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New Campaign : Yuri Resurgence (Yuri 12 Missions, Yuri's Revenge)


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Sounds like your one of the unlucky few that’s hit the one glitch between your version and everyone else’s.

we just don’t know what causes it. There seems to be a slight difference between the original disc versions and later releases. Some systems run flawless others not so. 
Luckily enough solutions are available and it will be re-released with an alternative fix.

In the meantime I’ve heard a straight run through without a save may work. Failing that DM me and I’ll see if I can fix it in a couple of days. 
yet again sad that ppl keep hitting this speed bump. As you can see from YouTube most players don’t encounter it.

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  On 9/30/2022 at 6:32 PM, Concolor1 said:

Sounds like your one of the unlucky few that’s hit the one glitch between your version and everyone else’s.


i had noticed a few possible glitches in the early moment of this mission as well. One of the attempts when i still only had the starter units, i got hit by a kirov and wiped out. At a point where air units hadnt been gotten yet (before taking the base). - Another spot was as i was approaching the base, i noticed that two of the apocalypse tanks suddenly wernt there. I would usually let my yuris take them cause there good units. Then on the last file (the one that didnt end at the end) when i got to the base, i noticed they just wernt there. I was saddened by that one.



  On 9/30/2022 at 6:32 PM, Concolor1 said:

There seems to be a slight difference between the original disc versions and later releases. Some systems run flawless others not so. 


well im running 'the first decade'. So its not the original release exactly. Not sure if there is any difference between the two tho. - I do have original ra2 disks tho lol


  On 9/30/2022 at 6:32 PM, Concolor1 said:

Luckily enough solutions are available and it will be re-released with an alternative fix.


look forward to it.

Not sure what the missions are past this one that glitched. Hoping for some nice all out brutality war missions at the end. Like a last stand fight. Mass money, mass room, mass unit, mas destruction. Weve never really had a RA 'mission' like that before. - some versions i saw back in the old client days on online skirmishes.. back when i was still on dial up.. that long ago lol. But it would be cool to see it in mission format.

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  On 10/1/2022 at 12:22 AM, wolfgang953 said:

had noticed a few possible glitches in the early moment of this mission as well. One of the attempts when i still only had the starter units, i got hit by a kirov and wiped out. At a point where air units hadnt been gotten yet (before taking the base). - Another spot was as i was approaching the base, i noticed that two of the apocalypse tanks suddenly wernt there. I would usually let my yuris take them cause there good units. Then on the last file (the one that didnt end at the end) when i got to the base, i noticed they just wernt there. I was saddened by that one.


Let me just address these issues you had above. They are not glitches. I had to come up with a device that ended the mission if the player decided to destroy the bridge and stay put. Kirovs are one such device. Unbeknown to you there is a trigger that orders the Ai to build a Kirov if a unspecified trigger has not been activated within a time frame. If the player is fast enough it doesn't get built, - thats not a glitch, thats planning.

Apocs, yes yet again these are not set to be present every single game. The game has some random elements one of which is that it has the ability to generate different base defence teams. The Apocalypse tanks fall into that bracket. Most games they are there, then the odd one they are not, others there are twice as many. It means that the dynamics of the level change slightly rather than become completely predicable.

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  On 10/1/2022 at 7:36 AM, Concolor1 said:

If the player is fast enough it doesn't get built, - thats not a glitch, thats planning.


i can understand that. The time it happened to me tho, i was only about half way to the base by the time the kirov reached me, which was kinda shocking. - I think the only issue with the timing for a kirov being built is that the virus sniper was the main attacking unit in the start. So i had to wait many times  for that virus cloud to dissipate so i dont injure my troops. That can eat up a lot of time.


  On 10/1/2022 at 7:36 AM, Concolor1 said:

The game has some random elements one of which is that it has the ability to generate different base defence teams.


did a try gain last night. Shortly after i got to the base, but before i could build defenses, those damn terror drones showed up and wiped out all my units lol.

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  On 10/2/2022 at 1:03 AM, Concolor1 said:

I’ve sent you a newer version in your PMs. Please check that.


got it. I replaced the files with that one. I didnt make a difference for my save files at the end sadly. One already had einstein and one was jsut before i mind controlled him. So figured id have to start over anyway. I just keep getting hit by these damn terror drones when i get to the base. Damn units dont target them fast enough so they slaughter everything super quick. - I had a round going perfectly, no losses, and three mind controlled apocalypses. Going great. But before i could make base defenses, an army of terror drones showed up, got by everything i had, and went all the way to the corner where my yuris were hiding and slaughtered them. -_-

always hated those little pricks..


