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Ladder Tester
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  1. Hey there, i played ff with you idk how many years ago, theres still a few of us that play and we get some ff/terr games going besides the 40 mod games. Good to see you, also most people use the discord now as opposed to this
  2. lol hi zayuin, get on for games
  3. Thank you Sol once again, and ggs
  4. I'll participate, however i think the final round should be played on an equal map. TL and TR are far too disadvantageous for a fair tournament for terrace to be the deciding game.
  5. absolutely down for either. welcome back Sol :). could be 2 games terr, swapping sides, third game decided on a fair map, if you wanted to make it a terr based tournament.
  6. It gives players at least an idea of what approach to take before the game starts, ie short range/medium/long as well as if there are terrain obstacles or not. Reduces "Build Order Wins" by a lot if everyone knows what map is being played. Any competitive rts lets players know which map is being played prior to the game starting.
  7. There is no "vanillla TS" ladder and mod ladder. They are one in the same. I have been thinking about if the maps on the 2v2 ladder should be rejectable but the thing is, as long as the maps aren't insanely skewed to favor one faction, there should be no valid reason to allow rejections. The point of the ladder is to showcase skill as well as to reward effort for people who decide to grind it a lot. Letting people cherry-pick the maps they want to play completely voids the entire reason to even have a ladder in the first place. There is a reason I am being highly selective for the maps that will be added to the 2v2 clan ladder since the 1v1 ladder was a HUGE bungle... To be blunt, giants shouldn't even be allowed on the 2v2 ladder due to the severe favor nod has on it, but I am letting it be there because I don't want to alienate modders from the ladder. If I were to allow rejections, it would be another separation of modders and ww players on the ladder because modders would reject westwood maps and westwood players would reject mods, which also defeats the purpose of a rank. As long as everyone is willing to play any map, there should be no issues with competing.
  8. That's not true. It just shows that you leave the game and surrender.
  9. alt + f4 lets you abort the game without waiting for the surrender animation.
  10. Maps are still being added to the map pool, but so far the list is as follow: Terrace Forest Fires A River Runs Near It Giants Clear 2vs2
  11. registering as c0rpsmakr, playing with tigerr and trooper for the 3v3 tournament.
  12. Wow, Hileman lol. I can't remember the last time I saw that name.
  13. Lmao, no matter the game, he always spelled out insults/profanity on the map.
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