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Everything posted by MapDesigner

  1. ??? I never played kknd1 Also im pretty sure that they both have same exact graphics. There must have been an update.
  2. Hello everyone. I remember I once have played PS1 version of this game. apparently there are many differences. to summerise the differences I am aware of so far, Campaign selection menu looks different in PC and PS1 version Campaign missions are not in the same order in both version; for instance, the PS1 evolved mission 5 is actually mission 1 in the PC version. Also, in the PS1 it has max 2 upgrades while while the PC version it has only 1 max upgrade PC has 5 upgrades while PS1 has only 4 upgrades in the PS1 version, only 2 buildings of the same type are allowed. a player cannot build more than 2 power stations, 2 machine shops, or solar collectors. same applies to all other buildings. some buildings do not exist in PS1 version including: Armoury, Repair bay thermal exchanger,, lazer destroyer tower, force wall, Barricade and all their equivalents. only the PC version has them In PS1 version, tower are available when the outpost in upgraded. in the PC version, the armoury has that function. both versions have number of towers limited to 4. There may well be more differences. Here is a video on how the campaign map looks like in PS1 version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7mDhdacqhw&t=20s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2px9UhRN9nY&t=14s while the PC version campaign mission selection on the other hand looks like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgkUbSP2L7w&t=0s Here is you can see that max 4 upgrades are available always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7mDhdacqhw&t=5m26s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJXTK1J55d0&list=PLR09fnk-GyfAadkyI4aN0z8dfup4qRRRE&t=11m5s while the PC version, you can see the max is 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDHw_HFPH-w&t=15m52s are there more differences? also, how many PC versions exist? Becuz I recall I once played PC version which is very similar to the PS1 with only 4 upgrades and no new buildings. are these changes recent?
  3. Hello, this game is very similar to RA2; it existed since PS1 days. do you guys play it? im surprised I havent seen sub forum or so for it (I was expected sub-forum for all other games LOL)
  4. ? Is it compressed files? You will need to uncompress them first. After that all you would need is to double click the exe installation file. Now when you install the game you might need to change the compatabilty settings and run the game file on previous versions of windows. For me it only worked when i chose win. 2000 . Compatabilty with XP didnt work with me.
  5. @fir3w0rx Brilliant. Thx for the test. From your numbers we could see grizzly need 69% time to build relative to rhino. We can also see that 1 Rhino = 1.443 Grizzly (the inverse of 69%). However, from my calculation on the other hand (numbers can be seen last page): 1 Rhino = 1.08 Grizzly now this is clearly different values. I would still lean towards my results as bias, but lets try to be a bit objective. We know from wiki page that grizzly build time is 28, and that the multiplyer is 1.5 so it will be 42 IF MULTIPLIED (which is exactly my result) Rhino on the other hand has 36 to 45 build time. Now, the ratio can either be 1 of 3 possible cases: Ratio = 36 / 28 = 1.285 (i.e. Grizzly is 28% faster than rhino) Ratio = 45 / 28 = 1.61 (Grizzly being 60% faster) Ratio = 45 / 42 = 1.071 (7% faster, which is pretty close to my finding above) Ratio = 36 X 1.5 / (28 X 1.5) = exactly like numbr 1. now now, there could be a reason why you had such different result. Maybe becuz you did only 1 tank. try doing 10 tanks and divide by 10 after that, to eliminate as much error. Another reason could be becuz, well, game speed isnt always constant so... not too sure. Yea if you are measuring with Frames then it should be correct measurement. However, how can you explain that your grizzly to rhino ratio is not close to any of the above 3 possibilities?
  6. Hmmm, So you think rhino build time multipier was reduced in each and every map of YR? I have made all my tests in East vs Best map. (And from the same save game i have)
  7. I think im blind then lol I only can see 1.5 under both tanks x)
  8. Thx guys for pointing this out. I was surprised this info was not stated in the wiki page for grizzly tank (shows original not updated value) but rather only for rhino tank (shows both). I have tested this with my stopwatch at Fast game speed (4), and found that Rhino Tank took 22.5 Seconds to be manufactured, whereas it took grizzlies 20.7 seconds. under the assumption that rhino build time is really 46 seconds, this leads to conclusion, from proportionality, that grizzly tank needs 42 seconds to manufactor. Although I forgot to stop the watch for half a second, it wouldnt matter cuz I took measurement for manufacturing 10 tanks
  9. Welcome Back! :3 wait, this is your first post. well Welcome to the forum then xD
  10. Yes :O but let me guess first: that they can strike while moving? XD
  11. Alright, I will do that sometime. However, nobody as of yet posted any of there expirments (except Fir3Works first reply). I would like to remind every that in this topic not only you can discuss mentioned expirments, but rather can post any hidden features that you find interesting and that are not obvious to casual gamers. Who will post the second expirment? :3 also, I will eventually quote any expirement in the OP so that the list of expirements is easier to follow and find.