Thats been my one main critizem of the series all the back to when i first played ra1. Things not doing what they should do, when they should do it. From telling tanya in ra1 to atk the dog and she jsut walks right up to it and gets eaten. or a v2 launcher in ra1 going right up to a tesla coil before filing -_- .... to units not targeting terror drones, or even yuris walking right up to a unit to control it instead of keeping distance.. Things like that always get me.

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ok, redid the mission. I guess that counts as a fix lol. As soon as my conscripts entered Einsteins laboratory i got a 'mission accomplished'. I already had the gas thingies destroyed. And an army rdy to take on allied reinforcements that never came lol. But a win is a win. On to the next mission!


The start of the next mission looks pretty cool with all those nuclear reactors.

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Yes its a quick fix. What I'll do next is add a small timer that launches soon as Einstein is recovered, then the player has its duration to keep Einstein alive. I'll just have to add explanatory text.

It also should have the fixed version of Reset in there, so you won't waste time searching for a Mirage Tank.

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  On 10/2/2022 at 8:12 AM, Concolor1 said:

Yes its a quick fix. What I'll do next is add a small timer that launches soon as Einstein is recovered, then the player has its duration to keep Einstein alive. I'll just have to add explanatory text.


im not positive on this one, but figured id mention just in case. The very first time i put units into einstiens building and he came out, there was sudden explanatory text on screen. But i didnt get to read it all in time. (or i forgot specifics, which is possible). I 'thought' it said 'create a yuri and mind control Einstein'. After that i noticed i couldnt even make a yuri clone. And was confused for a moment. - Luckily my three start unit yuris were still alive because i hid them in the back corner of my base. They all had apocalypse's controlled so they were valuable to keep alive at the start/middle.  I was disheartened to have to give up one of those, level 3 apocs, in order to control einstein.

It might have said to use one of those original yuris and i just missed it. But i thought it said create one.


Moving on.. I think it was mission 10 i was on. Gotta say, that was a good opening scene.  Showing the big soviet base to fight... ok, np.. then a second soviet base.. bahh, that always makes things a pain... then shows an allied 3rd base... oh fk, this is gonna be a fight! lol


Getting rdy to start 11 (i think). The first time weve seen a huge allied force/base. Iv been curious how that would play out. Because weve mainly fought soviet forces up until now. Benefit of apocalypse tanks is they walk up and punch you in the face. Much easier to mind control with base defenses (unless damn iron curtain active) but those prism tanks hit form a good distance, and those planes cant be mind controlled.. should be an interesting fight!

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damn.. 11 is a bitch.  Took me 20 tries just to get the starting transport to the island. Enemies would just ignore my boomers and all go straight for the transport irregardless of whether i engaged or not. Took a lot of tries to get one that worked.

But i still havnt been able to take out that weather storm machine before it goes off. Tried a lot of things and they all failed so far. To make matters worse... wtf is with letting enemy destroyers atk form half the map away???? If my boomers at my base or south of my base launch any atk, then destroyers from over at the enemy sub pen can atk from that far away. You can watch those little planes that come off the ship fly all the way across the map. Granted, there is only a single structure on our island that you can hit with a boomer... but still..

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  On 10/4/2022 at 1:19 AM, wolfgang953 said:

I 'thought' it said 'create a yuri and mind control Einstein'. After that i noticed i couldnt even make a yuri clone. And was confused for a moment.


No it says - Hint: Use a Yuri Clone to mind control the Professor.

  On 10/4/2022 at 4:19 AM, wolfgang953 said:

11 is a bitch.  Took me 20 tries just to get the starting transport to the island.


Really? Your Boomers are given to guard the Amp, take the Amp up the side, then across the top to the island with a prism on. Use the Boomers to destroy any following destroyers, or Seals. Destroy the Prism tower with a boomer, collect the crate, then continue to the LZ. (You don't have to take your Amp to the LZ, you can simply pitch up on the coast close to the starting point, but it will be a tough battle if you do).

Weather usually gets me 2-3 times before im able to take it out. I use Discs to drain the base power, then a mastermind and use the enemies own uints against itself.

