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How to slow AI First attack as much as possible (Skirmish AI Level: Hard)


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Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there's a way to slow down the first AI attack on Skirmish mode.

I want to slow the AI because I want to build my entire base first, and only then to start fighting them.

If it is important to note:

  1. I'm always playing against AI armies on level "Hard".
  2. I tried to set the values of "TeamDelays", "AIHateDelays", "AttackInterval" and "AttackDelay" (file: rules.ini), but none of these solved the issue.

It is possible to control this? maybe with the "rules.ini" file? If so, I would like to know what values to change in order to delay the first attack of the AI.


Hope for help :)

Edited by SuperTanker
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; ******* AI Controls *******
; Computer Skirmish-Mode behavior controls. The ratio values are based on the
; number of buildings in the computer base that should be of the type specified.
; The ratio total should exceed 100% so that the base will always try to grow as
; it vainly attempts to achieve the specified percentage composition.

; Take note: The computer AI in Red Alert is merely a warmed over version
; of the AI experiment I wrote during the unallocated time in the month
; following C&C's release. It was more than adequate at that time (even
; difficult to beat), but since Red Alert is a very different game, the skirmish
; mode AI is somewhat under-effective. In order to improve the AI
; over this initial experiment, the following controls are provided. It might
; be possible to manipulate these values to achieve a greater challenge when
; playing the computer opponent.
AttackInterval=5        ; average delay between computer attacks        
AttackDelay=7           ; average delay time before computer begins first attack
PatrolScan=.016         ; minute interval between scanning for enemys while patrolling.
CreditReserve=100       ; Structure repair will not begin if available cash falls below this amount.
PathDelay=.01           ; Delay (minutes) between retrying when path is blocked.
OreNearScan=6           ; cell radius to scan when harvesting a single patch of ore
OreFarScan=48           ; cells radius to scan when looking for a new ore patch to harvest
AutocreateTime=5        ; average minutes between creating an 'autocreate' team
InfantryReserve=30000    ; always build infantry if cash reserve is greater than this
InfantryBaseMult=1      ; build infantry if building count times this number is less than current infantry quantity
PowerSurplus=75         ; build power plants until power surplus is at least this amount
BaseSizeAdd=99           ; computer base size can be no larger than the largest human opponent, plus this quantity
RefineryRatio=.16       ; ratio of base that should be composed of refineries
RefineryLimit=5         ; never build more than this many refineries
BarracksRatio=.16       ; ratio of base that should be composed of barracks
BarracksLimit=3         ; never build more than this many barracks
WarRatio=.1             ; ratio of base that should be composed of war factories
WarLimit=3              ; never build more than this many war factories
DefenseRatio=.4         ; ratio of base that should be defensive structures
DefenseLimit=45         ; maximum number of defensive buildings to build
AARatio=.14             ; ratio of base that should be anti-aircraft defense
AALimit=10              ; maximum number of anti-aircraft buildings to build
TeslaRatio=.16          ; ratio of base that should be telsa coils
TeslaLimit=13           ; maximum number of tesla coils to build
HelipadRatio=.12        ; ratio of base that should be composed of helipads
HelipadLimit=5          ; maximum number of helipads to build
AirstripRatio=.12       ; ratio of base that should be composed of airstrips
AirstripLimit=2         ; maximum number of airstrips to build
CompEasyBonus=yes       ; When more than one human in game, computer player goes to "easy" mode?
Paranoid=no            ; Will computer players ally with each other if the situation looks bleak? Yes forces the remaining AIs to ally to each other if one of them is dead
PowerEmergency=75%      ; sell buildings to raise power level if it falls below this percentage
RemoveAITechupCheck=yes      ; when set to yes the AI will tech up to Radar Dome and beyond even when there are no Helipads or Airfields on the map.
EasyAIGoldValue=-1           ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester
EasyAIGemValue=-1           ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester
NormalAIGoldValue=-1        ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester
NormalAIGemValue=-1         ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester
HardAIGoldValue=-1          ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester
HardAIGemValue=-1           ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester

All you need to do is change the attack interval and attack delay in the Al controls section in the rules.ini configuration settings.

