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Everything posted by Myg

  1. It would be a great idea if we had some sort of "map sync" program that you could throw into your directory, it could detect the game and then syncronise your map database with one hosted by cnc-comm or something like that!
  2. I really like your environment/forestry work. Hows about a 5 player map with trees (no cliff faces) as well? Im sure you would make it look pretty damn sweet. Also, don't let the NOD restrictions on airfields/etc bother you too much, most of us just adapt to the given map.
  3. Delphi's idea has alot of sense in a manner of speaking; not due to any technicalities really: But more due to the age and intents of the game. If you want a truely competetive experience for money, play SC2 (or any other modern game). Id say that how most people feel about it, competing 1v1 for money here seems like we are taking ourselves too seriously. The best way to enjoy games is to enjoy it how it was originally intended, and if Westwood originally held FFA's for prizes, we should do the same and adopt the original tourney system, because thats what the landscape was at the time.
  4. Was thinking we could use this old tech for the C&C95 tourney? What do you guys think?
  5. The link for this item is dead. Can someone please remove this topic? Thanks.
  6. Myg

    CNC TD on html5

    If it ain't got the same feel as the original, its no good...
  7. If done like a ladder over the period of a couple weeks, I think it will work.
  8. Myg

    Copy net code from spring

    It is possible to implement such a system; yes (It would have to be an external program though). The amount of work required is not balanced out by the need for it and its not something me or anyone else around here would even entertain doing (in the least of the part about copying another game's implement); especially since C&C95 has had its net-code fixed already and RA has a more then sufficient existing one.
  9. Gotta finish what we started bro, keep an eye out for your opponents!
  10. Account removed + Hostname banned (Hostname ban will cover 3g in bangledash apparently). Sucks to you, Asian spammers, trololololol.
  11. Played this map today; was initially skeptical of the middle and general area being too dangerous for infantry, but the road usage was an amazing saving grace. Feels like an oldschool C&C95 map mixed with one of GC's SC2 ports. Very unique and utterly playable. Wish we had more like these.
  12. C&C Name: Myg Side: Nod Skill Level (Biased): Uber Extreme Expert
  13. Hey Net, welcome back, nice to see you still 'around'! Just on a side note; can you take down all your old CNCnet youtube videos? They are for the old version and can probably be quite confusing.
  14. With the settings at the moment it takes 5-6 events to activate it, remember that!
  15. Cheese, make sure you move your units enough to activate the smoothing code before you surrender, otherwise you will just lag the others.
  16. Again, all thanks to the DEBUG switch, which without; I never would of found the culprit.
  17. I have found a solution to the issue which causes the game to crash mid-way (multiplayer), it is due to a particular buffer being too small a size to handle the massive amounts of units/etc that can be generated during a game (specially 5-6 player or no bases 50 unit skirmish). data:005085BC dword_5085BC dd 12288000 Is the source of the problem. Changing the pre-set amount * 6 (to account for much more then is possible) solves this long-standing bug (no idea when it came in, 1.06 perhaps?). data:005085BC dword_5085BC dd 73728000 This will only fix the crash during gameplay. There is another crash which occurs after the game and probably by a similar cause: location 004dadd1.
  18. NOTE: You will have to add ws2_32.lib to the project dependencies for it to compile properly.
  19. Bah, do what you think is best Nyer; pichorra seems dead set on getting this through; so give it a thought to implement.
  20. The "netcode smoothing" kicks in when the number of in-game events reaches 5 or more, theres a tiny check for it above the first jump in the section of code that you enable the netcode itself in. I think its a nice thing to have, cause it shows the contrast and it feels a bit more like RA. There could be a good timing reason for it being 5 and I don't think its a good idea to change it at all.
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