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Everything posted by AchromicWhite
Recruitment, to get this mod underway. All comments are welcome. AND if someone also tells me how to make my SHPs into GIF animations (you know, with the turret going around) I'll show you my slightly edited tanks. Command and Conquer: Cold War This is a mod I've wanted to make for a long time. The Aim is to create a modern feel combat game, with more realism and bring ALL the units into play. It'd also feature an attempt to bring sight range into the game by always keeping "shroud regrows" on. Some units you would almost ALWAYS need to be fielding, while others would suit your own style of play or for dealing with certain threats. Two obvious factions, America against Russia. It should be noted that the currents units of Red Alert will have their stats wiped, this is not built FROM old RA, it's a total remake in game mechanics. Men will die from about 1 shot from anything, while tanks would be virually indestructible to small arms fire. Tanks will have no sight, while men will have brilliant sight. Tanks will destroy light vehcles, but be prone to large amounts of infantry (anti-armour) especially becuase of their lack of sight. Artilly will have extreme range and damage and buildings will be almost immune to anything not MADE to take them out. etc This is just a few examples of what will be different. This is something that I've put alot of time into thinking about already, so please, if you have questions, ask. All things with a question mark will be dealt with as the mod progresses to see how things ballance. American Units INFANTRY: Rifle inf: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: regular gun Second: Anti Armour, short range grenade launcher? Price: super cheap Tech: barracks SHP: Minigunner (TD) Used for: sight, backup fire. Grenadier: speed: slightly faster than slow? Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: regular gun Second: Anti Armour, short range grenade launcher Price: super cheap Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: edited Minigunner (TD) (added colour?) Used for: sight, duel use against men and vehicles (this unit will feature if it determined that regular infantry are TOO good with anti armour grenades built in) Dragon inf: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: Dragon Rocket Launcher Price: cheap? Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: Bazooka (TD) Used for: sight, Killing ground vehicles, especially armour. Stinger inf: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: Anti Air rocket launcher Price: cheap? Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: Edited Bazooka (TD) (added colour like grenadier?) Used for: sight, Anti Air Sniper: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: long range version of the regular gun, long reload time, more range (but not extra sight) Price: cheap Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: edited Minigunner (TD) (longer gun perhaps) Used for: sight, killing commandos and anti armour/anti air inf (so other units to move in untouched) Commando: Speed: slightly faster than slow? sight: slightly more than long Armour: 0 health: 2 shot kill? Weapon: shorter range tanya gun (more range than the average guy) Second: C4 Price: med Tech: barracks + hospital (maybe even more? not as extreme as previous games) SHP: commando (TD) Used to greatly help taking care of men, and take out buildings quickly VEHICLES: Humvee: speed: fast Sight: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: slightly more than a troop (noticeable when fighting other light vehicles) Second: TOW Rocket? (but probably none) Price: med Tech: Warfactory SHP: hummvee (TD) Transport: 2? (yes! IF someone can code RA to have any unit be made into a transport, it will carry 2 inf) Used for: early scouting, backup fire, (early inf unit deployment? YES! if possible) Truck: speed: med-fast Sight: med Armour: 0-low Health: low Weapon: 0 Price: med Tech: Warfactory SHP: truck (maybe altered, if a cooler one can be made) Used for: Infantry transport/deployment Artillery: Speed: med Sight: low Armour: low-med Health: low-med Weapon: extreme range (cruiser like), long reload time, mega damage (can kill buildings) Price: med-high Tech: Warfactory SHP: Artillery (TD/RA) Used