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Everything posted by XGalaxyZ

  1. ? And if you have a soviet barracks and cloning vats And spam conscripts. With a Genetic Mutator One can spam Yuri Brutes. for a far cheaper option. As for Yuri Brutes at Mental Omega. They are a great option. to spam With Cloning Vats and if enemy lacks strong anti-infantry options. ❤️
  2. Lol you get so triggered. Just when a person replies back to u nicely Haha. I guess your always my favorite Noob. from now on But dont worry my funny little crybaby You will improve more When the Mike Rage is real
  3. You gotta ban anybody. If you spam Yuri Brutes Vs Prism Tanks. Then remember to ban them :3 Since any C&C Game. You play and if you decide to Spam Useless Units. vs OP. Units And then people defeat you. Then its okay to ban people. from your games. By the way I would love to see you turn into the Next WingsOfRedemption. Banning. anybody using the best counters to your Useless Unit. spam ❤️
  4. Late. Comment. Yes its a single use. ? And doing it again after using it grants another use.
  5. oh Man i would love to be happy to spam So much Yuri Brutes. vs Prism Tanks aswell Maybe if Yuri Brutes. got Buffed in health. Many would use em more. Even TS Cyborgs. are worth spamming as Anti-Infantry Option. compared to buggies wolverines
  6. Well i tried Spamming Yuri Brutes. vs Prism Tanks at a survival map. And the Prism Tanks. Won all the time. Now i know That Yuri Brutes. are very underpowered. :(
  7. Here. is another Suggestion. For C&C Remastered let me know if you want to see C&C Remastered. Remove the limit on Units/Buildings. Or Keep both having a Cap. Like on the original TD/RA1 Titles.
  8. As C&C Remastered. Is coming in a few weeks. Here is a suggestion. for it Let me hear your thoughts. on this Have the way how walls are build changed? Or remain the same as the originals? The way to change it is. Where you can build multiple Walls. Like how Tiberian Sun Increased. it. That way. It would make building walls. In C&C Remastered have atleast a purpose. :)
  9. Lets Discuss about the General Maps i mostly hate and find boring C&C TD Mainly the maps That have too much Tiberium on them Leave Any GDI Player alone for a long time and They'll Wreck You with Mammoths in the long run C&C Red Alert 1 Infinite Ore Maps Why Do NOOBS Love these maps so Much!? Teslas Tanks Choppers Turrets and Other things to constantly Spam Hurts my Hands the most Atleast on Standard Maps You need actual skill and Good Management on Everything C&C Tiberian Sun Giants Conflict BBG and Visceroid Maps Mainly Too much Blossom Trees and Everyone Plays NOD! On those maps. Not that i hate Nod on this game. C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Redzones! Boy these Garbage Maps Can last for Hours! Till i get bored And surrender Out of boredom. Rekool Is also another Big Noob Map Whats so fun with building everything so Crazy Fast? None. for me And just Maps that make Terrible Junk So Broken to use
  10. Quick Poll To vote on If Tech Levels Should make an appearance on Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Comments are Welcome.
  11. Just installed Tiberium Wars Kanes Wrath and Red Alert 3 on my PC again and i tried patching them to their latest patches But whenever i attempt to do it The game says Could not connect to EA I removed all 3 games again re-installed them And it still has not fixed the issue I disabled Firewall settings and some other stuff Which did still not help out :( So im stuck playing Tiberium Wars and Kanes Wrath Unpatched and as for Red Alert 3 it always gives me a black screen whenever i start that up :( And if i click to play online on TW or KW My PC Crashes Im using Windows 10 as my version and My Discs are the Standard Editions.
  12. Is there any way to Mod the Searchlight Tower to activate an alarm if an enemy unit comes in its searchlight? I Tried copying ALARM From the TS Ini files to the Searchlight Towers Primary thing but whenever i build the Searchlight Tower if i copied it from the TS Ini files The game will always crash Is there any way to add an Alarm Sound effect to the searchlight tower? Or is it impossible?
