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Everything posted by FekLeyrTarg

  1. "Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn" had lots of great voice actresses. One name which comes to my mind is Jennifer Alyx. Maybe she would be willing to help you out.
  2. Well, I'd say that, as long as C&C's modding community stays active, C&C does have a future.
  3. I don't think that the Tiberian Dawn Mod for C&C3 is dead yet. I think that the people behind it just have other priorities like real life at the moment.
  4. Those are from a Modification called "Tiberian Sun Retro". (it also has buildable light posts and light towers) http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=26 http://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberian-sun-retro
  5. There are a TD Remake for C&C3 and a RA one for RA3 already. http://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberian-dawn http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-red-alert
  6. It depends on which computer I play. Sometimes it's XP, Vista or 7. Also, sometimes it's single core only, dual core only or one PC has a single and the other a dual core.
  7. Yes, I'm playing on LAN with the LAN-Patches so I don't have to use IPX.
  8. Hi, Sometimes while playing Tiberian Sun with friends (TFD-Version and modified with TS Retro), I get a message saying "Connection Error" at some point during gameplay. I've read somewhere that it's supposed to be because one CPU is stronger than the other one and that setting the view to a black region from time to time should help. Unfortunately not this time. Any other ideas? Edit: I've forgotten to mention that I also have that problem with Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert aswell. Also, Lan-Patches have been installed on all 3 games and all have the latest patches.
  9. ATI Radeon HD4570 (512 MB), Intel Core 2 Duo T6600 (2.2 GHz, 800 Mhz FSB), 4 GB RAM.
  10. Is this a 1.06c based mod? Well, I look forward to it.
  11. I recommend that you use the highest graphics settings and the new shaders.
  12. I have Windows 7 Professional x32 and I don't have problems with Generals and Zero Hour. hmmm... may I ask which Windows 7 variant and hardware you have?
  13. Which OS do you have? WinXP? WinVista? Win7?
  14. Honestly I don't care right now since I don't have that game. And I won't buy it until it's cheaper or a Mod SDK has been released.
  15. Hey, that's one nice idea there. I second that And I third that.
  16. Uncut patches for TD, RA and TS: http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/0_files.html#ger_uncen Generals Uncut: http://www.cnchq.de/index.php?content=downloads&dl_cat=109 Zero Hour Uncut: http://www.cnchq.de/index.php?content=downloads&dl_cat=108
  17. Yes, because without the uncut patch, everything is normal. All menus, loading screens and strings are the TDR ones if the uncut patch isn't installed.
  18. Hi, I've found out that the "Full Uncut Patch Version v.2.5 (Error Free & Online Compatible) für DS0" and TDR have compartibility issues. To be more precise, instead of TDR's loading screen, menus and strings, the stock Zero Hour ones are being shown. http://www.cnchq.de/index.php?content=downloads&dl_id=1028
  19. There's also a mod which aims to convert C&C3 into a true TS sequel: Tiberian Apocalypse: http://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberian-apocalypse
  20. It's a very interesting map. I think it's worth to be remade for TD's successors.
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