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TS/RA2 on Windows 10



How many people here have tried these two on Win10? I know there is known issues but how is the OS breaking the games so much? When I launch RA2/YR from the main EXE the game runs really slow and sometimes the menu is slow but when launched thru cncnet5 from skirmish or online the game runs crystal clear.  Also Tiberian Sun has a problem when I click anything on the menu it comes up blank so I have to hit ESC key to get back to the menu and just like RA2 ingame runs really slow and booting up a skirmish game thru cncnet5 does not work for some reason.


Edit: TS was tested with/without ddraw results are the same.

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That seemed to of fixed most of my problems and made the game playable! But something else came up after I patched it. During a skirmish the game would rarely freeze but you can still hear it continuing thru the sound... I do not know what triggers it but one time it happened soon after I started the game and then it happened much later in another one. Earlier I randomly got a CTD somehow but no explanation to that.

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Have you tried playing with the settings in the configuration tool? Did you apply the single processor affinity option, did you try the Graphics Patch?


As for RA2 and YR, you'll basically need these (follow the instructions closely):



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  On 7/15/2016 at 2:37 PM, Henky7777 said:


I just got win10 too, TS works fine for me (the cncnet version) or with the patch from here https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=3438.0


alt+tab doesn't work and window mode doesn't work either


ur going to fix that alt+tab prob ?


The installer was updated recently with better settings, if you had the old version installed then you'll have to uninstall the old compat fix manually first. It should named TiberianSunCompatFix.



Afterwards get the latest installer from cncnet.org, install the game and then either enable window mode (if that is acceptable for you) or enable DxWnd to have a working alt+tab in fullscreen


There is no proper solution for it yet, but I recently found out some interesting stuff, I managed to get the game working in fullscreen without workarounds like dxwnd, but I still need to investigate

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