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for tahj and funky :)


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Yes, it will help to have rewards for winning the ladder, but what I people don't seem to understand:


Staff have REPEATEDLY addressed this issue and stated it is in the works.


Instead of complaining like little school girls that didn't get their way, why don't you A) Donate some money to Tahj to thank him for all his hard work, B) Code the damn thing yourself, or C) STFU and wait patiently like a good girl.

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The ladder is useless garbage regardless of how much artificial value you give it. XWIS tiberian sun died immediately after cncnet hosted it. The ladder kept 0 people on xwis. people favored in all honesty the red alert 1 population migrating to tiberian sun, the faster more responsive gameplay, and patches. Anti cheat and ladder played no role in the migration really. maybe a little bit because of the anticheat but honestly tiberian sun was only cheat friendly which is why all old tiberian sun websites had trainers. in fact if you hate trainers youre not a real ts player in my opinion.

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i may not be the top 1 player, but am top 3-4 and have been forever, ive also been around a lot longer than the others here. im not just talking shit, i know what im talking about. im probably the only one left that was a top player as long as i have been who plays daily. or close to daily. i say what i say to increase competition.


i dont need to namehide to play  a ladder (cite humble) but also as humble said you should be playing me and the other top players if you want a good game or to improve.


i cant get a game as a top player. i dont need to namehide to win, but i do need to namehide to get games as so many dodge.


even sexpro the top ladder player who isnt a top player will play people on his map, but will dodge people on other maps. with the name thing gone and namehiding in place makes it more fair.


namehiding has always been a part of ts, and so has dodging. people dodge top players, and also dodge namehiders, but namehiding also is  easier to get games as they will take the chance they are noob.


ive set tournie games for hours past few days, and cant get a game at all...boring as fuck.


i could care less about being TOP 1 on ladder, i could care less about a reward, i do care about improving and being considered better than my rivals not going to lie. so i like playing the best. id play kapa and lose 100x rather than noob bash or play 1 map that i can win on like sexpro....


as humble said either play to improve, play the best, or gtfo. noob bashing or dodging is stupid.


often times the top 3 players are not # 1 on the ladder, its always a noob basher or dodger...sad. last mth was a noob basher, dodger, and free winner (sexpro)



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I think you're just kids, you always have to say about everyone and everything, I started playing RA and the people playing are really good, I year welcomed and helped to improve as a play stop being arrogant and think for themselves, I am the first I played against everyone and I did not need to say this avoids me or that he does not play with me, so shut up and started to win games to finish first :)

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  On 12/18/2015 at 10:54 PM, SexPro said:

I think you're just kids, you always have to say about everyone and everything, I started playing RA and the people playing are really good, I year welcomed and helped to improve as a play stop being arrogant and think for themselves, I am the first I played against everyone and I did not need to say this avoids me or that he does not play with me, so shut up and started to win games to finish first :)

hush cheater trz is better than you and you dodge him lol. if you were on xwis youd still be banned and rank reset for all the free wins

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  On 12/11/2015 at 9:28 AM, SexPro said:

I think that in order to play more people in the ladder in ra ts and serve a recognition just to win something, like it would be a good idea to put all the trophies won by the name? as the coin in red allert, at least it is no longer want to play to win. There would also be more competitiveness. I believe so then tell me if it's a good solution :)


I think before ill even attempt to understand your terrible english or read your whole post you should stop cheating and be banned.

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