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New Campaign : Yuri's Revenge - Re-Engagements (Allied & Soviet, 14 Missions, Yuri's Revenge)


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oh that mission. i ended up using the battle fortress with the five gi's to plow through the enemies defenses, and used the engineer in the IFV to cap the soviet conyard. after that, i used some rhinos and siege choppers to finish the mission

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'Hive' mission: A really solid and mystical one.

A mission reflecting the real power and brutality of Yuri faction, in my opinion.

Lacking of chronosphere, spy satellite and spy from the arsenal, increases the difficulty of mission a lot, as well.

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i just started this last night. Only finished the first mission so far. But i get the feeling that someone was in a sarcastic/sadistic mood when they started creating this lol.

When i started the first mission i sold off the ore factory for cash, then while exploring i saw the ore... and then im thinking 'aw shit, maybe that was a bad move. Looks like i have some time after all'. ... ... ... 20 seconds later ... ... HOLY SH!T!! There everywhere!!!! No time! No time! No time! RUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!  lol


Start of mission 2: Make sure the allied base does not fall. *starts with 6 infantry' lol

hint: search for creates. ...

Goes to create; all explored area shrouded. >><<

Goes to next create with tanya... it explodes... -_-

Edited by wolfgang953
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  On 12/7/2022 at 6:52 PM, Concolor1 said:

Your supposed to use the spies to power down the enemy base and then use Tanya to sabotage the buildings behind the enemy lines. Do this and the allied base will take care of itself. - Crates if it’s too easy, it’s a trap.


i get the premise.. i just couldnt help but noticing those things and it made me laugh.

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  On 12/8/2022 at 5:11 AM, Concolor1 said:

Which may be a clue.


how about a clue to where the hell these last squids are on mission 3? Iv killed all the oens i could find in those land ponds and in the ocean. Even added little troop transports into each little land pond to make sure.




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i rly wish those damn uranium trucks in mission 3 would show up on the radar better. (not your doing). Or that i had better sight, that would be nice too...


question about mission 1 that i forgot to ask...  If were sending tanya back a few days or weeks, then why does it matter if we destroy that tech center and base? It wouldnt effect anything in the past.

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  On 12/12/2022 at 1:23 PM, Concolor1 said:

So next your playing the Soviet campaign, it’s slightly more harder, I wish you luck.


i believe that. I always prefered playing as allies in ra2. I find there buildings and units better imo. At least for ra2. It changed the dynamics when YR was released. But when i played online as a teen, it was all ra2. The air force, prism defense, rocketeers, spy sat (love you spy sat!).. i just always liked them better.  So i find soviet side slightly harder just because of that.

Ra1 was the opposite. I always liked the soviet side better. Tesla coil, heavy tanks and migs.


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Sometime my need for near perfection makes me do things like this on many missions. Cant just win easy or fast.. gotta capture every single allied building. Kept my starting four tesla tanks alive and leveled up along with my initial 6 apoc tanks which comprised my invasion force of there base.

This also might be a reason why im always well past the par time... lol


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  • 3 weeks later...

finally finished the lat soviet mission. ill admit, that one was a bit of a challenge for a while. You kinda need to rush an attack to deal with all those super weapons, which kinda goes against my instincts. My first try i got hit by the weather storm bout the same time i just got the mcv. So yea... i usually take time. Couldnt do that for this mission.

It also meant capturing there bases was a lot harder. But i got it done ;)



The Right side base makes mcvs like crazy. Very hard to knock them out and keep them out without a full invasion.

At one point i had knocked out most of the right side base before realizing i could capture everything since i got the super weapons taken out. By then they only had the allied war factory, yuri barracks, and power plants left. So they couldnt make anymore mcv's. After quite a while i started focusing on the other base. And while doing that i suddenly start hearing a bunch of 'unit lost' over and over. I go and look, and half the right side base is back. Not sure how that happened, but it allowed me to capture the right side base anyway. But then they kept making mcv's over and over. I start capturing several of them as you can see in the pic lol. - So apparently they can keep making mcv's even without the standard buildings required to select it.


It was a fun campaign tho. Good work on making that.  - I think the only thing left now if a 3way unholy alliance mission ;) lol



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Yeah that’s great. You have McPwny to thank for the MCV Ai hack. 
I think if you were to look at it again what you discover is the Ai builds it’s MCVs from a captured allied Warfactory if it’s own WF is destroyed. I’ve also observed it build a second MCV if the first one takes its time to find a deployment zone.

I think what you see is the Ai will be forced to replace its conyard so by denying it that objective it simply continues to try to complete that task again and again until it succeeds. Then once it has a deployed conyard it returns to building Attack teams.

I think my strategy involved lots of Kirovs. 
Never the less you did it, and enjoyed it. Well done.

No Easter eggs in that mission. Did you ever find any? 

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  On 1/4/2023 at 5:15 AM, Concolor1 said:

I’ve also observed it build a second MCV if the first one takes its time to find a deployment zone.


oh yea, i saw that all the time in this mission. There was often two mcv units roaming about.

  On 1/4/2023 at 5:15 AM, Concolor1 said:

I think my strategy involved lots of Kirovs.


thats what i ended up doing as well. At least to get in and destroy the super weapons at the right side yuri base. Once all those were gone and it was just the weather storm only, that was manageable and i could take my time. It was kinda unintentional tho. I sent a kirov to try and destroy the bridge where units were crossing at. By the time it got there i saw just how close it was to those super weapons and figured a couple of them might have a shot. And sure enough it worked. Good thing too. I didnt rly see a land rush working well for me. Especially once that pscyic dominator is online.


  On 1/4/2023 at 5:15 AM, Concolor1 said:

No Easter eggs in that mission. Did you ever find any? 


Im guessing not? Not rly sure what id be looking for. I was pretty much just enjoying going through the missions.

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I think you need to make one last mission ;)

It keeps running around n my mind. I just have no skill at making a map/mission. But i think it would fit nicely in the over all mission story line of your extra mission campaigns.

Its nothing overly complicated, idea wise. I would be interested to have a real tri-unholy alliance mission. Tri against tri.  - I think starting out with all three mcvs would be less entertaining. So i was thinking something like starting off as allied or soviet with there mcv. Going up against Yuri who also has a fully integrated allied and soviet base from his psychic abilities. Yrui has a massive base, defenses, and offensive ability. But its not fully active at the start. - Instead it starts off with you and your one mcv at the bottom of a map. (Huuuge map). And yuris send out two mcv's (one of each kind you dont have) Down towards the sides of your base to deal with you. - Point being a 'logical' way for the player to be able to attack and capture those two bases which would give him true tri-power. - Then a couple min after the last base is captured... Yuri's mega tri-base at the top of map comes online with his extreme capabilities. And then you have a real brutal tri vs tri fight. - With lots of ore about. Making the challenge in the brutal and fast paced fight itself. Not just difficult because low money.

That was my preliminary idea at least. And I think you'd be the guy to make it :D

(i get visions of some of my old online fights some 20 years ago. On custom maps, 2v2 usually. Each side with hundreds of units. Everyone just waiting for someone to light the fuse lol They were fun times!)

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