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RA1 Online not working

Big Damo


Hey guys, I need some help with getting MiniRA+ working online, I've downloaded it, installed the game and when I go to internet and try to log in inside the game, it says connecting to westwood online, then goes to logging in but times out. I've got 6 or 7 mates wating to play and we're all getting the same error, we're all port forwarded and have that bastard windows firewall off.


Anyone else having any issues? I can log into Westwood chat with no issues what so ever.

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Thanks guys, yeah must be a problem with XWIS because I played over Tunngle and it worked fine.


We're all in our own homes. Also, is there a limitation of how many people in a LAN game?


Just curious about something, can you remove the crappy lines through the videos ingame? I've always wondered about that.

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We're all in our own homes. Also, is there a limitation of how many people in a LAN game?


You can play up to 8 players on LAN and online.


Just curious about something, can you remove the crappy lines through the videos ingame? I've always wondered about that.


No, not unless you play the DOS version.


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8 is the maximum amount players you can have. This includes AI players.


So you can be 6 players and 2 AI, 1 player and 7 AI 2 players and 6 AI etc. as long as it becomes 8 "players"


i think its just the 3.03 version i am no longer able to connect either but i can connect to wwchat...

can anybody else confirm this?


I've confirmed this several times, the problem lies with the XWIS itself.

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Oh ok, damn I was hoping to get a few friends in and have a crazy game with heaps of players and AI on top.


Is there any chance of XWIS problem being fixed or are we otu of contact with the people in the know? Rather than screwing around with Tunngle (which works excellently) it would be nicer if we could just go into the internet feature and make an 8 player game through there. Save us some trouble.

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I have no idea if the RA 3.03 problem on XWIS will be fixed. But you can join the discussion on the XCC forums.


Olaf Van Der Spek, the creator and manager of XWIS are usually there.


XWIS means the XCC WOL IRC Server. Which in turn means the "Extended Command & Conquer Westwood Online Internet Relay Chat Server"


Quite a mouthful isn't it?

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Hopefully it gets fixed soon, I'm advertising about Red Alert being free these days to try bring more people to the community, so we have more of a chance of finding people to play against. If XWIS works again, it shall simplyfy things because people don't really like fucking about by installing extra things like Hamachi/Tunngle, I've found.

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