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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. dkeeton

    Broken Game :(

    You might be missing some MIX files. Can you upload a screen shot of your game directory?
  2. Where do babies come from?
  3. Uninstall what you have. Download and Install http://tore29.com/tsins/TSinstaller3-beta11r6.exe Use the launcher provided (Launcher.exe or something like that). Go to Options from the launcher, select ts-ddraw and enable Game Options Tab->Single Processor Affinity. If that doesn't work, try some other renderers, try graphics patch. Don't try window mode.
  4. what right click command lol? i wasnt speaking about making the game right clicky anyway btw u hardly need to do right clicks in SC...i use left click 90% of the time. What, exactly, are the commands you want?
  5. Wow, great and thoughtful work snake45. Did you notice that you can install some games and applications through winetricks? For example here is Tiberian Sun: https://github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/blob/master/src/winetricks#L12586 Wouldn't that be a great outlet for installing the cncnet version? Do you think you could update their existing installer for TS? (But even if you don't want to work on the winetricks port.... Thumbs up!)
  6. Try ts-ddraw - In the game settings change the renderer to ts-ddraw, then in Winecfg set ddraw to native. If ts-ddraw doesn't work for you then try default renderer ddraw(built-in) with Radeon fglrx binary driver,
  7. Area 51 is a completely epic map 3v3. I love it. So well done. The tunnel glitches are like little extras that haven't been discovered yet. One day humble will patch those and the map will become something truly amazing. Blast from the past is a simple yet powerfully fun map. It's like a mod map but made by the TS Gods just to show us what's posible. All... if you see someone hosting one of these maps, it's your duty to join and play....!
  8. http://challonge.com/tstournament2 I figured out how to make challonge give us the same bracket that I made! The rest of the games will be played on June 18th.
  9. Come join discord. https://discord.gg/014EQUQxvRqenNBcR
  10. Official rules for the tournament. (click) Check-in will begin at 6pm Eastern on June 11th. Games will begin at 6:15 - 6:30pm. (Check your Timezone http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/event?lid=5,12,2643743&h=5&sts=24426960&sln=18-19&a=preview) Everyone who has signed up for the tournament, please read and understand the rules. Edit: Google wrecked the formatting Attached is the pdf version. TiberianSun1v1tournamentrules.pdf
  11. The attached pciture is a mock bracket. The bracket has been auto generated at challonge.com. The tournament is seeded so all the best players won't have to play each other until the third and fourth rounds. I think that that seeding helps make the best of 3 format seem not so bad. We're willing to consider best of 5 for the second and 3 rounds but my fear is that it will take too long. (TRZ, you've played as many best of five games as anyone, how long does it normally take?) Most players that I have included in this mock bracket have said yes. A few players like yourself have said maybe. If we have 3 players drop out, the bracket will still be basically the same format but the names will get shuffled around.
  12. Hop on over to https://cncnet.org/tiberian-sun and download the game. EA released all of the old CNC games for free! Lots of Giants Of War and BBG games open in the lobby. Enough Terrace games to keep the good players happy.
  13. Tiberian Sun 1v1 Tournament - June 11th @ 6pm Eastern time. Sign Up now. Hosted By Humble, XmeXyou and friends. Cash prizes will be given to the top 4 finishers. $120 Cash prize minimum. The more players we get, the more money will be given out. The first few rounds will be held on June 11th at 6pm Eastern time and the semifinals and Championship game will be held on June 18th. Sign up by now by private messaging me or Humble on the forums. Watch this topic for more specific rules. Edit: Check your timezone Edit: Click For Countdown Clock Edit: Official rules for the tournament. (click) Edit: Forgot to add that chill has promised to make a promotional rap/skateboarding video for this tournament, so stay tuned.
  14. By default ChatToAllies will map to Backspace and ChatToAll will map to the return key. You can also change them in the keyboard menu. There is an option for ChatToPlayer but it doesn't do anything, it just has some info about how to use F1-F7 to help teh newbs. More info here https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=5788.0
  15. Some aspects look great. It kinda looks like Planetary Annihilation. From the game play videos it looks like the units get outlined when you zoom out so that they stand out against the terrain without sacrificing the unit graphics. I love that. The radar looks really cartoonish, and for that reason I think it's great. I hate radar/minimaps that don't have high enough contrast. BUT... I can already tell they don't have right click scroll coasting like TS/RA2 and so I can never play this game. My carpals can only handle so much tunnel.... why are all these modern games using shitty map navigation methods, WW already figured this shit out in 1999.
