And I want twenty million euros. We'll both just have to live without, hm? :roll:
got nother suggestion, can we add 'air strike' to the GDI tech level 7 (highest tech), and please increase its damage it's shit, or maybe 2 air planes instead of just 1. The ion cannon is kind of usless compared to nuke so adding AS would be nice
C&C95(or TD) isn't really that much mood friendly, also the damage of Airstrike is random, it depends on how many planes come in, as for the Ion vs Nuke, Ion cannon is really strong compared to Nuke in multiplayer, it takes a lot of buildings(like War factory, Power plant and some others) in first hit and also killing most of the weaker tanks(buggys,bikes, actually most of Nod tanks to be clear), multiplayer Nuke is really weak and has quite big charge time but singleplayer Nuke is really overpowered which is why it's only usable once(in a mission i made but not yet published i took out the AI CY,Advanced Comm. Center, a Weapon Factory and 2 Advanced Power Plants in one Nuke)