If the destroyers bug you, don't build a sub pen. They haven't been modded in any way. That's their range.

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  On 10/4/2022 at 6:54 AM, Concolor1 said:

Really? Your Boomers are given to guard the Amp, take the Amp up the side, then across the top to the island with a prism on. Use the Boomers to destroy any following destroyers, or Seals. Destroy the Prism tower with a boomer, collect the crate, then continue to the LZ.


yea, that was my first thought too. Trouble is the destroyers often do not atk my boomers at this point, they all target the ampfib. Even if i leave the amphib at the start area in the south, and i take the boomers up to the enemy sub pen at the northern most of the screen, they just ignore the boomers and travel all the way to the east then to the far south to go find the amphib.

It was really weird, but thats what kept happening to me.  So my only hope was making a run for it and trying to get the boomers to take out that prism before amphib is in range or the destroyers catch up.


  On 10/4/2022 at 6:54 AM, Concolor1 said:

If the destroyers bug you, don't build a sub pen. They haven't been modded in any way. That's their range.


I think maybe the game itself bugged up on my run. But im not kidden when i say i had my boomers at the southern most that u can go form the Landing zone in the north west and destroyers sitting at the enemy pen in the centeral north, were atking me from that location. There planes flew over the entire island to reach me. - Ill see if i can get a vid of it.

Oddly enough, building a sub pen was the only way around this. As soon as i do, those destroyers that were targeting form so far away, will run over to my pen face to face and i could take em out. Then it went back to normal.

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Haha funny. As the boomers are under the surface. I think the aircraft on the destroyers are the only things doing the detecting, the destroyers themselves can't see your boomers so don't move to intercept. The destroyers spawn aircraft, and once the air unit is created think of it as a seperate unit, it sees the boomer and not the destroyer, hence the airunit moves the distance, like a harrier it has unlimited range.

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finally finished 11. Got that weather storm destroyed long before its first use too :)

Irritating finding all those hidden mirage tanks to finsh the mission off.

Gotta say tho, adding bonus crates that shroud the whole map... thats a dik move lol. Glad i had spy satalights.

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mission 12, what the hell is causing 'all the psychic amplifiers activeated at once'? It keep happening over and over and  i just lose my whole base at once. Its still early in the mission, the first nuke hasnt even gone off. I havnt entered there base yet to trigger anything.

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i thought the moon mission was gonna be a pretty huge mission. It gave that feel from the introduction.  I was surprised when i made my second building and it was almost right in range of the enemy base lol. But it was fun having an almost relaxing mission by that point. - Still trying to figure out how we are drilling for oil on the moon tho.. lol

It was a fun campaign. And since its been probably 20 years since i got to play a 'new' ra2 campaign, it was pretty awesome to have that again.

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The 13th mission was written as an extra, the campaign was originally 12 missions. But I was kicking my heels as the play tester went through the mission campaign. So decided to write the extra mission as a bonus.

Both the Americans and Soviets had plans to build bases on the moon. Project Horizon, I’m just stretching the truth a little.

Great  you will enjoy the next one out in a few weeks. 


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  On 10/10/2022 at 2:05 AM, Concolor1 said:

Great  you will enjoy the next one out in a few weeks. 


oh wow! Thats awesome to hear. I wasnt expecting that. I never had the patience on map maker on the original version when i was a teen. So i know that making all these must be one hell of a task.


  On 10/10/2022 at 2:05 AM, Concolor1 said:

The 13th mission was written as an extra, the campaign was originally 12 missions. But I was kicking my heels as the play tester went through the mission campaign. So decided to write the extra mission as a bonus.


it was fun. And it kinda ended the story line more fittingly lol You are where yuri wants you :D

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  On 10/11/2022 at 5:15 AM, Concolor1 said:

And of course it’s a good start point for any future comeback.


that could be interesting. Yuri style forces vs yuris forces. Considering the special nature of how there forces work, it could be a challenge. And/or claim salvaged buildings form the soviet forces on the moon. Those Unholy alliance skirmishes come to mind. Hidden chronosphere recreation attempt or time machine under the soviet buildings. Create a tri way unholy allience under players command against yuri.. lol

God, i can only imagine trying to make a campaign like that. I imagine that would be incredibly hard and tedious and time consuming..

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