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A10 is there any way to get this in a multiplayer map or a tick box?


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Airstrike is unfair for players sitting at top spot. I think the planes (MP airstrike) only comes from the northern edge and southern players will have better chances defending against them, especially the fact that north spots will always build defenses on the south side of their base while the bottom players will build defenses on the northern part of their base. Bottom players can shoot down the planes before they fly over their targets.

It's like the nuke, it will drop from the top edge and players sitting at the south (or gather their bikes there) will have more time to react. If your temple is at the bottom, then there is a higher chance enemies will notice the missile going up. But nukes from crates will immediately drop from the north edge upon launch if I remember correctly..

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What games are people playing, where you have extra $$$ just lying around to throw into random AA in your base JUST IN CASE they have flyers?
Heck, when I play against Nod players that haven't thrown down an other strip in a while, I get jittery that apaches are coming, yet even mustering enough AA to deal with that properly, is hard.

Edited by AchromicWhite
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