for: backing up a team and destroying buildings MRLS: Speed: med Armour: low-med Health: low-med Weapon: extreme range (cruiser like), multiple shots, mega damage, faster reload Price: high Tech: Tech: Warfactory + tech (radar?) SHP: Non Turret version of Rocket Launcher (TD) Bradley: Speed: med Sight: low Armour: med-high Health: med Weapon: Fully automatic infantry killer Price: med-high Tech: Warfactory + tech (radar?) SHP: altered light tank (TD) (already done) Transport: 6 Used for: Transport and killing troops, a fantastic troop transport that gets your men places safely and then backs them up. Abrams: speed: med Sight: low Armour: high Health: med Weapon: Anti armour shell (will kill all vehicles, other than thanks, in one shot, tanks in 2-3) Second: slightly more than a troop Price: med-high Tech: Warfactory + tech (radar?) SHP: Altered med tank (TD) (Already done) Used for: killing vehicles backing up against inf M48 Chaparral mobile SAM: speed: med Sight: med Armour: low-med Health: low-med Weapon: Anti Air missile launcher Price: med Tech: Warfactory + tech (radar?) SHP: none Used for: protecting your units from air attacks AIR UNITS: Apache Helicopter Helicopter: speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: anti armour rockets, kill any ground vehicle in 1 hit Second: anti infantry rounds, kill any infantry in one hit Price: very high Ammo: to be decided SHP: Apache (TD/RA) to be decided Used for: killing ground units that are unprotected by anti air units A-10 Thunderbolt II: Speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low-med health: med Weapon: fully automatic anti armour rounds, will kill anything it flies over Price: very very high Ammo: to be decided SHP: Support Aircraft (TD) Used for: taking out large armour patrols, that are unprotected by anti air F15-F16?????: (maybe no jets like this...) Speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low Heath: low Weapon: one hit building killer (twin LGB) Price: very high Ammo: 2 SHP: none so far Used for: taking out buildings and single vehicles Chinook: speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: anti infantry weapon, if i can Price: very high Ammo: to be decided SHP: Apache (TD/RA) to be decided Used for: clearing out enemy troops in an area and replacing them with your own, also good to get commandos in. SHIPS: The names of the ships will be worked on to get a better representation of what they do. The prices shown here may not be very good in comparison to ground units, but the ballancing will be worked on Gunboat: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: med Health: med Weapon: anti armour deck turret Price: low Tech: navel yard SHP: Gun Boat (RA) Used for: helping defend other ship for a cheap price destoyer: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: med Health: med Weapon: rocket launcher Second: depth charge Price: med Tech: navel yard SHP: Destoyer (RA) Used for: VERY similar to a gun boat, but with added features to help it defend against submarines, and air units. Transport: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: none Price: to be decided Tech: navel yard SHP: Transport (RA) Used for: Transporting, duh Cruiser: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: high Health: high Weapon: killer, better version of the cruiser, will waste other boats, longer reload time, fires twice still. Price: high Tech: naval yard + naval tactics center SHP: Altered Cruiser (more guns) Used for: Killing anything on the grounded Submarine: Speed: low-med Sight: low Armour: low Health: low Weapon: torpedoes, fires twice (strength to be decided, but perhaps 2 torps kills a gunboat/destroyer, 4 to kill a Cruiser) Price: to be decided, very dependent in it's strength of torpedoes Tech: Naval yard + Naval Tactics? SHP: Submarine Used for: Killing ships, forward ocean scout, however, due to the low sight range, they're not very good at it... Super Sub: Speed: low-med Sight: low Armour: low Health: low Weapon: long range cruise missiles, long reload Second: torpedoes, fires twice (strength to be decided, but perhaps 2 torps kills a gunboat/destroyer, 4 to kill a Cruiser) Price: Very high Tech: naval Yard + naval tactics + more? SHP: None yet Used for: sniping bases DEFENCES: Pillbox: Sight: low-med Armour: med-high Health: