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Everything posted by teslaptak

  1. awww crap, another c&c website have problems with hosting. 3 days ago polish website went dead [*]
  2. i like ta cnc wc3 and WHERE IS STRONGHOLD?!
  3. yeahhhhh ts cncnet i cant play in ts on strike-team
  4. and this time tastes 2 like paper blah
  5. i was played in tiberian sun demo
  6. im everytme dying at nukes :ranting:
  7. teslaptak

    help me

    im dont have router im got modem firewal turned off
  8. teslaptak

    help me

    http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/7765/beztytuupza.jpg and this is all time when i want to play in ts online :ranting: :mad:
  9. you missed this http://www.tibed.net/downloads and this http://www.childs-play-software.co.uk/downloads/re98p.exe and this http://www.childs-play-software.co.uk/downloads/se2k.exe
  10. i have modem and turned off firewall and i cant play on cncnet
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