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How to remove escape trigger?


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Hi! I have made my own mod and there is general Stavros in it. The problem is this: once i place Stavros in the transport helicopter the helicopter starting to fly away beyond map =) so it is relly problematic to load the helicopter with 5 generals... every time it flyes away i bring it back and... loop))) There should be a trigger for that.


in rules.ini i found only this:

; Run away (possibly leave the map).







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I'm not sure if Retreat is used; it's a leftover from Dune II, where it was basically a unit command to make it return to the first position where the unit appeared on the map. It was also used for the Area Guard command (which was only used for preplaced units), as command to execute after the guarding unit had destroyed its target.


I think Civilian Evac is a completely different thing, though. And anyway, as far as I know it's hardcoded behaviour, triggered by loading specific infantry units that are set to need evacuation. It has little to do with the actual command the chinook actually executes at that moment. The logic that would need to be adapted is what makes the Chinook switch to that command, not the behaviour of the command itself.

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  On 11/14/2013 at 10:21 AM, Iran said:

It's hard-coded behavior. You can't change it unless you run the ra303p patch and enable the RULES.INI setting to not do civilian evac in MP.


Yes i run 3.03 ver. I have serached rules.ini as well but didnt find any evac things there =( only the one i have shown in the first post.


OK since i cannot change chinook behaviour maybe i can change unit stats as normal or as tanya have?


when i load Stavros in chinook its loading bar is orange and when for example you load tanya its red... for usual infantry its green. if change stavros stats? how do i do that? thanks

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  On 11/14/2013 at 6:45 PM, Allen262 said:

With 3.03p or the Iran patch you should be able to add





to the map it self. EvacInMP= is not in the rules since it is new key added by Iran.


It is working =) Thanx


Where can I find the list of the new keys\commands that Iran made?

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Afraid Iran dosn't have a master list that I know of. That is one thing I would like to make if he hasn't yet. I knew this key as I asked about this logic and it was added to the rules.ini that CnC Net 5 uses. (The spawn.xdp)


There is 2 more keys added in the spawn.xdp


FixAIParanoid=yes                      ; This fixes the Paranoid= key that failed to work.

FixAISendingTanksTopLeft=yes    ; Stop AI from grouping all of it tanks at the top left of the map.


You can also change the side and color of a Country. This was done as fix for some single player missions. This is done in the map.








Colour=2  ; colour Red

Country=3 ; country England. This also is used for scoring on the score screen. So If you change the country to a Soviet country and you are Greece during a mission than all of the units and buildings lost will be counted as Soviet losses on the score screen once you win the mission.



0          - Spain

1          - Greece

2          - USSR

3          - England

4          - Ukraine

5          - Germany

6          - France

7          - Turkey

8          - GoodGuy

9          - BadGuy

10 (0x0A)  - Neutral

11 (0x0B)  - Special

12 (0x0C)  - Multi1

13 (0x0D)  - Multi2

14 (0x0E)  - Multi3

15 (0x0F)  - Multi4

16 (0x10)  - Multi5

17 (0x11)  - Multi6

18 (0x12)  - Multi7

19 (0x13)  - Multi8



0          - Yellow

1          - Blue

2          - Red

3          - Green

4          - Orange

5          - Gray

6          - Teal

7          - Brown/Dark Red

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  On 11/18/2013 at 6:28 AM, Allen262 said:

Country=3 ; country England. This also is used for scoring on the score screen. So If you change the country to a Soviet country and you are Greece during a mission than all of the units and buildings lost will be counted as Soviet losses on the score screen once you win the mission.


Oh wow I didn't know that was a thing


Also IIRC using Colour=8 would give you a black colour

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