med/med-high Weapon: fully automatic infantry killer (long range, but remember, shorter sight) Price: do be decided Tech: Barracks + radar? SHP: Camo Pillbox (RA) Used for: A hearty defence which stops infantry from getting into the base. Guard Tower: Sight: long Armour: low-med Health: med Weapon: fully automatic infantry killer (long range) Price: to be decided Tech: barracks + radar? SHP: Guard Tower (TD) Used for: Sight, Light defence which stops infantry Gun Turret: Sight: low Armour: high Health: high Weapon: anti armour rounds (like a tank) Price: to be decided Tech: warfactory + radar? SHP: Turret (TD/RA) Used for: Defence against vehicles, especially transports AA gun: Sight: 0 Armour: med Health: med Weapon: automatic, slowly kills air units, much better against helicopters Price: to be decided Tech: warfactory + radar? SHP: AA Gun (RA) Used for: Killing Helicopters SAM site Sight: 0 Armour: med Health: med Weapon: double Anti Air rockets Price: to be decided Tech warfactory + radar? SHP: SAM (RA) Used for: killing all air units FACTORIES: Barracks: Builds men SHP: GDI barracks (TD) maybe with an altered flag War Factory: Builds vehicles, fixes vehicles?? SHP: Warfactory (RA) Naval yard: Builds Ships and subs, heals ships and subs SHP: Naval yard (RA) Naval tactics: Not supposed to be a factory, but because it's an altered subpen, it will be able to, and also heal ships etc Hopefully I can also attach the sonar pulse to this, if I can't it will greatly change the sort of ballance you see in the ships here. SHP: Altered tech center (TD) trust me on this one. And I know people will throw sticks at the moment. Tech buildings: hospital: not only allows extra men to be built, but also heals men SHP: hospital (TD/RA) Radar: not only allows new vehicles (and perhaps helipads/airstrips) but also gives massive sight range. SHP: Radar dome or TD communications, to be decided Tech center: allows more buildings, perhaps more extreme units (Super subs, super planes etc) Space center: GPS satellite, and maybe the final tech building also, giving cruse missile silos (nukes) POWER PLANTS: Coal: Gives normal power, bigger, cheaper SHP: Advanced Power Plant (RA) Nuclear: Gives extreme power, smaller, expensive SHP: Power Plant (TD) Soviet Units INFANTRY: Rifle inf: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: regular gun Second: Anti Armour, short range grenade launcher? Price: super cheap Tech: barracks SHP: Minigunner (TD) Used for: sight, backup fire. Grenadier: speed: slightly faster than slow? Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: regular gun Second: Anti Armour, short range grenade launcher Price: super cheap Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: edited Minigunner (TD) (added colour?) Used for: sight, duel use against men and vehicles (this unit will feature if it determined that regular infantry are TOO good with anti armour grenades built in) Dragon inf: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: Dragon Rocket Launcher Price: cheap? Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: Bazooka (TD) Used for: sight, Killing ground vehicles, especially armour. Stinger inf: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: Anti Air rocket launcher Price: cheap? Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: Edited Bazooka (TD) (added colour like grenadier?) Used for: sight, Anti Air Sniper: speed: slow Sight: long Armour: 0 Health: one shot kill from anything, except pistol (2 or 3) Weapon: long range version of the regular gun, long relaod time, more range (but not extra sight) Price: cheap Tech: barracks + hospital SHP: edited Minigunner (TD) (longer gun perhaps) Used for: sight, killing commandos and anti armour/anti air inf (so other units to move in untouched) Commando: Speed: slightly faster than slow? sight: slightly more than long Armour: 0 health: 2 shot kill? Weapon: shorter range tanya gun (more range than the average guy) Second: C4 Price: med Tech: barracks + hospital (maybe even more? not as extreme as previous games) SHP: Volkov Used to greatly help taking care of men, and take out buildings quickly VEHICLES: Jeep: speed: fast Sight: med Armour: low --- one of these slightly lower than the hummer Health: low --- one of these slightly lower than the hummer Weapon: slightly more than a troop (noticeable when fighting other light vehicles) Second: TOW Rocket? (but probably none) Price: med Tech: Warfactory SHP: Ranger (RA) Transport: 2? (yes! IF someone can code RA to have any unit be made into a transport, it will carry 2 inf) Used for: early scouting, backup fire, (early inf unit deployment? YES! if possible) Truck: speed: med-fast Sight: med Armour: 0-low Health: low Weapon: 0 Price: med Tech: Warfactory SHP: truck (maybe altered, if a cooler one can be made) Used for: Infantry transport/deployment Artillery: Speed: med Sight: low Armour: low-med Health: low-med Weapon: extreme range (cruiser like), long reload time, mega damage (can kill buildings) Price: med-high Tech: Warfactory SHP: Artillery (TD/RA) Used for: backing up a team and destroying buildings Scud: Speed: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: extreme range (cruiser like), nuke style damage?, faster reload Price: high/very high Tech: Tech: Warfactory + tech (radar?) SHP: V2 (RA) APC: Speed: med Sight: low Armour: med-high Health: med Weapon: Fully automatic infantry killer??? maybe less powerful Price: med/med-high Tech: Warfactory/Warfactory + tech (radar?) SHP: APC (TD)? maybe something completely new Transport: 6 Used for: Transport and killing troops, an armoured troop transport that gets your men places safely and then backs them up. T-72: speed: med Sight: low Armour: med-high Health: med Weapon: Anti armour shell (will kill all vehicles, other than thanks, in one shot, tanks in 2-3) Second: slightly more than a troop Price: med Tech: Warfactory SHP: none yet Used for: killing vehicles backing up against inf T-80 Speed: med Sight: low Armour: high Health: med Weapon: Anti armour shell (will kill all vehicles, other than thanks, in one shot, tanks in 2-3) Second: slightly more than a troop Price: med Tech: Warfactory + radar? SHP: none yet (The T-72/T80 may later just become one tank, and each side would then just have 1 tank each) SA-6 Gainful mobile SAM: speed: med Sight: med Armour: low-med Health: low-med Weapon: Anti Air missile launcher Price: med Tech: Warfactory + tech (radar?) SHP: none Used for: protecting your units from air attacks AIR UNITS: Hind Helicopter: speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: anti armour rockets, kill any ground vehicle in 1 hit Second: anti infantry rounds, kill any infantry in one hit Price: very high Ammo: to be decided Transport:???? if I can I will Wink SHP: Hind (RA) Used for: killing ground units that are unprotected by anti air units, and transporting troops to newly cleared areas. Su-25 Frogfoot:??? maybe not to be used at all Speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low-med (probably lower than the A-10) health: med (again, maybe lower than the A-10) Weapon: fully automatic anti armour rounds, will deal massive damage to anything it flies over Price: very very high Ammo: to be decided SHP: none Used for: taking out large armour patrols, that are unprotected by anti air Mig: (maybe no jets like this...) Speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low Heath: low Weapon: one hit building killer (twin LGB) Price: very high Ammo: 2 SHP: Mig (RA) Used for: taking out buildings and single vehicles Second mig:? (maybe no jets like this) Speed: extreme Sight: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: multi role??? nuke??? Price:very very high Ammo: 1 SHP: Spy Plane (RA) Used for: to be decided The reason I put this one here is that I'd love to use the spy plane as an actual fighter jet. There is only 4 plane slots in the game though. While I'm happy with the US having the A-10 and a F15/F16, I haven't yet decided on what the soviet side will have. SHIPS: The names of the ships will be worked on to get a better representation of what they do. The prices shown here may not be very good in comparison to ground units, but the ballancing will be worked on Gunboat: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: med Health: med Weapon: anti armour deck turret Price: low Tech: navel yard SHP: Gun Boat (RA) Used for: helping defend other ship for a cheap price destoyer: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: med Health: med Weapon: rocket launcher Second: depth charge Price: med Tech: navel yard SHP: Destoyer (RA) Used for: VERY similar to a gun boat, but with