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Everything posted by amokk

  1. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1628028/how-do-i-connect-multiple-computers-on-a-home-lan connect using regular cat patch cables to hub/router/cable modem... need a 'crossover cable' or 2 tin cans and some string to connect direct. same version of the game. yes. 2.03 once upon a time....
  2. Holland, I will restate my position for the record. I think you are an incredibly talented person.
  3. TRZ.. You are infamous !!!!! and deservedly banned.
  4. I don't need to know why something is, to be grateful for it.
  5. Security footage. Put, my brain, back on the shelf!
  6. "Unnecessary complication is the norm of the masses: simplicity is the hallmark of the discerning." A.J. Darkholme For more than 30 years people have paid me to crutch their old software, When newer software costing a fraction of the price paid to me, was readily available to them. and very very rarely, was the crutched software less frustrating than the new.
  7. Pragmatism, that's all I have to offer...........
  8. Why screw around crutching the old one???? Try the cncnet downloads instead, same game, but a current modern client. Their clients handle the newer, higher resolutions very well I expect you might have better luck with them..... They are also free. If you are really bent on using the old one, you can edit the resolution in the sun.ini file (using a text editor) if I remember correctly..... and it still might be glitchy anyway..
  9. I also have played a long time. I am retired, havent worked in a long, long time. I want to learn CAD a little better, do some more 3-d modeling projects for my 3d printer. Spend a little time drinking coffee and looking out my window, or walking around the city.. So many over the years that do not come around anymore. Met some great people here over the years.
  10. Why even tell the players what map? Just start them, blacked out, on an (imho) unfamiliar map, with someone who wants to kill them. 😬☠️ and see who is better.!!!
  11. All of the TS maps I could gather. 6,177 maps. 407mb. .zip Most of them renamed thanks to PTapioK. Thank you to everyone who shared. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vmrbyiEh2Ytd1KaBKloLmeY9-OUxXFcl/view?usp=sharing
  12. as long as this is the group involved, there will be issues...lol, enjoy! my two cents on the maps is a large map pool, and include unfamilar maps to reduce the advantage of experience with the map. I anxiously await seeing who is the best regardless of map or opponent, not best against so and so on this map, not that one, on a sunday in the fall during a hurricane, while chewing gum.......TRZ.....
  13. My bad, sorry guys..
  14. https://mapdb.cncnet.org/search.php?game=ts&age=0&search=Temple paste this into your browser.... then change temple to whatever to serch for whatever..
  15. Someone loves you, Mike
  16. amokk

    Hotkeys TS.

    esc that opens the options menu like you clicked on options top left. gets you half way there. someone once told me the key to quitting the game was to get a life............
  17. You programed something really cool. I like you put the pictures of the unit/structure I edited the.ini's a little in the past, this would have been so bad a$$ to have! Very proper job there!
  18. while in a game or skirmish go to options top left choose game settings the top button, the second slider (the middle one) is Scroll rate that one will adjust it for you.
  19. I dug the template up for someone, thought i would share it here if anyone wants to make a glass......... need a xactoknife, contact paper/adhesive shelf liner and glass etching cream. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AQzIPFdVE3js9JftEvTjGxfLT1G0mBfN/view?usp=sharing The font is included so you can put your nick/s Free corel draw trial for the .cpt file
  20. here is the EA site where I can login and download my copy of C&C ultimate collection. My origin bookmark redirects here https://www.ea.com/ea-app under more experiences download and install the ea app to play. all my origin games transfered successfully.
  21. Welcome back, Commander!! Here is the edit place it at the beginning.. you can use a text editor like notepad. save as .mpr file default cncnet maps folder (can be any of the folders here) C:\Games\CnCNet\TiberianSun_Online\Maps\ (pick a folder here) then restart the client. >>>play! [General] MaximumQueuedObjects=9 I use 9, you can use any number you like I think. Here is a link to the 5000 map Tiberian Sun map pack https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ESIxh0XB2jzU1Lci-tbx6g4Ds1c8VzBz/view
  22. I found a great Titan to print. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3270982 I broke the small one, so I printed a bigger one to replace it
  23. Why?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Does the cncnet linux installer fail? If you tried the cncnet linux installer, and it did not work. post in the 'support' section. Someone else just posted here. 'i want to play TS but I want to install it with some old installer for win98 that I am having problems with...' Come on people.!! , use the cncnet one, and if that dosen't work, then ask for help................. lol In your case it uses the client you like, and it is supported, if you tried the cncnet one, and it did not work, ask for help in the support section, where the smart people will help you. In here you're stuck with me
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