11 minutes ago, Jacob Foerster said:

; ******* AI Controls *******
; Computer Skirmish-Mode behavior controls. The ratio values are based on the
; number of buildings in the computer base that should be of the type specified.
; The ratio total should exceed 100% so that the base will always try to grow as
; it vainly attempts to achieve the specified percentage composition.

; Take note: The computer AI in Red Alert is merely a warmed over version
; of the AI experiment I wrote during the unallocated time in the month
; following C&C's release. It was more than adequate at that time (even
; difficult to beat), but since Red Alert is a very different game, the skirmish
; mode AI is somewhat under-effective. In order to improve the AI
; over this initial experiment, the following controls are provided. It might
; be possible to manipulate these values to achieve a greater challenge when
; playing the computer opponent.
AttackInterval=5        ; average delay between computer attacks        
AttackDelay=7           ; average delay time before computer begins first attack
PatrolScan=.016         ; minute interval between scanning for enemys while patrolling.
CreditReserve=100       ; Structure repair will not begin if available cash falls below this amount.
PathDelay=.01           ; Delay (minutes) between retrying when path is blocked.
OreNearScan=6           ; cell radius to scan when harvesting a single patch of ore
OreFarScan=48           ; cells radius to scan when looking for a new ore patch to harvest
AutocreateTime=5        ; average minutes between creating an 'autocreate' team
InfantryReserve=30000    ; always build infantry if cash reserve is greater than this
InfantryBaseMult=1      ; build infantry if building count times this number is less than current infantry quantity
PowerSurplus=75         ; build power plants until power surplus is at least this amount
BaseSizeAdd=99           ; computer base size can be no larger than the largest human opponent, plus this quantity
RefineryRatio=.16       ; ratio of base that should be composed of refineries
RefineryLimit=5         ; never build more than this many refineries
BarracksRatio=.16       ; ratio of base that should be composed of barracks
BarracksLimit=3         ; never build more than this many barracks
WarRatio=.1             ; ratio of base that should be composed of war factories
WarLimit=3              ; never build more than this many war factories
DefenseRatio=.4         ; ratio of base that should be defensive structures
DefenseLimit=45         ; maximum number of defensive buildings to build
AARatio=.14             ; ratio of base that should be anti-aircraft defense
AALimit=10              ; maximum number of anti-aircraft buildings to build
TeslaRatio=.16          ; ratio of base that should be telsa coils
TeslaLimit=13           ; maximum number of tesla coils to build
HelipadRatio=.12        ; ratio of base that should be composed of helipads
HelipadLimit=5          ; maximum number of helipads to build
AirstripRatio=.12       ; ratio of base that should be composed of airstrips
AirstripLimit=2         ; maximum number of airstrips to build
CompEasyBonus=yes       ; When more than one human in game, computer player goes to "easy" mode?
Paranoid=no            ; Will computer players ally with each other if the situation looks bleak? Yes forces the remaining AIs to ally to each other if one of them is dead
PowerEmergency=75%      ; sell buildings to raise power level if it falls below this percentage
RemoveAITechupCheck=yes      ; when set to yes the AI will tech up to Radar Dome and beyond even when there are no Helipads or Airfields on the map.
EasyAIGoldValue=-1           ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester
EasyAIGemValue=-1           ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Easy AI harvester
NormalAIGoldValue=-1        ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester
NormalAIGemValue=-1         ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Normal AI harvester
HardAIGoldValue=-1          ; gold credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester
HardAIGemValue=-1           ; gem credits per 'bail' carried by a Hard AI harvester

All you need to do is change the attack interval and attack delay in the Al controls section in the rules.ini configuration settings.

Oh sorry I am a dumbass I did not read the question but setting the attack interval and delay higher does the trick for me.

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On 9/19/2023 at 10:27 AM, RoshanGamers said:



ATTCHED SCREENSHOT image.thumb.png.85bf868826244dcfa08d0e331a7c4a27.png

First of all you're looking in Red Alert 2 game directory where for the question you ask you have Tiberuan Sun tag.

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