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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. This should be ctrl+alt = Patrol mode.
  2. This is the classic gripe of all the CNC games. Harvesters are stupid. Harvester Micro is one point that really differentiates good players from great ones. The one trick I try to do is create a non-blocking harvester loop. The most commonly accepted ratio is 4:2, harvesters to refineries. The goal is to get 2 harvesters dumping while 2 harvesters are harvesting. The way to do that is whenever you see that you have no harvesters dumping send the 2 fullest harvesters back to dump. If you have 1 harvester that just started dumping and 1 open refinery send the fullest harvester back to dump. After a few manual dumps like this you will create a pretty good loop and you won't have to manage any harvestering for a while. (But, eventually, the loop will breakdown again and you'll have to resync them)
  3. 1. Graphic patch options tells the TS exe file to not use any video card memory. If the game performs at a high FPS without this option then don't use it. 2. except.txt is in the TS install folder. 3. If tiberium appears on a slope from a multi-missle I think it would cause an internal error (I think). But it won't happen because the crater destroys the tiberium and the multi-missile warhead destroys tiberium. If you are getting Internal Errors than it's probably because of the laser waveclass bug and you should set visual details to medium in the in-game menu. 4. Abort simply leaves the game without any finish. When you surrender you lose the game. 5. Use whichever options works the best for you. Play with various options online and check the FPS result mpstats.txt file that is located in your TS install folder. When I play in 2v2 I get 45 fps against non-laggers. shoot for 55 fps in 1 player game. (experiment and find the best ddraw that works for you) 6. Similar to 1. up above, except that this options is for ddwrapper and not for the TS exe. 7. VSync can sometimes hurt fps by causing a pause while your graphics card confirms the full frame was delivered to your monitor. Fake VSync will prevent the pause and allow the game to start writing the next frame even if the previous frame wasn't completely displayed by your monitor yet. The downside is screen tearing, but it might not even be noticeable in TS. Again do just like step 5 and experiment to find the best solution for yourself.
  4. I've been using ffmpeg on freebsd, I think it works on windows too. https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Capture/Desktop
  5. (this works 100% of the time for me) To recreate the Jump Jet barracks glitch: 1. alt barracks and set rally point far enough away that the JJ will fly when it spawns. 2. build jump jet 3. move the JJ across the map as soon as it spawns from the barracks. 4. while the jump jet is in the air no units will spawn from the barracks. When the JJ lands units will begin spawning, but you've lost all the money from building previous units. I didn't test it, but I think if the JJ dies in the air then your barracks is permanently stuck. If you let the JJ spawn and actually go to the rally point, it will not glitch your barracks. I think because the JJ does a sort of bounce when it comes out of the barracks, it will spawn flying but land and then restart flying again to the rally point. If your rally point is a short distance then the JJ will spawn on the ground and never glitch your barracks.
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