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Under what circumstances would you go 2 airfileds/weapons factories EARLY?


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So after 1 4 or 5 refineries and then you go 2 airfields or 2 weapons factories, this is what I usually do and it doesn't work vs a super pro, who goes 1 airfield then spends the extra cash on more expensive units, or refineries or troops turrets etc to  make up for the lack of units compared to an early  2 airfields. (it works so well vs normal players its become a bad habit of mine)


When do you usually like to build the 2nd weapon's factory/airfield? After 6-8 refineries?


Under what circumstances would you opt for an early 2nd airfield/weapons factory?



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I think it's harder in Nod v Nod, because you don't have grens. I have managed a 3 ref opening before strip vs you on HJK6, but that included using the strip to block the entrance, and then a turret to follow up.
With GDI, 4-5 (usually 5) refs before 2nd WF is pretty good.

This is, once again, map dependant. If the map is wide open, that's harder to defend, if the map is a short rush distance, that's hard to defend, etc.
Play your opponent's style and play the map.

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1 hour ago, AchromicWhite said:

I think it's harder in Nod v Nod, because you don't have grens. I have managed a 3 ref opening before strip vs you on HJK6, but that included using the strip to block the entrance, and then a turret to follow up.
With GDI, 4-5 (usually 5) refs before 2nd WF is pretty good.

This is, once again, map dependant. If the map is wide open, that's harder to defend, if the map is a short rush distance, that's hard to defend, etc.
Play your opponent's style and play the map.

Thanks White, your advices have really helped me in another game!! :)))

 Ah yea I think you like like units like I do, I rarely see you play the turret game or use a base creep to attack another player but that's probably because you are GDI for the most part. I suppose its a very wise choice to go 2 weapons factories with GDI as soon as possible since the med tanks are so devastating. But for nod pro players like super high level guys I hardly ever see the 2nd airstrip until much later I suppose this is a must since the extra refineries you get in before the 2nd airstrip tend to win you the game when compared with going 2 airstrips after say 5 refineries. Its like they go 2nd airfield after roughly 8 refineries. (I still think they are vulnerable and weak while they only have 1 airfield because turrets don't build fast enough and troops die so fast to tanks etc?





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I asked PhD what he did as build. Because everyone knows that he has a massive medium tank army on short notice. This is what he told me:
pow, bar, ref, ref, ref, pow, WF, WF. After that, I guess he goes a couple more ref before making the third WF. But the thing is, with such a big army of medium tanks. I find it weird that 2 WF build after the 3 ref, can push out so many tanks. It feels like, he has them early.

PS. he has grenadiers running all over the place with just one (or two) barracks. He builds no humm-vee's at all.

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The classic tank rushes look similar, but the 1st factory comes earlier and the 2nd can also come before your 3rd ref. That is, if you get 3 refs at all and not sell your CY. Of course, this is because most original maps have little tiberium.

For GDI, 3 refs first, with added spare power and barracks is pretty much OK for a high econ map. The best part of it is you don't give Nod a real target early by delaying the WF.

With Nod your main concern is probably having the economy to feed your 2 strips, so I guess go for 4 refs before the 2nd one? You have to be careful not to overextend. Having a 2nd strip and not benefiting from it because you've spent all your cash on refs is bad. Usually you will lose one of your strips that way.

Generally, with both factions, having less refs but more cash when your 2nd factory comes up gives you better odds of defending said factory and turning it into an advantage.

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On 6/3/2018 at 10:51 PM, X3M said:

I asked PhD what he did as build. Because everyone knows that he has a massive medium tank army on short notice. This is what he told me:
pow, bar, ref, ref, ref, pow, WF, WF. After that, I guess he goes a couple more ref before making the third WF. But the thing is, with such a big army of medium tanks. I find it weird that 2 WF build after the 3 ref, can push out so many tanks. It feels like, he has them early.

PS. he has grenadiers running all over the place with just one (or two) barracks. He builds no humm-vee's at all.

I feel like this would only work without receiving pressure.
What MU does he use this in?

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1 hour ago, AchromicWhite said:

I feel like this would only work without receiving pressure.
What MU does he use this in?

Everytime ive seen him play he goes 2 refinery start, 1 war factory, sometimes hummers. Lots of troops for defence. Unless im mistaken and he goes 3 refinery and sells one. But pretty sure its 2 refinery build when we all had competitive 1v1 matches.

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 10:05 AM, AchromicWhite said:

Alternately, you could invent a new style for Nod.

:))) Thanks bro, I love this game its so varied you have room to do things like that, its cool

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 12:14 PM, cn2mc said:

The classic tank rushes look similar, but the 1st factory comes earlier and the 2nd can also come before your 3rd ref. That is, if you get 3 refs at all and not sell your CY. Of course, this is because most original maps have little tiberium.

For GDI, 3 refs first, with added spare power and barracks is pretty much OK for a high econ map. The best part of it is you don't give Nod a real target early by delaying the WF.

With Nod your main concern is probably having the economy to feed your 2 strips, so I guess go for 4 refs before the 2nd one? You have to be careful not to overextend. Having a 2nd strip and not benefiting from it because you've spent all your cash on refs is bad. Usually you will lose one of your strips that way.

Generally, with both factions, having less refs but more cash when your 2nd factory comes up gives you better odds of defending said factory and turning it into an advantage.

Awesome advice thanks bro :))) Man I love getting advice from you guys!!!

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 11:51 AM, X3M said:

I asked PhD what he did as build. Because everyone knows that he has a massive medium tank army on short notice. This is what he told me:
pow, bar, ref, ref, ref, pow, WF, WF. After that, I guess he goes a couple more ref before making the third WF. But the thing is, with such a big army of medium tanks. I find it weird that 2 WF build after the 3 ref, can push out so many tanks. It feels like, he has them early.

PS. he has grenadiers running all over the place with just one (or two) barracks. He builds no humm-vee's at all.

yea as of late ive seen phd play a lot like white (with gdi) lots of troops for defence, 2 refinery starts, 1 weapons factor meds, sometimes hummers if he's built a lot of troops early which white doesn't do, if he plays nod he plays alot like jacko even using flame tanks etc and going comm centre before the 2nd airstrip , heavy on turrets , plays like a real expert

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