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Everything posted by XGalaxyZ

  1. Some Infantry do got great Uses. actually The only ones which really deserve Buffs are Tesla Troopers Yuri Brutes Cuba Terrorist. Also Guardian GI Strength increased? These guys are perfect tank killers! When stuffed inside BFs. On the other hand Flak Troopers should be fixed at Elite Status since they are less powerful/Nerfed at that Rank
  2. They work all the time When i lead them. As My own Hungry Yuri Brutes! always WIN! Against every enemy player that i face! ❤️ Because 1 Seal is not enough to stop my Hungry Yuri Brutes! ❤️ Since I ALWAYS SPAM YURI BRUTES VS THE AI PLAYERS! :3 And atleast 1000! To win all the time! As Hungry Yuri Brute spammers! Always WIN! Everyone must have fun at RA2 Thats why we always play it ❤️
  3. But! The most important points! Of RA2 YR Infantry are YURI BRUTES! Mine will always be so hungry! Awesome! and too Overpowered! To actually defeat! ❤️ Because im a true yuri brute spammer! ❤️ Winning every match by spamming only Hungry Yuri Brutes! and nothing else! ❤️ Besides that. Infantry is awesome to use in RA2 YR ❤️ Even in mass numbers!
  4. Sovs. Just flat out suck In late-game When one has a good amount of Mirages/Prisms and BFs Yes they might have the best basic tank But does that make them good? Clearly NO! Cause Only Iraq has a useful unit For Sovs. The rest of the sov countries Have terrible. units That either need supers. Or early game use Staring at Terrorists/Demo Trucks since those become obsolete After awhile Not really saying they suck on all levels. But is it really that neccesary to only have sovs Have Iraq as their strong point while the other factions in serious gameplay Get ignored or no buffs Hungry Yuri Brutes! Always would win Cause they are so great! When i lead them that i wont need any other units To use! ❤️ Once i spam too much Every player would quit the game With the insane amount of Hungry Yuri Brutes! i always spam! ❤️
  5. Yup and as long As someone Spams and uses Tank Destroyers the right way They can be great to use ❤️ As they arent all too bad With Buffs or Good Management. And you dont need too much Units supporting them Only IFVs/Prisms Tanks :3 Always worth spamming? YES! Because! Its important to know When and how the right times are to send them in to smash tanks ❤️
  6. But. One should know That! HUNGRY YURI BRUTE SPAMMERS! Always WIN! Over Rhino Tank Spammers! ❤️ Since once someone spams! Too much hungry yuri brutes! The weak soviet and allied factions! Can never stop! Hungry Yuri Brutes! ❤️ Since they are so Overpowered! and awesome unit! to use!
  7. I Disagree. Tank Destroyers. are worth their cost. And if you spied war factory + Add Prisms/IFVs to them they are actually pretty deadly if Supers are turned off. + With Ctrl + Shift like @NizzyStorm Mentioned. they would get better shots off. They win easier vs vehicles. on YR. since you can add Seal IFV early on. If someones makes infantry. for them. But on vanilla RA2 they only work well with Prisms in later game Tank Destroyers. really only work with good control. Otherwise. your just wasting money. YURI BRUTES! Also buffed! Cause they are so great! when i use them!
  8. Yeah maybe i should Spam Yuri Brutes. against. him see if he can defeat them or not.
  9. Glad you said You dont want Soviet players to build apocalypse tanks! Because! whenever you see A Soviet Player spamming apocalypse tanks! The Yuri Player SHOULD ALWAYS SPAM 2000 YURI BRUTES! VS THEIR APOCALYPSE TANKS! To win! ❤️ As im always gonna spam! tons of yuri brutes! Vs everything i encounter! As Hungry Yuri Brutes! When i lead them! Would Never! Be Useless! or Expensive! ❤️ Let Hungry Tesla Tanks and Tesla Troopers! Be more useful! Give them more attack range. As i spam them alot in Appels Older wasteland map. The trooper* And they work perfectly until Desolators/Seals/Tanya comes.
  10. But there are always Hungry Yuri Arnolds! you can spam constantly! To win every game at YR! Because my own Hungry Yuri Arnolds! aka Yuri Brutes. ALWAYS WIN! When i spam 1000 Of them! ❤️
  11. Yuri Brutes! Are ALWAYS! Extremely Overpowered! And very effective counter! To everything. That Yuri Brutes! face! Why?! Because i spam! 3000 Yuri Brutes! and always WIN! ❤️ Since true yuri brute spammers! are real game winners! ❤️ Nothing can defeat 3000 Yuri Brutes!
  12. But did you remember to spam Tank Destroyers? correctly? like spam them only vs tanks? And let prism tanks/ifvs and mirages handle the other stuff? Because whenever i spam tons of Hungry Yuri Brutes! vs Prism Tanks! they always WIN! ❤️ The same applies. for Tank Destroyers. since whenever i use them! They will always! succeed! In taking down everything they encounter! ❤️ Since. good control favors the tank destroyers. And once you get elite ones. Any vehicle/tank is done for anyways.
  13. Tank Destroyers win easier Vs Sovs. if you say play on YR and have 2 Seal IFVs to handle the drones. On the vanilla game its not so easy using them Vs Sovs. But mixing them when supers are OFF with mirage/prism and IFVs is awesome. to do
  14. If you take good control with them Then Hell YES! Why?! because vs tanks they pack a pretty powerful punch Plus + spied war factory units Elite Ones are pretty great vs tanks ❤️ Plus mix 2 seal IFVs with them and drones go bye bye along with rhino tanks Just give em prisms too and IFVs and tank destroyer spammers always win!