added features to help it defend against submarines, and air units. Transport: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: low Health: low Weapon: none Price: to be decided Tech: navel yard SHP: Transport (RA) Used for: Transporting, duh Cruiser: Speed: med Sight: med Armour: high Health: high Weapon: killer, better version of the cruiser, will waste other boats, longer reload time, fires twice still. Price: high Tech: naval yard + naval tactics center SHP: Altered Cruiser (more guns) Used for: Killing anything on the grounded Submarine: Speed: low-med Sight: low Armour: low Health: low Weapon: torpedoes, fires twice (strength to be decided, but perhaps 2 torps kills a gunboat/destoryer, 4 to kill a Cruiser) Price: to be decided, very dependent in it's strength of torpedoes Tech: Naval yard + Naval Tactics? SHP: Submarine Used for: Killing ships, forward ocean scout, however, due to the low sight range, they're not very good at it... Super Sub: Speed: low-med Sight: low Armour: low Health: low Weapon: long range cruise missiles, long reload Second: torpedoes, fires twice (strength to be decided, but perhaps 2 torps kills a gunboat/destoryer, 4 to kill a Cruiser) Price: Very high Tech: naval Yard + naval tactics + more? SHP: None yet Used for: sniping bases DEFENCES: Pillbox: Sight: low-med Armour: med-high Health: med/med-high Weapon: fully automatic infantry killer (long range, but remember, shorter sight) Price: do be decided Tech: Barracks + radar? SHP: Camo Pillbox (RA) Used for: A hearty defence which stops infantry from getting into the base. Gaurd Tower: Sight: long Armour: low-med Health: med Weapon: fully automatic infantry killer (long range) Price: to be decided Tech: barracks + radar? SHP: Gaurd Tower (TD) Used for: Sight, Light defence which stops infantry Gun Turret: Sight: low Armour: high Health: high Weapon: anti armour rounds (like a tank) Price: to be decided Tech: warfactory + radar? SHP: Turret (TD/RA) Used for: Defence against vehicles, especially transports You really need to use artillery or air units to take these out AA gun: Sight: 0 Armour: med Health: med Weapon: automatic, slowly kills air units, much better against helicopters Price: to be decided Tech: warfactory + radar? SHP: AA Gun (RA) Used for: Killing Helicopters SAM site Sight: 0 Armour: med Health: med Weapon: double Anti Air rockets Price: to be decided Tech warfactory + radar? SHP: SAM (RA) Used for: killing all air units FACTORIES: Barracks: Builds men SHP: Soviet barracks (RA) maybe with an altered flag War Factory: Builds vehicles, fixes vehicles?? SHP: Warfactory (RA) Naval yard: Builds Ships and subs, heals ships and subs SHP: Naval yard (RA) Naval tactics: Not supposed to be a factory, but because it's an altered subpen, it will be able to, and also heal ships etc Hopefully I can also attach the sonar pulse to this, if I can't it will greatly change the sort of ballance you see in the ships here. SHP: Altered tech center (TD) trust me on this one. And I know people will throw sticks at the moment. Tech buildings: hospital: not only allows extra men to be built, but also heals men SHP: hospital (TD/RA) Radar: not only allows new vehicles (and perhaps helipads/airstrips) but also gives massive sight range. SHP: Radar dome or TD communications, to be decided Tech center: allows more buildings, perhaps more extreme units (Super subs, super planes etc) Space center: GPS satellite, and maybe the final tech building also, giving cruse missile silos (nukes) POWER PLANTS: Coal: Gives normal power, bigger, cheaper SHP: Advanced Power Plant (RA) Nuclear: Gives extreme power, smaller, expensive SHP: Power Plant (TD)
I'm hoping so xD
I agree with Nyer, I've looked at quite a few, but maps, like nowhere to hide, green acres, Emerald highlands... there's nothing on them lol
Here is my next map, hope you guys like, please comment and critic it, thanks! The more constructive comments, the better the maps! MountainConfrontation.rar
What if I push that tiberium patch top right, all the way into the topright corner, so it's away from him? Also, do you think I need more tiberium down the bottom? They seem to be a bit short down there. But then, they seem to have better terrain for deffence... Thoughts guys? -White
There is no WP6, it goes from 0-5. Which one are you talking about?
