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Everything posted by steelc0re

  1. Tips n Tricks of the Nod Trade: YouTube Playlist
  2. great topic post and the rest... yeh keep it cool everyone is doing there little part each to there own do as you do every little helps man thats kinda why i do my youtube channel too https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrQGSpqSz41Zrvk1SdoviA keep it cooking
  3. Now and again under a few handles https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjrQGSpqSz41Zrvk1SdoviA
  4. cannon ball right here the rumest murderer
  5. Hi there, so as it is in the topic title pretty self explanatory... if the host had to go AFK for any number of reasons but the game is basically ready to launch then the host could select an option for Player Launch or Auto Launch when players are ready. Sometimes ill host games but i wanna go smoke while waiting but game fills quickly after i leave, yeah sometimes they will create new game new host but the host might actually wanna watch the game on return and stuff soo maybe a new idea to toy about with....
  6. Learning to Juke those infantry - Priceless
  7. guess you will just have to watch this then crazy match then!
  8. so wb what the hell happened!? lol
  9. so just doing a quick trial if u kill one of your own units its say an infantry... then sell up in skirmish... i sold 2 buildings pp and barr ( mcv counts for nothings) and one infantry... it said 3 losses, 1 kill and 120pnts.... is points based on cost? at least to a degree
  10. keep it going. its a bit of TS history and its also current for new players looking to get a grip on the game. ive got a youtube channel and ill add the link into my standard info beneath vids if thats cool?
  11. Who do you think the ladder DC noob is in this match ?? Place your bets....
  12. it would be a sweet addition sure. if ya can sort it.
  13. blaming on unfair maps isnt up there.... or unfair positions etc..
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