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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. Ok, by popular demand, the Ore Truck front wins. With added "space" between the cab and tank. Here's the first 4 frames done... Now for the hard ones... And another 2 frames... Now up to 8, next time you see it it should be complete god this shit takes too long -.-
  2. Radar British only, that would be a twist. Of course, the main purpose of radar was to spot aircraft... and considering aircraft don't show on the map, lol.
  3. No, I don't know how to change the country names, but you can connect the airstrike to a building in skirmish, I've seen it... might have been a spy plane adaptation...
  4. You could have mobile Bell as the Chrono Tank? Else, I don't really see a way to have it in. I guess you'd just have to have the iron curtain as something for the Allies if you wanted to even the scale. Or you could give the allies the Nuclear bomb, dropped from a plane (replace the air strike) as their super weapon. But then there's still nothing for the iron curtain. Some with the MAD tank, doesn't really have a place in this... You should also make the chrono charge up quicker, else it's bloody useless, as we all know.
  5. Awesome stuff, those look great! If you want to get your hands on a premade ant--> not cycle, hit up Allen, who made the Red Dawn mod. He should be able to hook you up if you ask nicely -Liam
  6. Yeah, I agree, I've had allot of trouble getting the truck and trailer feel to it, but I'm basing it more off of a fixed cab and trailer, because that's how it's going to look as it turns. I think the main problem with the MCV front is that it's too big, the idea seems good, but in practice it just doesn't maybe give a good feel. Another point worth noting here is that the MLRS front is remap, the others currently have no remap on them at all. I was thinking that once I'd figure which of these I want to make up (if not the MLRS front) that I'd make it and then put a stripe of remap down the side of the trailer, and maybe a small dot on top. Thanks for the feedback, it all helps. -Liam
  7. Sounds cool. So Allies will get a guard tower (replace one of the pill boxes?) and then the Germans get the regular pillbox? Then allies get turret and you're not sure on Tesla... Err, maybe the Germans could get some sort of larger, long range missile turret (V2 launcher?) But yeah, any sort of long range laser thing doesn't really work for this, funnily enough. I'd say either leave the helis out or have it as a special thing for the Germans (unbuildible) flying flying saucer in a mission if you make any. I wouldn't worry too much about having 2 AA guns... at least it accurate for the time.
  8. So what happens if YOU own the nuke civi building and fire the nuke?
  9. Yeah, pretty much all the SHPs I've done previously have been at least started with something original. Thanks for the feedback. It's a tricky make... could take a long time... Anyone else have any ideas or comments?
  10. lol, same sort of problem with this one. It should be noted that there is no actual main.mix in this .rar
  11. I'd be interested to see if it works on anyone else's machine... This picture pretty much sums up the stupidity of the program. It can't find the files it's telling me it's detecting. I think it's supposed to be able to run it strait out of the MAIN.mix that comes with the download, but I extracted the files from it to give it that extra boost... didn't work.
  12. This is obviously not complete, but I wanted some feedback on it so far... Having trouble figuring what form the oil tanker should have... and how to do the trailer for that matter... Here are a few. What I've done is take the bar over the back of the TD harvester off to leave me with a rounded shape with a metallic feel to it, then erased the from of the harvester and replaced it with a few different cabs... Here is everything I've tried to far. The first 3 are using the from of the ore truck as a cab, then the next is the MLRS/SSM front, and the final one is the MCV from RA as a cab... they all look a little fucky to me... Any comments/ideas? -Liam
  13. Interesting. Most looks pretty good, although the middle and lower right mountains look a bit man made (not sure if it was intentional?) It's good to have Tiberium fields that are both pretty much captured by each player at the beginning and some that are fought over, but player 2's own Tiberium field is very small... the other 2 fields are contested, seems a bit unfair on him. Apart from that, it looks pretty good unless you wanted to spend heaps of time going around the edges of the tib fields making them to smooth them out (but I know that takes ages, and lots of people don't care xD).
  14. Is there a way to place civilian buildings in multiplayer maps in Red Alert 1? Even better if they're not owned by any of the teams (like the special team etc in TD) -Liam
  15. Sorry to bring up an old post. But would there be a way to get rid of the silo cheat where you can just make helipads/refineries (faster make buildings) and then cancel them to store more cash? (meaing people actually have to build silos? Would be better for multiplayer games, I would think. Easy enough to just not do it, if you wanted to keep the challenge in the missions.
  16. That's the mission. I guess I should play it again and count the missions... Then look up the .mix file and make sure...
  17. Yeah, I already had these pictures, but when you play Nod, you fight in Egypt twice. You return to Egypt after GDI takes it back over. The first time you fight in Egypt, it's the second mission and there's two different areas. "One of our bases in Egypt is under fire by GDI attacks from the Nile and I need you to re-enforce and rebuild..." -Kane Then he talks about the new flame tank.
  18. I have had issues with CTF, and that should be noted (like, stealing the flag and then a conyard next to it just blowing up). So a cash prize might not be good on something like this... in many ways I'm against a cash prize because I'd like to see people playing for fun and NOT taking it to seriously. This kind of 4 player match sounds like it'd be really fun, I actually wouldn't mind seeing allies in, I think that would make it that much more crazy! Starting with less cash is good too, stops early unit spams, so you have to carefully decide what you want to build, and make escalation slower, meaning you get to see each tech level played. I'm totally up for it... but live in a time zone where I'm probably not going to be able to really play it unless in the middle of a weekend where I don't have much on, and could stay up all night! xD C&C, 24 Hours a day!
  19. Maybe I'll get shot down pretty quickly with this question, but... There are 2 arrows to pick from in the overhead of Africa, but only one mission? or is something screwy here? (Or can I just not click on the right spot to get the other mission?) -Liam
  20. Oh, it's not in conquer.mix, where is it Nyer?
  21. No, I could add them... Not in the same way as they are in TD, but still could add them. Was going to be for my mod, which isn't 100% dead, although it might yet wind up being remade and renamed. xD The idea of filling up from a derrick that's on fire seemed a bit nuts... in saying that, you'd still be able to fill up from it, even it was blown up. So maybe I should just add them. In fact... I maybe could make this totally epic with all that extra room above... HMMM (stay tuned!) -Liam
  22. Posting to my Facebook xD Also, didn't see snow here, If you keep making these vids make sure you show off the new snow theater!
  23. This replaces the Gap Generator with an oil derrick. Obviously for modding, as who wants an oil derrick as a gap generator. You'll see in the gif animation that it looks like it pauses up at a couple of points, that's because the gap has 32 frames for the whole turning animation and the derrick only has 14, and 14 doesn't go into 32, so some extra frames have to be fitted in (2 double ups per full turn of the derrick). And here it is! RAOilDerrick.rar
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