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  1. So what's the update on the mobile game.
  2. I'm glad somebody picked this up I was losing hope! Cant wait to play online lol
  3. No problems on mint 17.3 cinnamon 64 bit installed and worked like it should Great Work! Edit any way to get the C&C gold Single player as well?
  4. Yeap this is what im getting with HardwareFills=1 in firs pic and the second pic its fixed with HardwareFills=0 it is located in the conquer.ini under options. Thanks Nyerguds
  5. Already going to have to give it a try(cnc-ddraw)
  6. Thanks it's for future reference on anybody who whants to install it on 64bit system.
  7. okay long story short i got desperate and dual booted windows xp just to extract those files." Blade". but simple method just use Universal Extractor to extract the files from the SETUP.Z file but either way i would not go the route of duel booting took me forever just to get windows xp, windows files to run certain programs just to get windows 7 mbr straight so i can boot back into windows 7 to get it going again. But ya booth methods work . Now wheres the High Resolution Patch for the game?
  8. Thank You. I'll try it out . I kind of gave up on it and started to duel boot my pc.( Just too get the files extracted). But I'll give this a try ????
  9. it sucks cause the planes drop of bikes real fast which it sucks
  10. This about as far as I have got to it. I have replaced the 16 bit setup with a 32 bit setup and ran it from the Setup folder and got this far even made a new iso.img and mounted it but that didn't get this far. i have even burnt it to a cd and it didn't get that far only with the files in the folder on a hard drive it will get this far any way to by pass the cd needed?any kind of script or anything that i can mod to get it to by pass it and get any further than what i have gotten?
  11. Any way to extract these files out of the cd? cause all the files i see are the ones in the pic and in the folders none of those files on the list were there as well?
  12. Thank you I'll try it when I get home.
  13. Anybody got a list of the game files?
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