It's funny you say that NetServer, because it's a remake of Lost Arena. I always loved lost arena's layout, but it had horrible starting positions (including, in the middle, yuk), and didn't allow people to get around enough (no left bridge). I like having choke points in maps, as it allows for more field strategy, but some of the choke points in the original were totally over the top. Another issue was that it didn't have enough tiberium, as you can see, that problem is now solved I've also rearranged the fields to help balance the starting positions. Thanks for the feed back, although, I was expecting some complaints so that I could change the map to suit peoples likings... apparently, I've done a not too badder job anyway. Perhaps I'll continue this and look through more of the old maps, try and vamp them up to this sort of standard. Please continue the feedback so I can make better maps, thanks guys. -White
My new map, please comment on it before I post it. I want to do any touch ups before I post. Please comment on the tib fields and start points. -White This one is now released, scm31ea. Will probably be updated, stay tuned. Frozen_Arena.rar
Fuck I love HeroQuest...
*STARTED* CnCNet Tournament - C&C95 Double Elimination BEST OF 3
AchromicWhite replied to Ferret's topic in CnCNet Discussion
Cool. Can we get a time table up, so we all know when our first round matches are? -
*STARTED* CnCNet Tournament - C&C95 Double Elimination BEST OF 3
AchromicWhite replied to Ferret's topic in CnCNet Discussion
C&C Name: White Side: Nod Skill Level (Biased): Intermediate+ (I've progress to be made, but I feel I'm better than the average bear) What sort of times would the games be run at? remember that I'm in New Zealand, if the times are too crazy, I may have to pull out. I want to say this now as to not totally screw your tournament Cheese. -
Yeah, it works. Thanks.
Yes I did load it, will it be ok if I just restart the mission? I can see it's the mission you have right there in your picture anyway.
Mission still crashing transport looks great though
Sweet, is that now released? or are you still about to upload?
two bugs to report. 1. My A-10s don't show up, but I can see what looks like the shadow of the yak. 2. On the GDI mission where you have to defend the Adv.Comm (I'm playing the one where it's in the south), when the timer runs outs (and the mission should complete), my game is crashing.
that actually uploaded now, or still just waiting on that?
That's EPIC, I didn't actually think you'd do that! Yeah, well the fact that it is just a picture that moves around (no moving animation) is why I said, as it seemed not to hard to do, nice load/unload animation too. That looks so cool! And very CnC95 well done! Talk about how it's strange that they disappear, I remind you that the RA1 transport, the tanks etc first drive on TOP of the unit before vanishing "inside", it didn't exactly look realistic as it was anyway, at least yours LOOK like landing craft. -Liam
hey, can you change the transport to look like the landing craft in CnC1. I know it'd be weird if it was loading stuff side on, or even that they disappear, because it's open topped, and that it'd have no loading animation. Even so, I like it, pretty please? lol I suspect you've already decided against, but I thought I'd spark some tank on it. BTW, awesome mod.
I've had 2 people say that the download for full RA + CS and AM is not working. Sorry if it is, and these people are just incompetent. -Liam
Should this be posted with the downloads FOR CnCnet? This small topic is the only place this download seems to be.
Lol, you made the buggy out of the minelayer... it has a deploy icon if you hover the mouse on it XD
Ah, I tried that too, but had issues building it and not having the whole game lock up, lol. I think it had something to do with the name bugging out, or something. Nice to see it can work though, the two big issues I was having was making the Bradley and the MRLS graphics... I think someones telling me to continue my mod... *eerie silence* Oh, and Nyer, hurry up and fix it for RA modders as well!
Hey, how did you make the IFV? I was wanting to make a Bradley for my own mod, but didn't know how to make a turreted unit that also carried guys. Well, the editor I had DID allow it... but then I couldn't deploy the men back out again (minor problem... lol).
Ah, fixed my problem. When I first installed I put it into a copied folder of RA (I wasn't sure if it'd ruin regular RA). After I realised it wouldn't damage it, I installed it into the regular directory and it works fine. Cool mod btw, I do like the new units too.