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Everything posted by AchromicWhite
Changing Building Foundations (ARDA)
AchromicWhite replied to DarkVen9109's topic in Modding Discussion
What shape do you want your new PP? To make it just 4 squares X=Foundation B=Bib (dirt in front of building) XX XX BB You'd scroll down in rules.ini under power plant, I think it's called [powr] and put. Foundation.Cell0=0,0 Foundation.Cell1=0,1 Foundation.Cell2=1,0 Foundation.Cell3=1,1 If you wanted it to be shaped like the TD power plant X=Foundation O=Updated B=Bib (dirt in front of building) XO XX BB Note that the GRAPHICS of the TD power plant is also on the O space, but that you can still walk and build there, that the foundation doesn't cover this space. Foundation.Cell0=0,0 Foundation.Cell1=1,0 Foundation.Cell2=1,1 Foundation.Update0=0,1 (you use this so that the graphics don't bugger up when units move onto this square) -Liam -
Changing Building Foundations (ARDA)
AchromicWhite replied to DarkVen9109's topic in Modding Discussion
You install ARDA and use the rules.ini and aftrmath.ini files to mod the characteristics of the game. If you don't have these, you'll need them for just about any mod. http://ra.afraid.org/html/downloads/ini.html -Liam -
Changing Building Foundations (ARDA)
AchromicWhite replied to DarkVen9109's topic in Modding Discussion
He already had it, it just wasn't described how to actually write it into the rules ini in his manual -.- -Liam -
Changing Building Foundations (ARDA)
AchromicWhite replied to DarkVen9109's topic in Modding Discussion
Yeah, the way the ARDA manual i written, you'll never figure it out. I had to go talk to AlexB to to get the details. I'd hoped he'd have updated it, after I pointed out there was no way to figure it out, but looking at the manual now, it's clear he hasn't. It's easierst to see with an example. Here's my refinery. It doesn't have the top square and the bottom 2 squares (center and right, bottom, that is) are left open so that the harvester can drive on them. For the squares the harvester drives on, you'd usually use [buildingType]?Foundation.ExtraSpaceX= to fill in the gap, but because I'm sill using a bib, there's no need for it. The three squares along the top are all open as well, but you can drive and walk behind them. X=Foundation Z=updated ZZZ XXX XZZ Here's what you'd need to write in rules.ini Foundation=3,3 Foundation.Cell0=0,1 Foundation.Cell1=1,1 Foundation.Cell2=2,1 Foundation.Cell3=0,2 Foundation.Update0=0,0 Foundation.Update1=1,0 Foundation.Update2=2,0 Foundation.Update3=1,2 Foundation.Update4=2,2 If the bib was off, you'd need: Foundation.Placement0=1,2 Foundation.Placement1=2,2 Hopefully you can see how you have to write it out now. If you have further questions, just ask me. -Liam -
But then I could MOD Dune 2000 and make it better. Actually make each team reflect the strength and weakness they should have. Plus the dune setting it kinda cool. -Liam
I know I've talked about this before, and I was told that dune 2000's LAN systems basically sucked. But I'm still hoping to see it added to CnCnet eventually, if/when someone wants to patch the crap out of the game, which probably wont come from any of the programmers already here, but from someone else that may turn up and want to see it done. I found this LAN patch for it http://d2kplus.com/ipxtoudp.php Not sure how much, or if it helps at all. But let me know what you guys think and if you want to go ahead. I suspect there are a few that might like to play Dune 2000 online. -Liam
RA Multiplayer Mod - "Tiberian Alert" - by Ferret
AchromicWhite replied to Ferret's topic in RA Multiplayer Maps
Yeah, update the maps and get them up so that people can try them out Dakota. Pretty hard to get your mod to take off when people can't download them it! Also, it means that the latest version is up... then you can go be lazy. -Liam -
Since I already did it to put it onto my RA mod, I'll post it up for you Chad. Should be flawless... -Liam missmakeRA.rar
Will do Kilk, I think I'd make a full little txt file for the credits that will be packaged with the mod in the RAR
That, is, fuckn, amazing... WOW Want, to, put, it, in, my, mod... LOL Seriously though, can I put this into my mod? -Liam
Yes, arda can make the ant units have 32 facings and have turrets. I'd say look at the stnk.shp (phase transport) for the facings/frames. New inf is cool, but just note that they all have about 400-500 frames each. So doing anything more than a few pixels change, can take a LONG time.
