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Everything posted by AchromicWhite
Didn't see these earlier, I should keep a better eye on the forum. Nice work Allen
Oh, that's cool, I'll look into that. Hey, I'm having an issue, I can't fine Hires.mix Although, I have hires1.mix... Pretty strange (considering it must be finding the pictures somewhere), where is it usually located? Actually, playing the computer isn't that bad, but they can't really every actually finish you off. They're just not coordinated enough to stop men waking into inf killing things while they use other units to kill those things etc.
Thanks, I should hope so, it took like half a week of pixel painting, lol.
Sweet, that sounds much like what I was doing, I just need to put the icons on, thanks man. Hopefully I'll have a beta ready soon so you can try it out and have a look as to what I was talking about. I warn you, it's very different to RA... but cool, IF you understand how to play... and the computer doesn't
OK, so I use this new program to change names of buildings and units and just replace SHPs to get the graphics I want?
Hm, seemed that the hospital was just really buggy, by taking it out, my game seems to run just fine, and balance of early units is quite good so far. With the way infantry is, I see no use for the commando now, and perhaps no sniper either. The infantry work as a mass effect, so it's not really worth having troops that do something special like that. I put C4 onto regular infantry, and while you'd think that's too much, it really is a challenge getting through the defenses, which, is the way I want it (that you siege a base, not just waltz in and hope to kill some stuff. Also, I'm working on having 2 types of regular infantry, offensive and defensive. One is used to fight lighter things and assault bases (gun and C4), and one is used like a blockade against tanks and heavier vehicles (gun and anti armour grenade. If the blockade infantry fail, I'll have to take out squashing but I really don't want to do that
I've re-installed, allot is now working better. Sure is strange though, I can rename units, but not buildings... Not sure why. Also, it crashes, allot, which makes it really hard to test. It seems to me to be that changing the names and images using rules.ini just makes everything unstable. Would I be better to go back to what I was doing with the images? How did you get around all this in Red Dawn, obviously many names/graphics had been changed, what's the secret?
Yeah, I've been having trouble with my .ini file, I was chatting with a guy last night about it, something's actually screwy. My understanding of how Pre Req and ownership works is fine, but my file isn't giving the right result... It's very strange. For example, for the truck, if I put - pre req=weap owner=allies,soviet No one can build it, but if I do it through tib ed, it's then letting it work. See if you can figure that one out. I'm going to reinstall the game, patch it up to speed, and then see if I can go from there, very bloody strange.
hey, big problem here... I'm editing rules.ini It's not changing in game... I save the file but it's not editing the game. Ok, it is editing... but I'm confused because I'm getting different results than using tib ed... How do you make certain teams build certain vehicles. Ok, so in your rule!.ini, you've given each sides barracks (hand of nod for nod) as a pre req for the vehicles to make sure each side gets which they want. I had this working in tib ed. So, I figure there must be a way to program it in without doing this...
hey, things can't be actually changed from tracked to not, right?
oh, and, do the image and the name have to be the same. Why would... [3TNK] Name=T-72 Image=T72 ...crash it?
Using Mix editor I'm opening Main.mix and getting the conquer.mix out and then switching the pictures around. Your way seems easier... See, this is why I needed help making this... xD Why did you think I was naming my .SHPs with the names of stuff already in the game? lol ...and, why would you want to use two? That doesn't sound bugged, that just sounds like doing something stupid crashes the game...
Where is name and image? Doesn't seem to be under the specific units... Also, I used tib ed to "undo all changes". Still crashing. I think it's my expand2 file, could a get a copy pls?
Having some problems with my game just crashing now... is this just a result of using Tib Ed? lol Should I just manually use the .ini file to mod?
hey, IF tanya ISN'T on double build (by both teams), then she works just fine coming having build pre req hospital. I built both the allied and soviet techs, on both teams. She was only available to the allies when the hospital and barracks were built. I'll try turning off double build for Tanya, and make her prereq hospital, then we can use different graphics for the 2 commandos I tried it using soviets, they couldn't build tanya and I put the general in.
New issue in the build tree, the Barracks/Tent are NOT equivalents to each other. So, you can't build a dome or the defenses off of them (remember, in regular RA, the 2 sides have TOTALLY different defenses, and everything else built off of the refinery). So, to easily sort this out, the Barracks will be taken out of the trunk of the build tree, but will still have access to it once you make coal power. Same issue with the Hospital. If you're confused, just look.
Allen, I'm still confused about using ants... You want to stay away from Aftermath units... by replacing them with units only found in Counterstrike?
