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old mod Ports


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I thought I saw this mentioned some time ago but... Is there any interest in porting some old popular mods to be compatible with 3.03p ? I thought about doing Bad Ra myself, an old classic that has crashed many times in the past. thinking about it, it would be nice to have a mod laIuncher before loading ra95..exe.

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i had the idea to put all mod files into one single .mix, this way it would be portable and could be used on any ra, also told allen and white to make their mod like this, but you know how modders are .. they wanna derp around with any single file


You could then switch the mods via the config tool

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I more or less did that in TD... but with a mod ini of the same name as the mix filename, in which you can customize the filenames to use for the rules.ini file, the mouse cursor, the game fonts and the strings files. The mod name is specified to the game either through a config setting or a command line parameter, and is used for reading the .mix file and then the .ini inside it, meaning it isn't (and, in fact, shouldn't be) an sc*.mix :)

That way, you can have several mods installed, but only one activated.


Of course, I have yet to actually implement the unit/structure/etc rules to actually make this system useful :P

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I thought I saw this mentioned some time ago but... Is there any interest in porting some old popular mods to be compatible with 3.03p ? I thought about doing Bad Ra myself, an old classic that has crashed many times in the past. thinking about it, it would be nice to have a mod laIuncher before loading ra95..exe.


I don't see whay they couldn't be ported.


For Singleplayer mods the most common cause of crashes is use of Name= and Image= in the rules.ini and/or aftermath.ini. This will also happen for multiplayer games as well. By editing of the conquer.eng you don't need to use Name=. To fix the  Image= crashes any new .shp files would have to be packed into a mix file using the same name as stock .shp that they are replacing.


Next is OOS error. This mean staring with a new set of rules.ini and copying over any change that Bad RA may have made. The only things are no need to copy over then  Name= and Image= and do NOT delete any key in the rules.ini. Say the Hevy tank is only using Primary=105mm in Bad RA. You do not delete Secondary=105mm but change to Secondary=none.


i had the idea to put all mod files into one single .mix, this way it would be portable and could be used on any ra :P Also told allen and white to make their mod like this, but you know how modders are .. they wanna derp around with any single file :D


You could then switch the mods via the config tool


My setup I replaced so many stock files it dosn't really make much since as it would be on clusterfark of files I could never find my way through. However if any wants to covert Red Dawn to work on any verson of RA you are free to do so. If you ask I can likely help you doing so as well.

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I think a stand alone version of the Mods would be cool using portable RA. Could just repack everything in one mix or integrate into Conquer.Mix and RedAlert.mix with the original names. I'm not really a programmer or I could make a mod launcher like the RA launcher for the FunkyFr3sh patch. I think I want to Port Armageddon, Project Revolution, and Bad Ra. To me, it seems not possible to load mod files from multiple mods after RA95.exe has executed, if a launcher was created wouldn't the proper files need to be initialized per mod selected? For example different title screens, cant change them when the game is loaded. I'll need to finish Red ALert 1.5 mod before I get started with this. Anyone else interested?

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its easy, just go through all mix files and copy all files that aren't original into some folder .. once you got all the modded files create a new mix file and put all files into these one mix .. with the original ra (3.03 and 2.00) you could name it to wolapi.mix for example .. for irans ra that doesn't work anymore, he would need to add a new mix file name that will be used for the mod launcher


you could make it like this






You would just select a mod in the launcher and right before it starts the game it copies the chosen mix and changes its file name to enable it.  Iran could also add some new key to redalert.ini to enable it


If you really want to do this let me know, it wouldn't be hard to add such an option to the launcher or the config


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yeah I thought of that too afterwards. I took a look in some of the mix files and it looks like most were made with RAMixer with unique object names, meaning there are tons listed as something like 244C26E1.shp. It would involve looking through rules.ini then guessing as to which name belongs to which graphic. However, hopefully a lot of new graphics keep the original object names so XCC would recognize.  It is still something I would like to do but probably not as many mods given the amount of work.

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The best idea I have to make a map in RAED that has evey unit and building. The install Bad RA and lod that map and take a screen shot of evey thing.


With the screen shot you will know if a building or unit was change and what it was changed to. Than you can extract each.shp from the mix files and give them the name of the unit or building that they replaced/updated.

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For sheets and giggles I looked at Bad RA. It is loader with Name= and Image= in the rules so Bad RA is vary crash prone.


Every file would have to extracted and given the name of the unit or building of that is replacing. Than they can be packed into a single mix or go full standalone with by replace stock files in the stock mixes.


Next the conquer.eng needs to be edited. The Ingame Strings Editor by Vesa Piittinen works well. http://ra.nv17.com:8000/utilities/ingstr12.exe


If you plane to only play off line all you have to do is edit the rules.ini and remove the Name= and Image= from eveything once you have done the remaming of the  .shp .aud .etc to replace the stock ones and edited the conquer.eng to show the right name. If you want ot play one line it is best to re-do the rules.ini from scrach.

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