  13. Before anyone would attack or hate me for this Balancing topic let it be known that on this game Its great to play it but there are some things which really makes it unfair for most things Here would be a few examples 1. GDI Does not even need power for their Component Tower Upgrades Vulcan Cannon RPG Rockets and SAM Rockets Can always fire even when the GDI Player has no Power plants builded or left 2. The Attack Cycle is very pointless to use It cant fire on air units unless its Elite which gives it the HoverMLRS Missiles. 3. Jumpjet Infantry their flight speed is too slow for both Vanilla Tiberian Sun and Firestorm and its pretty dumb to mass produce these little guys with their Machine Guns Yes they are good for forcing players to build anti-air and scouting but other than that Meh. 4. Superweapons. Generally i have no hate or Unbalance for this But the Hunter Seeker is so broken On Firestorm it can even kill a core defender in one shot Plus you cant turn them off normally like in RA2 where ur forced to either play with them on or play Tech Levels lower 5. Attack Buggies Wolverines Cyborgs would they even have any use Cyborgs cost too much are too slow and are a waste of 650$ And are an ineffective unit choice too Not to mention Titans kill it very easily It can be EMPed too 6. Out of ideas Let me know your ideas on how to balance Tiberian Sun or Firestorm out better
  14. So i tried chatting on the main CnCNet Channel again after my break and i tried doing the !seen command But the bot did not respond to me and i tried PMing some random people around the CnC channel and they didtn respond back to me or saw my messages I really want to chat with other people again Can someone please help me out? Cause it appears that im muted if thats so can i please be unmuted?. so that i can chat with people again.
  15. No Question just only asking if Tick Tanks or either Titans have a better useage
  16. Mhmmmm many questions here Although what i would advice on very early game is to Quick Tech to Radar and War Factory Flak Track + Crazy Ivan if ur Soviet and if ur Allies IFV + Seal Destroy the bridges with the Seal or Ivan Then take the Derricks and Gems for good incomes Later on Kirov Control was very terrible You letted alot of Flak concentrate their fire on the Kirovs which was wasted money Even though this would be expensive Apocalypse + Iron curtain will work if ur quick with taking out the construction yard while the timer lasts Lastly there are Derricks and Airfields in the south + north positions of the map
  17. I agree with that But Rocket Soldiers alone can easily get killed by Titans Orca Bombers Devil Tongues En-masse Titan Vs Rocket Soldier Battle the Titans would just win unless Rocket Soldier is supported by either EMP or Vanilla TS Artillery
  18. I dont actually spam them as a single unit only for Tiberian Sun Although if deployed its very resistant to railguns and disruptors beams As for Rocket Infantry i barely even use them for Anti-Air That and Jumpjets are basicly the weakest defense for Anti-Air Sams are just better for Anti-Air Defense
  19. Just tried Tiberian Sun out again and i was wondering what is actually the better unit to spam Tick Tanks or Titans? As i know Titans have 400HP Heavy armour and are slower than tick tanks and that Tick Tanks have 4 Things on them 350HP and light armour if its undeployed And if it gets deployed it gets Concrete armour which makes it highly resistant to disruptor and Mammoth Mark 2 and Ghost stalkers Railguns They are also faster than Titans too Either way both units cost 800$ each So i was just wondering if either Titan or Tick tank are both good or only 1 of them
  20. Ugh theres a Tech Level for a reason here Put it on Tech 9 or 8 if u want Superweapons disabled or use Ini files its really that easy GAPLUG AIBuildThis=no NATMPL AIBuildThis=no NAMISL AIBuildThis=no Enable that in your map so the AI never builds superweapons on Tech 10 Easy. Peasy.
  21. ive already blocked that BUMRUSH guy but still i want a response from any admin here to see why he hasnt even being banned yet like really hes doing this for years and gets away with this why even ban RA1 players here and let TS assholes get away with this? surely i do TS but im not even harassing other players on there except for BUMRUSH ofcourse whos doing that for years and still doesnt get banned yet this honestly bores and infuriates people who are getting tired off this so yeah i want this sorted out and done with immature people here they rarely react to fights at all here which is another pain ofcourse so yeah let players also have a chance to become admin and atleast do some work here so yeah but this is how it goes here #MakeCnCNetGreatAgain
  22. im just officially getting tired of BUMRUSH his immaturity and his annoyances to me and UKIP BUMRUSH is doing this for years and he hasnt even being banned yet he posted 2 videos off me on his youtube channel showing how much of a childman he is if cncnet ever wants a better community why ban UKIP and not BUMRUSH!? hes trash talking to players for years now and he hasnt even being warned yet by any admins here obviously it does bother us 2 me and UKIP as we want to have a better and nicer community instead of a whole toxic one like really why even let them talk trash and get away with this? the only time cncnet did something good was ban crush and not other players like PoweR or BUMRUSH so sincerely cncnet be more competent with warning people cause this place is getting worser with BUMRUSH walking around free without being warned by his trashing these years honestly this isnt even right and should be fixed now with working admins instead of lazy ones
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