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Sync Error



Ok, I'm trying to do a game with 3 people, but one of the players keeps getting an out of sync error.  The versions all match, we all have updated CnCNet, etc.  Also, this only shows up when all three of us try to play; I have no problem doing a game with either one as a 1v1.  Any idea what's going on and what I can do?  Thanks.

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It can be much things:

1- Something is different between the versions, reinstall it

2- if Your computer is slow, the game will connect and load the music and the game, so, disable the music on "CONQUER.INI"

3- Someone is not using a NO-CD mode, so, if the CD-ROM driver is slow, it will load the music and the game on same time, so, disable the music on "CONQUER.INI"

4- One of your friends got a actualization, but, it can be corrupt, and something was not actualized, so, Reinstall the game.


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1. Firstly make sure you're all using C&C 1.6br1, This is the only officially supported version to be used on CnCNet

2. Make sure that the conquer.ini file in your install directory (for C&C) has LanPlayers=6 not LanPlayers=2

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the bizarre is it:

Got14Away is playing with me on westwood chat (no cncnet because he is on russia and i on brazil) ok, no error, no freezes, ok.

Restarted the game, westwood chat,  and go play agan, ok, connected, no problems, and when the game started the gosth of Sync error was here agan!

the out of sycs error was happening AT WE restarted the computer, after it, normally at first game, on second, it started agan! need fix it.

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Thank to Pichorra's report on the C&C Comm center website, I am one step closer to solving the mysterious radar crash bug.


I already knew it was caused by corrupting some trees and turning them into a certain type of desert-only rock, causing the radar to crash when trying to resize that (in that theater, nonexisting) shp-file. I already knew the object was replaced because it became an impassable cell which showed "Rock" as tooltip when hovering the mouse over it.


With the screenshot Pichorra posted, I was able to see that ALL trees of type T13 (which turns out to be exactly the same one I've had that problem with before) were gone on his map:



The one with the tiberium is the screenshot Pichorra posted. The one with the 2 extra trees is a screenshot of the original map in XCC.


This means that the corruption has nothing to do with savegames, as I thought before, but means that the actual basic blueprint object (used for the basic settings of all trees of that type) is corrupted. It's a LOT easier to trace the cause of that.


This is nothing, it is my shall help you, since you help me! (or try help you, because you are nyergus  :P ), but, i not remember see that bug on v1.06a. 


Edit: Ah, and about N64 Missions, there is something different on that missions too:

Nod Mission 13A

Nod Mission 13B

I ll post a screen shot later, because, im wihout the pj64 right now.


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  On 8/13/2009 at 9:10 PM, Irony said:

I just gave it a read.


Interesting stuff.


I noticed Hyper gave you some information that looked like an OOP style construct.


C&C95 wasn't programmed in an Object Oriented style, was it?

Ehh? Of course C&C is OO. You think OO is such a recent developement?

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