  16. Make sure to download the very very very latest CnCnet installer at cncnet.org. After installing try to log one one time to CnCnet online to just get the latest updates which can sometimes help. After you are completely up-to-date, start trying different render settings. TS-DDRAW works for a lot people, dxwnd works for a lot too, ddwrapper works for others, explore the various checkboxes in the video settings tab of ts-config. I've never seen a system where the player couldn't eventually find 100% functional settings .. But some systems require more setting changes than others. If you crash a lot in the game then try setting visual details to low. Other thoughts: TS is very CPU dependent and it doesn't seem to care if you have a super fast graphics card. Sometimes you will just have to settle with a lower screen resolution than your natural monitor resolution. Consider reducing screen resolution until so you can achieve higher frame rates. (my graphics card supports some very high resolutions, but the game plays best at 1280x800)
  17. Can you try to update to the very latest TS version by logging into CNCNet online once. And also make sure Single Processor Affinity is Enabled.
  18. Wow, great job Kaizen. I'd like to contribute a bit to it. (should this be a wiki?). Here is my contribution: On the NOD vs GDI damage page, It would be good to note that an attack cycle kills a Disruptor just as good as a tick tank at a cheaper price. Early in the game a bike would be a better buy on some maps (forest fires and giants). Harpies have 12 shots and can rip through smaller buildings with ease if your opponent doesn't have sams. It's a good way to low power your opponent after you eng his con-yard. You noted that the Orca Bomber kills a deployed tick tank easier than an undeployed one and I also always noticed that an MK2 sucks versus a deployed tick tank. So I went and looked it up and created a matrix of Armor types vs Weapon types that how it all works. Basically, a deployed tick tank has an armor type of concrete and the orca bomber deals more damage to concrete than it does to tank armor (called heavy armor). More details in this attached spreadsheet. Feel free to add the info to your spreadsheet. TS_Armor.xlsx.zip
  19. Many of these bugs have been patched see here http://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=5406.0
  20. We've patched a bunch of bugs that the TS community pointed out here http://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=4718.0 You'll get the patches automatically when you log into to play TS online. Units no longer explode when they are told to attack or told to stop when they are on a service depot. This patch also fixes a lot of other exploding units problems. Fixed the carryall click under bug that could cause a carryall to never land when an enemy clicks under it with another aircraft. Barracks' will no longer stop producing units after you've built a Jump Jet to a rally point. An unloaded aircraft that is reloading on a helipad will no longer stop reloading after it's been told to attack a unit. You can no longer set a rally point in shroud for you war factory and helipad. A player can no longer block another players refinery with a harvester. Harvester Truce works once again. Units can now get multiple power up crates. Players will timeout faster if they fail to connect in the loading screen.
  21. You want a critique? You aren't using hotkeys. You should make a comittment to not using the sidebar buttons for fix/sell/power. Go cold turkey on that. You should have sold your refinery before it got destroyed which would be easier if you had hotkeys set up and used them exclusively. You should set "sell" to the u key. Use h to go home instead of scrolling back home. Scout better. Send 1 light infantry to each corner. Hold q down and direct and infantry to go to multiple locations and that infantry will follow your sequence of clicks just like a waypoint. Use this technique to quickly scout around your base. You built a sam and rocket infantry too soon. If you are going to bunk, you need to use that starting 10k to get your economy going. that means getting 4 harvesters and 2 refineries in the first 3 minutes of the game. After that, you will be able to build non-stop units from any single factory. For example you will be able to build non-stop banshees or non-stop tick tanks (but not both). I don't think you understand the timing of the game. In the worst case, a 1 ref disruptor attack will be in your base in 2.5 minutes. If you've scouted well, you will have seen the disruptor/mk rush commng at the 2 min mark and then you have 30 seconds to build defense (rocket infantry, sams bikes,tick tanks etc). Your base isn't laid out to take advantage of the top right position. TR has the advantage against disrutpors because of how close it is to the right edge. You should put your war factory on the right side near the edge of the screen. That way there is less space that a disruptor can land to attack your war factory. Your second refinery should be over there for the same reason. Use engineers to save buildings.
  22. The multi fucktory map may need to have Insignificant=yes on the refinery in order for the game to end in short game mode and the harvester might need it to end the game with non-short game. [PROC] Immune=yes +Insignificant=Yes TechLevel=-1
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