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Everything posted by lemonizer

  1. Just thinking aloud here but are there enough people in the UK who might be interested in a proper LAN torny? I can think of one already - me. But need to guage interest before moving this idea on.
  2. Who gives a monkey's chuff what people say. Play some games and have fun, it shouldn't be serious at all.
  3. So would that explain the 20 turbo speed rocketmen?
  4. Ok.... how can you make a group of 20(ish) rocketmen early in the game that run with extra speed? I can understand a few due to crates but 20 that walk faster than anything else... Ideas please.
  5. Good to see some sneaky not often used tactics. I guess everything has a purpose and when it's used infrequently people forget it's power. I'm now thinking ideas with the radar jammer...... double inside base chrono madness. But nothing can beat the ultra rare chrono'ed mad tank. Pure fear for any player.
  6. Don't worry there are loads of players who are in the 40's who just play for fun. But like all online games, there is a fare share of nobheads. Just take it on the chin, learn and get better at the game, then return and CRUSH THEM.
  7. Surely this is the lowest of the low. But I'm seeing more of it People who can magically play the game then decide they cant. Sorry but if you built 10 weapons factories last game, when you are on the other side do you build one and do nothing else? Sitting round doing nothing but building tanks letting the other players fight the other side. Then attacking their own team. Sorry for the rant but you are scum.
  8. TBH in a 1 on 1 the allies should always win due to the light tank. Learn to rush and you'll have him slowed down enough to build a force to finish the job.
  9. What really hacks me off is when someone builds a very powerful base, then quits leaving it to the computer. Since the AI 'cheats' by being able to build multiple buildings/units at the same time it can be unbeatable. I want VICTORY!
  10. Kennels are useful as they increase troop build speed and fends off initial troop rushes/engineer attacks.
  11. AGHAGAHGAHAGHAGHAGAH Kicked from 3 games for having a 'bad conn'... Maybe I should just roll the dice a few more times to get a very good one.
  12. Surely the lamest player is one who picks a map with rules edits. No power and all 8 teslas firing. I call that bolooks.
  13. 10-15 tanks isn't a rush. Real men fight with 4-6 tanks.
  14. TBH I've tried everything. The main issue is that people kick you for having a 'very bad' connection when the game then work fine at top speed. I guess I'll just have to endure it
  15. Damn stupid mofo thing. My broadband is 2mbps down, 0.5 up with a nice stable ping. Everything works, games are fast providing people are local(ish) and the world is a happy place. What hacks me off is randomly I get everything from 'very bad' to 'very good' with no logic at all. This also hacks others off as they assume I'm going to be a lagger. Then you get a game where everyone has a 'very good' connection and it lags like a water pipe in the artic. So the question is, what the 'f' does it do other than generate a random outcome to pyass me off. It certainly has nothing to do with connection quality.
  16. In a team game one allied player gives that team a huge advantage. Unless, of course, the map is designed for the Russians.
  17. No good if you are the allies, hence why the aftermath rules are better. Makes for a more rounded game.
  18. TBH the aftermath ruleset makes the game much more rounded. Non of this loads of construction yards + tesla nonsense.
  19. Your connectiom must be ultra poor as mine is 2mbps/0.5mbps community wireless with a lovely 80+ ping and I get next to no issues. Mad thing is for no reason other than luck I get anywhere between a 'very bad' and 'very good' connection depending on it's mood. None of which actually effect the game at all, just the connection testing in cncnet is easily confused.
  20. Hi all, I've been playing for about a month now and I've noticed that even the 'best' players tend to be poor at certain rules. Eg aftermath build, low credits etc. Equally, I'm poor at the original rules. So, I need to improve my standard skills while others may need to improve their aftermath/etc skillset. Anyone up for this as we need to become better alround players rather than just becoming russian tesla/v2/mamoth and hope ones. Maybe some private organized games will help us all improve.
  21. It depends. Early game the allies have a huge rush advantage over the Russians but they lose this advantage in medium/longer games, especially without aftermath max building/speed fix. Also, starting money has a huge baring on rushing, ironically the more money the harder it is to rush. However, if you really want to crush someone who rushes, make sure you map out as much as you can early and be ready for their (about to fail) attack. Then counter, muhahahaha! They'll stop doing it after a few savage beatings. EDIT : nowt can be as satisfiying as squishing a early tropp rush with your harvester
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