In my Motherboard settings? Why?
Hello - could you upload your except.txt file found in your game directory. Thanks!
Looked in my Game Dir did not find that file...
Attached 2 pictures 1 is when i tried to change to DDWRAPPER and the other is the game erroring
Hey man i still have the Problem when updates come out. It was very easy to fix that Problem. The Problem is your antivirus delete one fail when you update your cncnet. Reinstall your cncnet and Update, when you First Time Start cncnet your antivirus will Block/delete then you Click on that Warning and then u can choose that your antivirus can ignore that file for future. Gl
I think dq'd is good. Alex post ss how Andy asking to Play for zigzag im sure He found a guy who agree to do that. Jason next Time u should pick another mate, Andy maybe the best YR player, was your words. But He FU your Team.
hey admins i cant play anymore my antivirus Norton isolated completelty your client it found virus/trojaner HEUR.AdvrML.B. You guys rly had to fix your client from day 1 till now i only have problems. Okey guys gl hf on that client i go bk to xwis now.