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  1. YouTube is soo stupid, they belive on him and replay to me that FyingZ possible sedn a document that prove that he is the owmner of Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Yuri¡s Revenge together with EA, is very simple he not care about lose his shitty YT channel so make a false demand.
  2. False ID claim by troll YouTube manual check fail I made a live broadcast about the video game that I have been playing for years and it is the main content of my channel, I mean Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge that is owned by Electronics Arts that years ago I wrote to you because YouTube asked for the "video policy" to be able to monetize video game content and I received this answer: "EA appreciates the passion that players have for our games, and we’re always excited to see the creativity that comes from our community. EA does not object to fair uses of game footage or screenshots on video sharing sites, including YouTube channels that are commercialized, as long as the footage is a version of the game that we have released to the public." Just yesterday the channel: AutomatorMC - YouTube that only has 3 videos with very few views about the game in question made a claim for copyright to my live broadcast: In the details of the claim it says that the manual review was done and that a strike will be applied and my live broadcast will be eliminated without giving me the opportunity to appeal. Evidently both he and I play the same scenarios of the video game and that does not make it a copy of content just by playing on the same maps, obviously video games have maps and scenarios that when recording a video or broadcast live will be the same for everyone who plays the video game and naturally YouTube will detect that they are similar when it comes to content created individually and not a copy of other content. In the detelles of the claim it does not appear that exactly is the reason for the claim if a simple similarity or by the use of maps created by the community I understand that the creators of mods or maps for video games, can not market their creations because in the first place they do not own the video games and the elements they use in said mods or maps, for that they should have a license of commercial use on the video game, because creative commons practically anyone can say that they own any minimum modification and it does not seem enough to say that they own the rights of use of a mod or map because in the first the comañias of videjuegos usually prohibit its modification for commercial purposes, that is why the mods or maps require the game purchased with a license for domestic use and that as EA expresses allows the publication of monetized videos on YouTube and when claiming their commercial use makes them subjects to commercially use said mod or map to be them and only they who can upload content of such mods or maps. Obviously it is a false claim that a troll has made against my content and that the team that reviews manuelmente these claims has not been layers of realizing that it is a false claim, being human beings are not exempt from making mistakes and therefore should not be allowed to have the last word in these cases. It is alarming how YouTube with all its infrastructure can not pay employees who know about video games for these cases, I should work as a moderator there in such a case and I would do a much better job thanks to the more than 10 years of experience I have in video game communities, with mods and maps and competitive game. Attentively a hurt user who loves the platform and who lives on it, if people fail the company fails.
  3. After suffering this annoying bug a lot of times, i discovery how to make it usefull and also how to make it deliberately, i show all the details in this video, i not use any mods just normal game: After uploading this, Green Elf have the idea how to make it even more usefull with Libya demolition trucks: That also give me the idea that maybe we have the most powerfull super weapon in game (riskfull) but in for fun games was possible in this live stream: Pros: No warming that gone a be use it Can destroy almost a entire base Can destroy super weapons and MCV (other SW can't) Very hard to react and use force shield and no time for sell buildings cons: Have a lot of demolition trucks in base is very dangerous Only can be use it in fun games Need to be team game 1 Libya player and 1 Allied player or unholy alliance game mode (start with 3 factions MCV) Anyway if you don't believe me i show it in a controled experiment here:
  4. That never happen people quits and Sypoy win by default because he not quit
  5. Get the Yuri Gonzales main menu theme here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqHxAp2AOlj2gYdgZICMn50_quKbFg?e=cUMB0t Donwload and remplace in this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Red Alert II\Resources\Yuri Theme\MainMenu Choice client theme CnCNet classic for use it in your client.
  6. There is a problem, cncnet team try to be official and not accept piracy i think that is the problem of mental omega for not make it standalone
  7. This means that mods like that can be compresed on maps or is jus put more mods to the download cncnet client?
  8. @Grant SanHolo player continues down the game speed in multiplayer for trolling, you should disable that option in the next patch or people gone a continue doing that all time for trolling, also is hard to block and ban trolls from games, please fix this.
  9. Sunny because not cry for multiengineer
  10. Yup i think nobody make this ever in a real multiplayer game.
  11. I just wan to share my best combo ever made in a online multiplayer gameplay with super weapons in Eifel tower in center custom map:
  12. I not see the animation of explosion in Red Alert 2 mode i mean not Yuri's Revenge.
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