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Everything posted by Irony

  1. I would but I've got a lot of work on. I only threw that together in a couple of minutes whilst I was waiting for some files I needed to download.
  2. damn, I didn't actually notice how bad that x was >_<
  3. Here's a little something I did -
  4. haha, sorry! it's a skill But I might as well post a roadmap. Milestone 1 - Expected around xmas/ny Perform necessary rewrites to get it back online Milestone 2 - Maybe shortly after Re-implement my options dialog - Cleaner than the existing menu setup If not already done as part of M1 - implement myg's distributed model C&C version check = ensure everyone is running the latest version of C&C95 Milestone X - possible future feature ideas Move the mission setup to a windows dialog outside of the game - would allow for a more customisable games Passworded games Imposed player limits (e.g. 1v1) Forced resolution size? (For tournaments maybe) Pointless but fun feature - people could choose their custom team colours and have every user see them (Nyer's colours mod) Could display ping of users Could link to an online database of users and show other info (e.g. country) [*]Simple messaging system - chat to other people online in order to get games started [*]Implement in-game IM (e.g. /msg Irony hey, how'd your game go) [*]Implement a username system to prevent people pretending to be someone else [*]Implement a score ladder Could implement ranks Could then possibly implement a matchmaking system for people of equal skill Allow ladder-ranked and non-ranked games, so people can dick about [*]Implement a distributed map pack - every user has the same set of maps More ideas if I think of any
  5. Yeah, that's perfectly fine since it can already write to conquer.ini, it's a small change to get it to work on cncnet.ini
  6. Hmm, how about the ini file WChat uses to start a game? does that refer to a 0-99 number of a full map name?
  7. That'd be awesome, if you wouldn't mind doing that!
  8. Out of curiosity, Does TD support 1,000 multiplayer maps through the EA, EB, EC, ED, EL, WA, WB, WC, WD, WL codes or can you only use EA?
  9. I guess it's undesirable to change it. Maybe we should have a map competition to see who gets the top spot (when we're running out of space)
  10. In a future version of CnCNet, I hope to take the game launching out of the game UI to a windows dialog (much like WChat). Once I've done that I can have settings from the host's conquer.ini synced with all of the other users in a game. This would allow a lot more multiplayer options to be available (such as setting player number, allowing passworded games, maybe a ladder, etc) This probably won't happen for a while though, since I'll need to do some research into jumping straight into a game (Maybe using the WChat interfaces)
  11. That's an easy fix, since I can make it so that the conquer.ini syncing code in cncnet can just set it to not show. But I guess I should get the program working again before I start messing about with big new features like that.
  12. If you don't mind, could you not use 00. Simply because I don't want a user-made map to be at the top of the list on every computer using CnCNet*. *I'm going to add a distributed map pack to the program so that everyone has the same set of maps.
  13. Yeah, I think I've actually gone ahead and done that already with my maps. Nyer, just for future reference, is there a way to bypass the LAN setup screen when making a game, Like the how westwood chat would start a game? or is it a necessary part of the process?
  14. Firstly they're called demotivational posters. secondly, I'm not sure what Tore's stance on profanity is, but you might need to take some of them out.
  15. XP is one of the worst Operating Systems still in use. Use windows 7 (or even vista) and you'll hate having to use an XP machine.
  16. Okay! Like I said, it should be up again around xmas.
  17. I would if I had the time, but you'd have CnCNet 2.0 by now if I had time >_<
  18. Irony

    CnCNet redesign Proposal

    Unfortunately I've got three ongoing assignments and 2 pay-jobs I've also got another site I'm working on for free along with CnCNet. It's difficult times. I'm hoping to get some good coding done over xmas. I'm really sorry about the delays.
  19. Irony

    CnCNet redesign Proposal

    That's a pretty nice idea. I was thinking of implementing a mysql based backend and then push all of the game hosting out of the C&C UI into a windows dialog then initiating a P2P style thing. This would be a good interim though. Once my uni assignments are finished (not long now), I'll spend a few days working this in.
  20. Sorry I had assignments and they took a lot longer than expected. If you still want it I'll try and get it to you today
  21. Don't worry! Work seems to be easing up at uni, so I may be able to get it back up in the next week or so!
  22. post a copy of the original batch file and I'll see if I can find time to write the c app tonight
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