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Question About Cheaters -WolfHound-


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zzz and u were losing just as u lost 1st game, hard. sean3z told me it does show my conn dropped, but point is u stayed and took my pts when u were sucking ass. losing all ur shit, and buildings as i didnt lose any i dont think. dont try and come here acting good, when u lost both games with ease on my part.


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  On 12/3/2015 at 6:42 AM, Perplexity said:

Wolfhound d/ced me during a game and was clearly losing.

Has he lost a game vs anyone else and d/ced? And makes countless excuses claiming he was winning?



I know it's fairly popular to accuse TRZ of cheating because of his rumored past, but any game I've ever played I've gotten points even if they d/c. That being said, the 100s of games ive played with TRZ on the new server I've never seen him d/c, even when he took the beating I gave him on the ladder yesterday on Terrace and Dueling Islands. He may sometimes be a poor sport and rage, but I've never seen him d/c to avoid a loss.

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  On 12/3/2015 at 6:42 AM, Perplexity said:

Wolfhound d/ced me during a game and was clearly losing.

Has he lost a game vs anyone else and d/ced? And makes countless excuses claiming he was winning?



I know it's fairly popular to accuse TRZ of cheating because of his rumored past, but any game I've ever played I've gotten points even if they d/c. That being said, the 100s of games ive played with TRZ on the new server I've never seen him d/c, even when he took the beating I gave him on the ladder yesterday on Terrace and Dueling Islands. He may sometimes be a poor sport and rage, but I've never seen him d/c to avoid a loss.

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  On 12/3/2015 at 6:42 AM, Perplexity said:

Wolfhound d/ced me during a game and was clearly losing.

Has he lost a game vs anyone else and d/ced? And makes countless excuses claiming he was winning?



I know it's fairly popular to accuse TRZ of cheating because of his rumored past, but any game I've ever played I've gotten points even if they d/c. That being said, the 100s of games ive played with TRZ on the new server I've never seen him d/c, even when he took the beating I gave him on the ladder yesterday on Terrace and Dueling Islands. He may sometimes be a poor sport and rage, but I've never seen him d/c to avoid a loss.

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Not saying anyone is a d/cer or anything but this behavior happens in most laddered games. Stop playing with him and find a better sports person. Screw the wasted points, unfair punishments and loss of deserved-credits happens all the time in life. Accept the misfortune and move on. As for your problem, I'm sure mods will take a look at it.

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  On 12/3/2015 at 5:01 PM, JMaN2005 said:


Wolfhound d/ced me during a game and was clearly losing.

Has he lost a game vs anyone else and d/ced? And makes countless excuses claiming he was winning?



I know it's fairly popular to accuse TRZ of cheating because of his rumored past, but any game I've ever played I've gotten points even if they d/c. That being said, the 100s of games ive played with TRZ on the new server I've never seen him d/c, even when he took the beating I gave him on the ladder yesterday on Terrace and Dueling Islands. He may sometimes be a poor sport and rage, but I've never seen him d/c to avoid a loss.




Well said!


I don't think he d/ced to 'avoid' losing points, but for the fact of losing. He doesn't want the other 'party' to think they won. So he d/ced me claiming saying "I(wolfhound) won the game anyways". So it sums up to d/cing like the game never completed and none can hold account on who won or not.


One day I hope that this individual or anyone would just say "GG". No need to make excuses. It's just a game. He wins or loses, doesn't matter to me.


The point is to have fun

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I have and can provide many ss from that game. As with the game before it perplexity was being raped. I don't think I even lost a building either game he's posting this dribble to be a troll. Look at my ss. Here I'm expanding with minimal d and have all build options. My base is unscathed look. Don't let this idiot fool u. He kept editing his first post saying he had screens hots then removed that he said that lol I haven't lost to perplexity in 20 games that I've 1vs1 him and all been ez

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look at my screenshot at time of dc, thats my base. expand barely needing D, and 6 harvs on exp. i have all base options, emp ready lol. his base was getting banged up bad, no expand. he says he had a screenshot, the edited that post to not include that he said that after i said ok post it. this was 2nd game he was losing, hes an idiot. if i remember correctly at time of disconnect my cc which i had out was raping like 3 of his refs, then apparently i got dc and he took it as a time to just stay for the pts like an idiot would


he said "I was already near middle and already pounding his defenseless base"


ok where is my base being pounded? and where is his ss?

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  On 12/6/2015 at 7:38 PM, TRZ said:

look at my screenshot at time of dc, thats my base. expand barely needing D, and 6 harvs on exp. i have all base options, emp ready lol. his base was getting banged up bad, no expand. he says he had a screenshot, the edited that post to not include that he said that after i said ok post it. this was 2nd game he was losing, hes an idiot. if i remember correctly at time of disconnect my cc which i had out was raping like 3 of his refs, then apparently i got dc and he took it as a time to just stay for the pts like an idiot would


he said "I was already near middle and already pounding his defenseless base"


ok where is my base being pounded? and where is his ss?


taking it to the grave?

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I'm probably the world's most paid Tiberian Sun player. I've gotten over 600 dollars in donations for my tibsun and other C&C vids on youtube lol. trz is pretty good. he kicked my ass pretty easily. ill admit i was surprised at a lot of the strats he used. but then again im lazy as fuck  and cant be bothered to expand or try these days but still is way above my level. i dont care tho. game is dead lol. seriously. its like so fuckin dead especially lately its baffling.


trz has also been very nice lately. sicne nobody playing this game he has ot be nice as can be to get some tournament games in. sexpro is already bordering my blacklist. he was a real annoying dick earlier. talkin about getting laid and calling me ugly asking how i can get laid lol. women are diseased ridden self centered garbage. getting laid is nothing to be proud of its degenerate behavior.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 7:55 PM, TRZ said:

I'm the same bitch as always I just dont fuck with people who don't with me. Perplex is an idiot and liar .




I'm a liar. Your screen shot already tells a story. Look at your build options? Your men is below your tanks. That fact alone already shows you lost your barracks at one point. The SS shows your weak expand. It seems like you struggled to get to the middle. You D/Ced when no laser or disr was shooting.  I'm not even going to continue with you.

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  On 12/4/2015 at 5:23 AM, Perplexity said:


One day I hope that this individual or anyone would just say "GG". No need to make excuses. It's just a game. He wins or loses, doesn't matter to me.


The point is to have fun


Then why are you two fighting and claiming to be winning? Only you two and God knows what actually happened in the game but why must we all be desperate trying to prove who was superior in it? It's just a video game.

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this dude just cant stop lying :( he edits every post he has to jumble up information too. first of all i originally made this topic about him dc for this game weeks ago, then pointed him towards it on the server asking him wtf is up and banned him from my game, then he comes on here to troll with his own topic, originally posts i have screenshots, just u wait, ima make u look stupid. posted that here, few times, then when i said ok post them, edits his post to remove the bits about him saying he has ss. his first post he edited her about 5-6 times to delete or add information as he made it up in his head lol

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  On 12/9/2015 at 9:11 AM, en3rgy52 said:

TRZ must have been winning to have an expansion that big!


i barely had to defend it. one of those easy top right nod base crawls. was just owning his refs, exp with cc and bans.


hes all happy because he possibly killed a bar at one point . rofl. pretty sure i did suicide bo with 4 bikes eng at start and sold my bar. but we will let him be happy he killed a bar.

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