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Everything posted by ArabChuckNorris1

  1. It's never happened to me since that day, which is great. I'm not sure if any updates have taken care of this issue.
  2. RA2 Music in YR is a MUST! I feel like this is an easy fix and would love to see it.
  3. This is actually not a cheat but a bug that's been going on for decades. Any of us can replicate this and I've seen this happen a few times on the oil maps when it becomes campy. Realistically if you have a few flaks against that you should be ok and it can be expensive for the opponent. I feel like this glitch in a way is part of the game also but I'm not sure how others feel about it.
  4. Please allow us to be able to in cncnet play Yuri's revenge and have Red Alert 2 music. If so please add it into the actual game.. If someone can teach me how to do it that would be great
  5. I think it only happens on naval maps. Unless you are playing land map and it goes for 2+ hrs
  6. Well, we know what causes it, so atleast thats a step. I'm trying to refrain from playing maps with navy and I dont get recon errors anymore.
  7. Play non-water maps and you should be ok. They are looking into recon errors right now to fix it.
  8. Question, how do I change it in which I can make RA2 music go on YR right now? I'm a noobie with stuff like that if someone can explain in simple terms
  9. Good point that they mostly happen on sea maps. There's something that must trigger it. For land maps I almost never recon error while when I play Tsunami I most of the time do if it goes the late game.
  10. Good ideas but the game that I had which had this same hack I was host and I had forced random colors selected, so I don't think it's that.
  11. The change in-game for speed should be removed completely off the game
  12. Just played a game on Yellow Snow Garden, 2v2v2v2. I always host, and somehow someone sold all my teammate's base and was able to launch like 15 nukes and chrono everything everywhere. At the end, random civilian infantry units started getting produced out of my base without even my doing and the game afterwards had a recon error. I don't care much about it, but I hope that it's just a one off thing and won't start repeating over and over again. Players I played with were: xander, Alee, Happy_, ACER, Volte. I also played with Lebanese, but he is my duo, we live together.
  13. There used to be a forum that provides the changelogs for updates, is there still one or a way to find it? Or is it just on discord type of thing?
  14. Would be a good addition, don't think there's a way tho.
  15. I never tested with short-game, but maybe. I have tested it with units and there is an amount of units you must have or less to be able to get units (aka MCVs) from crates. I believe its 150 units though I'm not 100% sure. I honestly never tested the locations but I've had situations in which all crates spawn on one side of the map and 0 in others, but I would love to see some testing on this.
  16. Yeah, 100%. there's only set amount of crates that spawn at the same time, the number depends on how many players STARTED the game, so if 8 players started, 6 quit, and 2 are alive, the game will have the amount of crates of 8 players. Also, some maps, like Sedona (custom map) has more crates spawned than regular. When playing with crates on, having great multi-tasking skills/map control typically wins you the game. You have to be going for crates ALL the time. By the way, if you are curious if they spawn around your spot ONLY, its not the case. Crates spawn in random locations, though I did notice they typically spawn more on the edges of the map, but I never tested this. Also, if you are looking to get units from crates (MCVs for example) you can't have over 150 units on the map yourself, so if you are MCV-less with hundreds of units, you will never get an MCV until your units start to die.
  17. so is this a campaign set? Or a CNCNET multiplayer type of maps that are modded?
  18. I like the idea, but the bold/italic/whatever would make the lobbies look really ugly on the left side.
  19. Never seen it before and I play Tsunami pretty regularly. Interesting though.
  20. If these are the reasons why recon errors happen, I wonder why there hasn't been a patch that fixes it once and for all. Maybe a way to make lobbies recon error free. Also, I noticed that at times, when someone goes low power, especially towards later of the game, the game recon errors.
  21. Not really techy like that but the pop-up for network access that comes up when you first use LAN comes up, make sure to accept it on both end. When I used to plan on LAN back in the day I had to make sure I did that or else my game would crash.
  22. Quick question. I downloaded the mod, and placed it in my cncnet folder that has Yuri's revenge. But the game now wont load when I start it up from the lobby screen. Everyone loads but me. Did I do anything wrong?
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