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Question RE "harrassment"


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Is the fact that somebody NEVER leaves you alone, PMs you INSTANTLY when you logon .... almost every time ... a reasonable thing of "harrassment" .... or is it just an annoyance?


I have a, what someone would call......"stalker" ...........



Basically never leaves me alone, never stops pm messaging me, and always messages me instantly when i login until i answer Qs etc etc....... (maybe just likes me, but i doubt that lol!)


Is there going to be an ignore function soon as i would prefer this before naming / shaming (altho i know some people already told me they get bugged asking where i am also so he can message me more....) weird  :S :S :S

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That's just part of the internet buddy, dumb them like an annoying girlfriend.


Tell them "It's not you, I'm just not ready for another friend at this point in my life.", or just be 100% honest and say "I don't like you, please stop messaging me."


It will hurt at first, but time heals everything.

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That's just part of the internet buddy, dumb them like an annoying girlfriend.


Tell them "It's not you, I'm just not ready for another friend at this point in my life.", or just be 100% honest and say "I don't like you, please stop messaging me."


It will hurt at first, but time heals everything.


haha i know mate, so bloody annoying!!!


i have tried telling him numerous times, but that damn ping noise keeps going off when i login !

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