Stay on topic stop being a child 24/7 Matt. It's getting old quick. I get it, the internet prominent for not being taken seriously but you literally came here just to trash. If you have nothing to discuss about the "Forum topic" please mind your attention elsewhere unless you have something truly to discuss. This isn't a place for minds of 12 year olds! I think the changes are good, and on the grizzle tank note. You can buy tier 3 units to fight Apocalypse tanks. Even with Germany. Germany alone you can put up a good fight too with Rockies. at much cheaper price with a better tank overall. I don't quiet know the changes that were made to the TDessy on mx but I know they can shoot on the move facing the right direction.
And P.S we didn't refuse a challenge. YOU left and joined another game. When I smashed the lobby chat to get you to join our game and you Ignored us. Stop being such a kid and taking this out of proportion on this forum, your digging a crater here Matt.