  15. My Own Hungry Tank Destroyers! always work well. If i place them with prism tanks and alot of other great stuff Xd. I even made them counter rhinos/terror drones so well. With my own IFV Seals. which. handles the drones so great.
  16. But You should know Ravage that my own Hungry Yuri Brutes! always WIN! Against everything that they face! ❤️ Because! If i see someone spamming stuff! Then ill make sure my own Hungry Yuri Brutes! Beat them down! As mine would be Extremely Overpowered! Vs the Noob AI Players! Since you NEVER Spam Hungry Yuri Brutes! alone. You always use the mutator to get them. And me spamming Hungry Yuri Brutes! always works well. If the enemy ignores/does not kill them right away. ❤️ :3 So My own Hungry Yuri Brutes! always work as a counter to everything! They face. As i defeated 250 AI Prism Tanks. On one Photo with 250 Hungry Yuri Brutes! easily! ❤️
  17. ❤️ If were really gonna change all the weak/useless RA2 Units best list would be to do this TD Make it one shot terror drones so it can atleast counter. Them. Tesla Trooper and Tesla Tank Make them have extra attack range. And slightly more HP for the trooper. They are barely worth their cost. and uses. Crazy Ivan more speed + make its bombs do more damage. Demo Truck less expensive + Make its effect longer. Or more HP. Terrorist Give it alot more HP. and let it leave radiation behind if blowing up + Make it so when bunched up and if 1 dies they dont suffer so much. Yuri Brute. Give it more HP so people atleast use it for combat purpose. Desolators Seals/Tanya Prism Tanks Kill tons of them so fast. The money spend at brutes would be better into tanks
  18. Yup or even better send in IFVs Loaded. with seals and engineers to repair the tank destroyers and handle Terror Drones. XD. I even managed to make rhino tank spam Worser. and make Tank Destroyers win vs them As long as one does NOT! Spam only tank destroyers Mass it with prism tanks So TD can shield for the lighter Tier 3 vehicles. And youll be happy vs Mass Tanks. Once tank destroyers focus attacking those ❤️
  19. If I SPAM YURI BRUTES! VS THE AI THEIR PRISM TANKS! They will ALWAYS WIN! ❤️ Also If i spam an insane amount of Hungry Yuri Brutes! The Prism Tanks will struggle defeating them! Because the yuri brutes! Are Extremely Overpowered! And the human player would quit the game. If facing a big amount of Hungry Yuri Brutes! So ill say it here YES! Yuri Brute spamming vs Prism Tanks IS ALWAYS WORTH IT! TO DO! ❤️ Since Mass Prism Tanks never! defeat my hungry yuri brutes!
  20. Yup Because Yuri Brutes! are Extremely Overpowered! ❤️ And once i spam too much! Of them! The AI their Prism Tanks will always! LOSE! As Yuri Brute. spammers! Are true game winners! ❤️ And once yuri brutes! Reach too high numbers! Prism Tanks! can never defeat them!
  21. Glad you said Infantry are alright! Because! on YR! When you face Allies Players. Spamming Prism Tanks! The Yuri Player. SHOULD ALWAYS SPAM! 2000! YURI BRUTES! VS THEIR PRISM TANKS! TO WIN! As ill always keep saying the true facts! That Yuri Brutes! are always Extremely Overpowered! Vs everything They face! And that They are Never! Useless! Or Expensive! And that they are an amazing unit to spam in this game! too ❤️ So every Yuri Player. SHOULD ALWAYS SPAM! YURI BRUTES! Even against Mass Prism Tanks! To win every game! :3 So nothing will ever! Win against my own! Hungry Yuri Brutes! As true yuri brute spammers! ALWAYS WIN! ❤️ As in this Photo Right here! I Got Infinite Amounts of money! And Yuri Brutes! And! I Defeated 250! Prism Tanks! That the AI player has! And my Hungry Yuri Brutes! came out Victorious! Because! Like i said! They are an amazing unit to spam! In this game! And they are Extremely Overpowered! Too! ❤️ So Hungry Yuri Brutes! will Never! Be Useless! Or Expensive! ❤️ :3
  22. I would safely. say Tank Destroyers. are Good vs AI. Only though. And for defense vs Tanks. As for spamming them against human players. Its definetly not worth doing at all. Btw Tank Destroyers. are still good vs BFs and Apocs. from AI As i spam Tank Destroyers. so much vs the AI That they would always LOSE! As i spam BFs full with GGi alongside them too. ❤️ They would still be good for defense vs Rhinos as Grizzly/Lasher Paper Tanks. arent good vs rhinos. Also Bryan Vahey did explain. why Tank Destroyers. got big issues. With True Facts. from me that plenty of other options do anti-tank roles. alot better than Tank Destroyers. Once you get enough BF with GGis tank destroyers. Cant do much.
  23. Yup and that is why i love spamming my favorite units. Vs the AI ❤️ As i did make 1 elite tank destroyer and have it obtain firepower upgrade From a Crate and it did 1 shot a terror drone. So if we could investigate. How much damage that gives 1 elite tank destroyer they would be WORTH IT! To spam vs Enemy tanks/vehicles. But because i spam tank destroyers vs the AI their! vehicles/tanks I would always WIN! ❤️ :3 I Even do Spam Yuri Brutes! vs the AI Their Prism Tanks! to WIN! Because i even made a topic Where i say that Yuri Brutes always WIN! Vs the AI their Prism Tanks. ❤️ As i spam tons of yuri brutes. And defeat everything the enemy throws at them
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