Me, a modder, nah, I'm just a dreamer willing to learn. Yeah, I'm sure I could find some stuff for you to make up. I hadn't much thought through single player missions yet, but missions under these sort of rules could be quite fun. The new units work by putting a new picture over the top of the old ones and then changing the stats. They literally replace an old unit, so once we sort out exactly which unit replaces which, we can just write you a list and you'd place the corresponding unit.
Sweet, now that I've got that done I'll knuckle down into balancing with you. I'll brief you more on weapons tomorrow.
Mavericks are all fired from the choppers aren't they? make them waste tanks. Remember Helicopters are expensive and somewhat a gamble in that they're weak but pack a punch, they go down in one hit from stingers and a few shots already from rapid fire AA. On top of that they have limited ammo, so need to keep going back to base. They serve a similar roll to tanks, taking out all vehicles, except SAMs, obviously. Honestly, the only thing that tanks should beat is other vehicles, if they're killing other things, something wrong not with the tanks, but with everything else. I feel like saying, don't worry about the balance yet, there is more than one reason you're having trouble getting this to work. Firstly, you're trying to start with an idea of what things will be like by looking at RA. Don't, there will be significant changes, buildings will be more valuable, (or at least take a lot longer to build). Secondly. you're playing against AI, they don't use sight range. All those tanks should be easy to ambush with rocket men. (I've been trying to tell you the importance of sight that the AI doesn't use, this is just one reason that AI will suck to play against). The American side shouldn't be dependent on tanks early game AT ALL, the soviets should be, it's their strength. This is why I'm still against the Patton.
Make tanks kill men in two. Sorry, I'd been over allot of this in my head and hadn't posted it, since I thought I was just gonna be doing it myself. Each man represents 2, this sorts out the big issue that transport units carry so little guys. So, one man kills one man (because 2 guys shooting at 2 guys kills them both). A tank or a Jeep kills guys in 2 shots, and if we have further problems, we can look at the rate of fire of the anti infantry gun on tanks/Jeeps. IFVs should probably still kill guys in 1 shot, and have a better rate of fire, but we may still need to address this as I've made a Bradley in the past that took out men like a long range flame tank. Turrets should waste tanks, pump up the health, they're not supposed to be killed by tanks, but instead by mass troops, artillery or air power (and in the case of mass troops, while it would take a long time to kill the men (2 shots at a time, maybe even more), only rocket men or the grenades should be able to kill it, again, another reason for regular guys to have a built in grenade launcher). So the men can kill it IF they can get up close in mass... but usually someone would build a nearby tower or pillbox. To kill those you would need air power or artillery, if they had an AA gun you'd need a plane or artillery, and if they had Turret, Pill Box, SAM (Tower is supposed to be for sight, but if you against AI it's useless) then you'd need artillery. (and in this case you'd probably want advanced artillery, either the wide ranged scud or the rapid firing MLRS). To deal with the the fact that buildings shouldn't be killed with small arms, I was going to pump up the health on them, even tanks should have trouble taking out buildings, it's not what they're for. Tanks are for killing vehicles, and that's all. BUT they do this REALLY well. Prices you have there are crazy cheap for tanks. I'll work on this more once I get the Chaparral done.
Yeah, I was going to work on the weapons something like that. There is a point to be seen here though, and that is that this was a special case scenario. Front armour on a M1A1 is pretty tough stuff. And the T-72 will be available early game, where the M1A1 will not. Sorry, you said "too much" were you referring to armour or firepower? Remember, tanks will easily get killed by lots of men, tank rush wil no longer really be an option unless someone else is IFV rushing you or something of the like. You could waste someone that tries to tank rush right rocket men, turrets, and even just regular men, I'm pretty much trying to take squashing out... well, you can still squash single men etc, but tanks rushing into squads should spell their doom. (this is why I was gonna put short range grenade launchers on men). All of the warheads can be completely changed as to what they do damage to right? or is it not the case with "against infantry" which is why you're saying to use hollow point?
Sounds good, I really don't want to use ants unless I have to, especially that I pretty much have all units with full 32 frame turning. Tanks wont kill other tanks in one shot, and how fast they kill I think we'll deal with in balance. I was just thinking about the IFVs in that respect just a few seconds ago, I'm not sure, but I don't want the T-72 to be able to kill the Bradley in one shot. I suspect the Abrams should really make mince meat out of the BMP-2. Turrets will also be pretty darn deadly to anything on wheels. Again, I think we'll just have to try them out.
Cheers, thanks. Jees, I'm having more trouble with this truck than I thought, and I know I've seen a good one in another mod, I'll see the maker will let us use it. And then I'll get to work on the chaparral