  12. Eh o.O how do I do that? just run Red alert from CNCnet client? (last time I ran it, i didnt notice anything like that, but maybe it was tiny font hidden in the corner lol) or is it with sending some message? (like -ping, -frames etc) anyway, I was still surprised that this information we are extracting isnt that famous everywhere. if anything has handled this it is probably that wiki linked there saying its a factor of 0.8 and doesnt state any limit. anyway, my speculation is that conscript build time is the minimum for any unit, I think.
  13. you know what, I can maybe do stop watch test and adjust my game speed to arbitrary value and see how fast time changes, instead of time to create engineer or spy being my time unit lol
  14. Thx Prep, Perhaps we can merge the two topics together in one topic? can someone ask the admin of the forums please!?
  15. Arent we cncnet? O.o im confused. I always thought that cnc net is the community.
  16. hmmm, there seem to be more than one wiki actually. When I said wiki I meant CNC.wikia: https://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Red_Alert_2_Allied_Arsenal as opposed to the one you linked https://www.modenc.renegadeprojects.com/MultipleFactory not sure which one is official, but well, eitherway, I wouldnt take anything for granted. from my experience though, the cnc wiki is quite accurate. I dont recall an exactt error in there as of yet.
  17. Multiple Construction yards do build faster. Is it same ratio? I can only assume it is. I didnt bother to test though, it is only logical to be same ratio lol
  18. @XXxPrePxX Well I had this information when searching google and first answer I found was from website called reddit and here is the quote of the answer: so I took it for granted and didnt try for more than 6 factories. here is the link https://www.reddit.com/r/redalert2/comments/2u8mrx/why_do_people_build_multiple_buildings/ @Chrono Vortex well, I am not entirely sure I trust this 100%. My test values seem to be close eventually, (@ 6 warfacts its 32% and mine is 33%), but it feels like mine is more accurate (@ 6 warfacts units produce exactly together) anyway I did these tests multiple times and I kind feel results were ok and more close than you 80% with 2 factories (my results were between 86% and 90% all of them) I also edited the OP to elaborate a bit more on how exactly I tested, so you can doubt anything you like.
  19. What do you mean? It gives you as much money? That's nice :O How did you find out lol Thats good estimate (although maybe can be different depending on distance) You can also notice that its almost same cost (3 engineers for 1500 almost same), so it would be better than 1 miner if ore is too far, and will be worse if ore is adjacent to refinery
  20. Hello, I would like to post any in-game expirement or findings that I find interesting. Do post any findings you find interesting or discuss any previou tests mentioned here. Test 1: How much do multiple buildings reduce build time? I couldnt find this in the wiki except that the max benefit is 6 factories. So I tested having multiple warfactories and here is the setup and findings: Setup: used either spies or engineers with 1 barracks to know the ratio with 1 factory, then i inreased number of factories and saw how the ratio changes for dif. Tanks (battle tank, apocalypse, rhino, MCV, etc) Edit: let me elaborate a little more here. From the data of cnc wiki, I could pull through the build time for each tank and infantry unit. I used spy and engineer cuz they have nice numbers of 40 seconds and 20 seconds respectively. so it can easily be matched with other tanks (battle tanks with 80 seconds so = 2 spies). I further double checked this pulled data testing the results with 1 factory vs 1 barracks.the rate of number of spies vs battle fortress was as expected, 2. I then tested making many many battle fortresses and spies, and counted them each time ( i separate each 10s in 1 group). I also used grinder to get rid of the units and re-do the test until I have satisfactory results and precise value of the rate of production (any tank / spy or any tank : engineers). thats basically it. Findings: 1 warfact produce normally 100% 2 warfacts have about 88.33% build time. (113.4% build $peed) 3 warfacts have about 73% build time (136% build $peed) 4 warfacts have about 56.66% build time. (176.5% build $speed) 5 warfacts have about 45% build time (222.2% $peed) 6 warfacts have about 33% build time. (300% $peed) So basically you can make 3 Rhinos instead f 1 comparing 6 factories to 1?
  21. now the question lies: what is the best way to set up ore mines so that it gives maximum gold? if we put then too close or too for? which one is better? and what is the best spacing? o.O?
  22. I guess I will have to make whole map then. its like, if my first part of the map is like C , and I wanted to complete the circle and make it an O, it wouldnt be like that. if I copy it, I will just have two halves of one circle that do not fit with each other lol xD
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