA-sponsored server) and install the multiplayer-only version of RA2, then copy all the .mix files from both the Allied and Soviet CDs. Start the game with 'Red Alert 2.exe' in admin mode.


Until EA releases a patch for the original RA2 discs to work without SafeDisc (don't hold your breath), this is probably the best method. Alternatively, you can visit origin.com and purchase The Ultimate Collection. Also, since you're running this in Windows 10, I'm afraid you're more than likely going to run into more problems, usually graphics related. But fortunately there are fixes.



Someone posted a guide to installing safedisc on Win10 on the EA Answers board. The guide is for Generals, though, but maybe it helps?

I've just tried this on my Win 10 Pro x64 - no luck. Setup.exe still won't start. I've tried running in admin mode trying all the compatibility options.



The best advice I've found, is to redeem the game as a Digital download from Origin.



Didn't work. I entered a couple of my RA2 serial numbers (one from the original disc and the other from the bonus disc that came with RA3).

In that case it's worth contacting EA directly with proof of purchase Bigred, they should be able to help you out with a digital version (hopefully)

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  On 1/9/2016 at 10:01 PM, Bigred said:

No reply from EA so I have decided to download it if that will work on windows 10 yet when I try it takes me to Yuri's revenge add on and then says I don't have red alert 2 installed so I can't proceed with instalation?



The game client at cncnet.org requires you to also have Yuri's Revenge installed. If you already have the multiplayer-only version of RA2 downloaded and installed from xwis.net's Downloads section, you can now also do the same with the multiplayer-only version of YR. Make sure to install both in the same folder. After installing both games, try the CnCNet Installer from cncnet.org again.



  • If you just want to play RA2 in single-player mode, you don't need the CnCNet Installer.
  • To play RA2 online at xwis.net, you only need the multiplayer version of RA2. This server is mainly for high-level players.
  • To play RA2 online here at cncnet, you'll also need YR installed. This server is mainly for casual players, but also some high level players can be found.

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Thanks for the advice but I can't install the disk even just to play a skirmish with the computer will do for npw to practice but it get to the allied disk dectected voice and I click agree and nothing happens so can't even get it installed on laptop.

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A full bypass of the issue...





Note: for some reason, the YR multiplayer client from XWIS doesn't have the borderless windowed mode RA2 was given and it doesn't come with Yuri taunts in multiplayer. The latter can be found in Game#.cab files in the YR disc - open that with WinRAR.

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Thanks for the link but that is in Clingon to me. EA just tweeted back to me saying I could download it and use my unused code to install it but can't find it on Origan to download. Sure like to make a simple game near impossible to play!!!


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  On 1/10/2016 at 7:54 PM, Bigred said:

Thanks for the link but that is in Clingon to me.

Are you incapable or just too lazy to read 10 steps that just involve a few file moves?


but can't find it on Origan to download.

You can try to use their Redeem Code function, but I doubt it'll lead to anywhere.


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4) In my registry file ZIP, place one file inside your RA2 directory:


I can't move a file I don't have (my registry file ZIP) Plokite_Wolf so I have nothing to put in the directory and after spending three days on it i give up. Thanks for your help everyone.

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Well after getting my friend who builds computers and websites to teamview and try and sort it I sent him every link I have been given and he couldn't get it to work only as far as a blurred picture with no tabs but if you fished around you could hear the mouse clicking on tabs but couldn't see them. He tried but could get no further!!! (2) I got my code and downloaded red alert 2 out of the 17 games and I can hear the music click on the tabs I can't see as it's a black screen!!! and as for Plokite_Wolf comment about me being lazy I have been at this for near a week now wasting my time every night and come accross a post from you with similar issues!! I think it's EA and Origin that are lazy me paying for a game that they can't be bothered to make it work propelry.

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What does download and apply mean? I have tried opening them and they won't open to run them. I have copied them into where the game installed and that don't seem to work either so download has been done apply could mean a whole world of different things. The video on the internet is so blurred they shouldn't have even bothered putting it up.

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Copy these files into C/program files x86/origin games/command and conquer


Thats all I had to do




Thanks for all the help


Although I don't think I am out of the woods yet but I have just had a game and although the screen is smaller than my laptop screen (it's like watching a old programme on a new plasma) I think that should be it.


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