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Everything posted by Gun_Man

  1. Every time I start the client, ever since the latest update, it gets an error before i can even see anything. I've reinstalled twice and restarted computer. I have Windows 7 if that helps.
  2. Also, while i appreciate your move to expedite this tournament, keep in mind we have been pretty good about playing our matches promptly. I don't think it's fair to give a 4 day cutoff via forum while you gave the other teams like months. Nevertheless, it'll be done within a week's time.
  3. lol I'm sorry. I really just dont get notifications of the messages, and when i sign in, still dont get it. you should try getting me on facebook - Jemille Vialet. I'll always see those. anyway, i will be available like normal starting monday. I might have some time in the morning on friday and/or saturday, so hopefully the others can be on. i'm curently on vacation with people so i can't just be like nah, not going to universal studios, i gotta play a game. So, hopefully see you guys saturday. If not, see you all Monday and on. Jemille Vialet
  4. guys how about we post our availability over the next two days
  5. I'm here waiting. Hoping Ankarar is still able to as I don't currently see him online. Jemille Vialet
  6. no, I am working at least from 7pm - 1 am eastern. I thought we agreed on the time you initially posted.
  7. I thought there was a way for the admin to find out exactly who it was who impersonated Zigzag. Knowing who it is might shed some light on the situation.
  8. The best thing you can do is ignore them. They will get bored of it eventually. Respond and they'll be entertained.
  9. Adam i was never associated with them. I only knew who one of them was, the one that started it all. From the start i was against it, but it never caused me any problems until recently. Why should I be the one to change his name when I was the original? I'm done posting about it after this - just wanted to set your assumption straight. Grateful to those who have stopped and indifferent to those who havent. Thanks.
  10. If it was coincidental then sure. This is deliberate. Put yourself in my shoes. At least after my efforts and as I heard Joe (thank you), one of them has changed their names, finally. The only one whose identity I even knew. Hopefully the rest, whoever they are, will follow suit and allow me to play this game without having to explain the situation to angry players twice a day.
  11. i hope you guys know that lag is not dictated by ping. I've had pings of over 400 in a game and still had it be fast. The problem is someone in the room's internet connection not being stable. Try pinging to google and make sure your numbers are consistent. type /ping google.com -t in command prompt and check out the consistency of the pings.
  12. admin. please do something about this. i'm getting kicked from games still because of them. think of the community. i've asked them all to change their names, but they wont. and they're ruining shit for me
  13. lol. NOOOO. i am gun_man and only that.
  14. Hi admins, Gun_Man here. So I'm making this topic because this is about the 10th time now I've had someone ask me if I'm Gun_Mom or heard that people were talking shit about "me". The player who is using the Gun_Mom nickname needs to change his name as it is having a direct effect on me at this point. Thank you.
  15. When the map is selected, if you change settings it will work the first time. Just need to enable and disable crates until everyone can clearly see the map preview.
  16. wait i'm sorry is everyone gonna ignore the fact that this imbecile said yuri isnt strongest and allied is?
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