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Red Alert 1 Demo


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I've read somewhere (or maybe Nyerguds told me) that in the C&C demo missions are a bit different from the ones in the full version, what about RA1 demo? Anyone played it? (I'm generally kinda interested in the matter of differences between demos and full versions of games)

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  On 5/26/2010 at 10:17 PM, pichorra said:

Ehh... I didn't ask where to download the RA1 Demo - as it happens, I do know how to Google stuff :P Rather, I expected someone to deliver a more or less detailed account on the subject without having to download and play it myself.

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  On 5/27/2010 at 10:30 PM, Nyerguds said:

Tough luck. Do your own research :P

Will have to, when I have time. That's why I asked if anyone played the demo - guess it wouldn't hurt someone who did to answer a couple of questions about it.

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  On 5/30/2010 at 6:00 PM, godly-cheese said:

Don't be the grammar/spelling police now... That's Crim's job.

Oh, sorry, I'm just being pedantic :P Besides, my correction had absolutely nothing to do with grammar (I'm not that audacious to correct anyone's grammar not being a native speaker myself).



it is all crap same, they are the badguys of Tiberium Universe!

Well, if you have little care for the game lore, then yes. But Nod it's not an acronym, as the "NOD" spelling might suggest. It's a word that is very revealing of the nature of the Brotherhood, and the myths surrounding Kane.



No, the C&C1 demo is all GDI.

Thanks for clarifying that :)

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  • 5 months later...

Well, I finally got around to checking the RA1 demo myself. Nothing too interesting there really. The demo is only for Win95, and curiously enough, the game version says v1.19D on the main menu screen, and v1.15D in the system registry (while the retail release was only v1.04). No setup program is included, and the game runs in 640x400 by default, but this can be changed to 640x480 by manually editing the REDALERT.INI file.


There are three missions, one for the Soviets and two for the Allies, which are all slightly modified missions from the full game, mostly toned down to be easier for the players.


The Soviet mission is based on the second mission of the campaign (protect the forward command post and destroy all Allies), with the difference that you do not start with any airfields, but can build them, as well as the radar dome. The Soviet command centre is surrounded by a chain link fence. Also, you get a single heavy tank as reinforcements.


The first Allied mission is also based on the second mission of the respective campaign (clear the way for the supply convoy). You have more troops at the start, some of the periodic reinforcements have light tanks instead of rangers, and you can build light tanks from the War Factory. In addition, most of the tiny Soviet base gets easily blown up because of the many oil barrels surrounding the structures (I think there are far less of them in the full version). The enemy only has a few riflemen, grenadiers and dogs.


The second Allied mission is actually the fifth one, where you have to use a spy to rescue Tanya from the Soviet complex, and then take over a small Soviet compound and destroy the rest of the Soviet presence. As far as I can tell, no significant differences here either.


There are no videos except for the Red Alert logo/mammoth gets blown up by a chopper sequence at the start of the game. In spite of this, the VQP files (which are used to adjust low-res cutscenes to high resolution in the Win95 version) are included for all the videos that were supposed to be used in the demo missions. Guess the videos themselves were cut to reduce the size of the demo package.


Two musical tracks are included, Hell March and Crush.


Most resource files, like CONQUER.MIX, SPEECH.MIX, ALLIES.MIX, RUSSIAN.MIX, SNOW.MIX and TEMPERATE.MIX are identical to those in the full version. The only file inside LOCAL.MIX that is slightly different from the full version is PALETTE.CPS. HIRES.MIX has got everything except the stills from the cutscenes that appear in the background during the game credits (the credits themselves are disabled in the demo). It also has an advertising splash screen that appears when you quit the demo. NCHIREX.MIX has the hi-res logo sequence I mentioned above, and the VQPs for the missing cutscenes. SOUNDS.MIX is somewhat smaller than the one in the full version, because the male and female civilian voices are replaced with empty files. Also, the water explosion sound is different. GENERAL.MIX, as you can guess, only has the demo missions, MISSION.INI (the briefing text file) and TUTORIAL.INI (the in-game strings file).


All-in-all, nothing that could qualify as real extra content IMO.

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Yeah I saw those, but in my opinion a demo should not contain anything (aside from ads or something trivial like that) that won't appear in the full game. I'd consider it cheating towards those who buy the game (think about Westwood and their infamous photoshoped screenshots). Demos can be downloaded even if you buy the full game, yes, but what's the point?

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I personal liked the Tiberian sun demo with its two unique levels, as they give you a feeling of what the game is about and teach you how to play with out revealing any of the story however it would have been nice to have included these in TS (like as a Tutorial campain)


@Mrflibble is it just water sound which is different or have you noticed any others (illl find out for my self soon)

Only im trying to gather together all the official content which is missing from fully patched/English RA and TS.

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