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Everything posted by Generalslavik

  1. I'm trying to find where to delete all of my mission scores so I can start fresh. Anyone help with this?
  2. Yup. Happened to me 3 Tsunamis games in a row.
  3. The game repeatedly crashes "Yuri's Revenge has encountered an error" or whatever it says, and it happens like every game. What is the issue any help?
  4. So i just activate the one i want before i complete any qm's next ladder?
  5. I want to change the name for next season Not use 2 at once
  6. How to you switch accounts for qm?
  7. When i press the esc key in quick match to admit defeat, my screen freezes, when i finish the game, the screen that shows your kills etc is blank and i cant see my mouse. and fixes for these?
  8. Thank you! only the bottom one will play though ?
  9. Im having this issue as well also endgame screen that shows kills etc i cant see my mouse. have to minimize to find mouse and move it to where continue button is and maximize and click very annoying
  10. Hello all, Ive been long away from this game as until recently it was hard to find games to play or atleast on my schedule it was anyway. But ive been spending alot of time on this game now. Question is when i face Yuri in a qm, what is best bet? Tech? seems like on small maps rushing is the best as endgame yuri is hard to beat other than defending and sw. Im not a pro by any means just trying to get better and more versatile in my playstyle. Any tips or videos where endgame Yuri is beaten by ally/sov would be helpful.
  11. Hello all, Ive been long away from this game as until recently it was hard to find games to play or atleast on my schedule it was anyway. But ive been spending alot of time on this game now. Question is when i face Yuri in a qm, what is best bet? Tech? seems like on small maps rushing is the best as endgame yuri is hard to beat other than defending and sw. Im not a pro by any means just trying to get better and more versatile in my playstyle. Any tips or videos where endgame Yuri is beaten by ally/sov would be helpful.
  12. i agree people who often dc should be restricted or banned (for a few days or possibly the month of the current ladder?) Automatic 150 point reduction from account if multiple dc's in a small period of time? Ive had some ppl dc me awhile back when i first found cncnet but not so much anymore. Issue i'm having in quick match is I cant see my end game screen its always blank. have to best guess my mouse clicks to go back to lobby quite annoying.
  13. "Those who apply logic acquired through life and apply it in all applications tend to achieve their goals" -GeneralSlavik
  14. Dropped $20 to you guys. Appreciate you guys keeping this alive!
  15. Actually shortly after I made this post, I watched a video with a download link below it. downloaded 3 files and transferred them to my game folder and both the game and cncnet have worked pretty flawless since then. My issue was my RA2.ini was empty besides the intro. Here is the link that helped me fix. This was a *WINDOWS 10 FIX* https://mega.nz/#!OFpn2AzT!eatvFjyEPtxynN7M5EWNwEffEg7yq6INm7xsV9ec66A
  16. Hey guys. I'm having main executable not working when I launch ra2 from origin. The game will not work. But cncnet works fine. Including skirmish. I did make a post about it but I'm waiting for it to be approved I will try to post the link
  17. The speed is much different in ra2 originally. The tanks especially turned much faster when aiming Imo. I feel like YR RA2 mode is just slower to a degree. I could be wrong. But when I play origins RA2 the difference seems noticable. And I noticed I set ra2 mode the other day and had selected random for my country and I got Yuri. Ended the game. Other than that I've had no issue. Still LOVE the fact that I can play ra2/YR online. And I appreciate all the work you guys are doing. iRageGaming.
  18. Anyone have any video links to watch? I've youtubed a lot of them. I mainly play sov, but watching some good allied tactics would be sweet. I'm rusty as all hell. I played a few 1v1's the other day (As Sov). I messed my build order up both times, it use to be pp bar ref war ref($) ref($) pp radar bl naval back in the day. But I get caught up in the gameplay. I'm always caught between the quick win or playing a lengthy game. Since no ladders i'd like to play it out for a while and see it thru. but I don't because it seems like have the community wants to engi rush and the other half wants to play it out. So any videos on either Ally or Sov would be good actually. Heres a link to my 1v1s. https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=JcB-bWb9PDo if anyone can comment and let me know what I did wrong or what I can do to fix would be much appreciated.
  19. I'm getting back into cncnet again now that my baby was born. Would love to help. Just let me know if you still need any. SN is SHUDRSKI on ra2/yr
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