As the Red Alert engine stands, only 3 unit spaces (as you can only replace units, not create new ones) have the ability to carry troops, the APC, supply truck and Phase Transport. Also, because this has a turret, it would have to go over the Phase Transport because that's the only one out of those three that has turret and transport capability. That is, unless you use ARDA http://www.stuffhost.de/files/redalert/arda.html A Red Alert, modders add on. Then you can add turrets to any unit. This SHP does NOT have the extra frames of it loading and unloading though so it currently it would cause graphical errors if you tried to do that. But that wouldn't be that hard to change, really.
Tiberian Dawn - Madness Beach (single player)
AchromicWhite replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Cool map man, took me a couple of tries to get used to it, but then it was all down hill for nod... although, they seemed to be getting less reinforcements after a while. Is that supposed to happen? Also, what if, instead of just starting with a load of tanks, you started with more of a variety of units (more humvees, men and Mobile Rocket Launchers. Maybe more variety for nod units then also, like maybe some stealth and flame tanks, (although, admittedly, the stealth tank would probably not be that good, or be the sort of thing used in a beach head assault)... so maybe just more flame tanks xD -White -
Tiberian Dawn - Madness Beach (single player)
AchromicWhite replied to MattAttack's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
This actually looks really cool. I'll have to try it out. Wow, AI MCV, I thought that was impossible! -
It's pretty much the same mod, but I'm building from scratch, (maybe gonna change the name) using arda, and rebalancing. Yeah, I know how to make to work, but I'm gonna recompile the game, and use arda, and the small inf patch. etc BTW, you should update red dawn with arda, you can not only make all the vehicles turn properly and squash when they should/shouldn't, but you can make the MLRS/SSM turret work almost correctly and even make an orca that doesn't have a rotor and even "tilts" when moving... Even the building shapes can be altered so that the PP and comm center has the top right corner lopped off and you could probably make the adv comm and adv pp the right size etc...
So, on a different, (but still related) note: What inf COULD be used for the Russians as an anti inf, squad support, weapon (inf held)
DAMN YOU ALL! lol This is what happens when I don't have feedback to get from people in chat
Anti TANK? surely not... How would that piece of shit punch through modern tank armor?
Well, firstly, the little white rocket on the end... But assuming you mean in game play. He's gonna act more as the grenade guy for the Russians. Remember, this is not an anti-armor weapon, this is a Rocket Propelled GRENADE.
Yup, I know, the M16 does a 3 round burst Note the gun in this picture is the M249 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M249_light_machine_gun, which is used as a machine gun for squads (SAW, Squad Automatic Weapon) So now you can make realistic American squads (boo ya!)
I noticed you were using some of my stuff (which is cool, because I released them to the public to be used), but you really should have credited people that made stuff that wound up in your mod. Those SHPs, especially the frogfoot, took days of pixel painting to make and look smooth. I could understand if you didn't know who made them, but even if you just credited "white" or "whiteshoes-n-gloves" I don't think it'd matter. and considering I'ma registered member here, it wouldn't have been hard to message me. Anyway, I don't mean to rant, it's a cool mod.
Here he is, not only does he have a blue belt to help ID him as NOT a regular rifleman, but also the firing animations show him using his weapon as a fully automatic gun. Frames replace the Flamethrower inf. RAR contains the 566 frame SHP and the lovely smooth icon. LightMachineGuninf.rar